Part 43: Goin' down.
Update 43:
I said I would first grind a mantraset. And there it is. Fully ground.

Serph gets to learn the last Earth tree mantra.

Heat gets the rather useful Diarahan (fullheal for a single character) and Petradi, which cures the Stone affliction.
Stone is very bad, you know.

Argilla gets DEATH FLIES and Repel Element.
Repel Element is a passive skill, damn good shield.

Gale, the same as Serph.

Cielo, well, very very useful things.
Especially Mind Charge and Magic Repel.

Would you just look at this. That is a lot of magic.
144 points of magic, in fact.

And after using no more than 20, Serph is maxed out.

How very nice.

Serph even poses.

14 is all that takes for Argilla to be the mos obscene magic caster. Again.


Heat, on the other hand, takes 33.
That's quite a lot.

But that along with mantras, makes him a more rounded character and actually viable once more.
But goddamn, he needed more than 30 Noises.

Gale gets the leftovers.
Not Cielo.

His magic is now positively anemic when compared to Serph, Argilla and Heat.
But eh, that's how the cookie crumbles.Later I may or may not decide to grind another mantraset and max out Gale and Cielo's Magic.
Actually, I think I will.

Time to go to the Center. The Karma Temple.

Agressive. That's what the guards are. They are also pieces of cake by this point.

Their stats may be hidden, but they die like everything else with enough application of DEATH FLIES.

Unfortunately, they do have MaRevert.

And they cannot be eaten.

"Was th-that really the right thing to do?"
Meanwhile, inside:
Sera does things. (Gamevee)
She remembers. She knows. (Viddler)
And she is sad because of it. (Youtube)

The guards try to stop Sera.

But they are not effective.
Sera has HAX powers. At a much higher scale than Varin did. Varin knew some things and he remembered, but he did not understand.
Sera does. Sera knows and remembers.


That is not just an empty line.

Notice how the hoods are very similar to Gale's hood.
Also, they appear to be wearing standard Junkyard suits underneath the... Cloak?
And the icon. That is the Angel's icon.

They do not exactly obey.
They are unable to stop Serph and the others.
Back out!

"Ever since I received the Atma, I can hear, or... feel... it.
It tells me that my true name is James Mason.
I hate to ask you this, but...
Can you do me a favor?
If you find a girl... named Amelia, I need you to tell her something for me."

"Thank you.
Just tell her... 'Please be happy.'
That's all."

And then he leaves.
This is not relevant until the next game.

They ain't seen nothin' yet.

We're de kings now, ja?"
Oh Cielo.

Is she going to accomplish what she came for... Alone?"
Not at all.

No wonder Heat gets stomachaches.

And so the Karma Temple is now open.
And hostile.

Ah, two more.

They tend to fall down quickly, now.

Sera's been walking kind of slow, to only be there now.

And the Disemination Machine shows its true purpose. To be an elevator.

Sera goes inside.

The Dissemination Machine still works, though.

Well, the elevator is active, so why not use it?

Maybe that wasn't such a hot idea.


Instead of goin' up, it is DOWN.

The Sea of Milk.

"Stage 1 process of repurifying discarded information currently in progress...
Information of destroyed Asuras will be recycled in the Sea of Milk."

You are an Asura, Cielo, don't be silly.
And Stage 1 means that it is just the beggining.

When trying to go to the elevator near the left side...
The Churning Rope of the Sea of Milk, Vasuki (Gamevee)
Doesn't show its best skill, Hima Alaya, though. (viddler)
The battle is short, though. Overpowered, the party is. (Youtube)


Needless to say, the party does not obey.
And Heat gets to participate! Hooray!

And with that, Vasuki is dead.

Oh yes.
Might have to come back and grind a lot for Vit noises later, though.

And so, the party has to ascend from the tower's basements.