Part 52: Huang Long.
Update 52:
It is time to go back to the Karma Temple, but not for the last time, oh no. Definitely not for the last time.
There is a change there. This guy was not in that state before.
"I d-din't talk, but... this is what... he did to me...
He went into the... Temple."
Well then, it is clear that Serph and company must do the same, also.
Karma Terminal 4.
Why must it be so far from the target.
And with this, Serph becomes even more goddamn broken. Nulls EVERYTHING.
Ailments, physical, magic. Almighty is left alone, but that does not matter. Not at this point.
Hello broken.
Really good stats, too.
And tops it off with a random increase.
I am finding it strange. Heat has more magic points than Argilla. That shouldn't happen.
A group of 3 Ongyo-Kis. These dudes drop Power Noises.
They used to be rare backups of an already rare encounter (the other 3 Ki onis at the same time), so if I wanted to, I could possibly grind for Power Noises in this area.
I don't want to. And they are fairly rare encounters, anyway.
See? They drop Power Noises.
Well, that is ominous.
Except that not really, something, in order to just be able to get up here, would have to be able to obliterate the Karma Temple Guards.
That is not exactly very impressive, but we'll see.
"Phys Repel
Attack All"
Attack of the sudden REALLY suckening of the screenshot quality. Damn.
This is the area where the second to last optional boss lies. It is not the hardest fight in the game, but it has a few tricks up its sleeve.
Not that they matter with my overpowered party members anymore, though.
Geez, I won't use that filter anymore.
Seriously, that is just not good.
Huang Long (Gamevee)
Also known as Kohryu, if I recall correctly. (Viddler)
Bigass Dragon (Youtube)
Megaten Wikilink
"I shall devour you, and savor the climb to Nirvana.
Bring it on!"
And as the battle starts, we can see a dithering effect on the eyes.
Could it be that I have electrical interference in my cables? I think I'll have to check if the effect is the same with a Wii capture or something.
The yellow dragon is clearly very huge. And an imposing sight.
But he tends to use massively shitty attacks, like this.
This other one, on the contrary, is not a shitty attack at all.
Does a relatively big amount of damage (more without obscene magic stats), but what's worse: Inflicts every possible ailment on the members that get hit and have no defenses (example, Heat).
Cielo is a big no-no on this one.
Heat was not protected.
And it is an almighty attack, it damaged Serph.
When it does that, it changes its elemental affiliation.
It has modes for every element, another for Almighty/Attack, where he goes all-out on you, but receives double damage.
And one for defense.
I don't think I faced the defense mode.
Its regular attack hits with Almoghty. Low damage, but hey that's cheating.
It uses these two rarely, but when he does it is annoying.
Oh yes. Very damaged now. He is going down.
Not with the Black Sun, though, not this time.
And so, everything allocated at the moment is mastered.
Ice Resist"
Force Resist"
Oh my.
That is also nice.
Needs more vitality.
More luck, goddamnit.
The last of the Orbs has been located and acquired. This one was not within the corpse of the protector.
This unlocks something. Let's go to a Karma Terminal.
Goddamnit that is EXPENSIVE.
Celestial Ray may be worth it, but I seriously don't think Phys Absorb would be that good.
Can't afford it, though.
Argilla also unlocks something that can't be afforded at all.
So in the end, Cielo gets the mantra he always wanted.