Part 55: Introductory cutscenes.
Digital Devil Saga 2
Okay, Digital Devil Saga 1 ended. The Junkyard was deleted.. Everyone but Serph and Sera was last seen floating in a white void. Sera was seen in some sort of egg, covered with tubes .
Serph was seen walking in a setting completely different from the Junkyard.
Digital Devil Saga introductory video (Gamevee)

The Black Sun.

Statues. And a deserted store?.
This seems quite a bit like a very different post apocalyptic wasteland.

They look almost like if they were trying to get away from something, and were rendered immobile suddenly.

Well that is more than fairly creepy.

Suddenly, Serph is surrounded by unknown men clad in white, with batons and a shield.

That does not bode well for them.

Serph finishes the act intended by the statue.

And proceeds to kick the collective asses of his assailants.

But the one with the shield has something up his sleeve.

He has a demon form!
Clearly this new world Serph is in is not so much of an improvement over the previous one.

Fortunately, Serph is more than capable to become a demon in this world as well.

People watching the Black Sun under a protective canopy.

And, Angel is there?

Oh yes. She is.

Heeey, something that was missing from the Junkyard.

This dude is clearly pleased by his booze.
Just look at that bunch of bottles in the background.

Gale dispatching those soldier guys efficiently.

Does he comprehend?


Or something worse?

Sera, apparently, gets the ability to transform as well.


Cielo flies.

Serph tears apart.

Argilla is losing against a gigantic thing.


Data flows through the parabollic antennae.

Serph, Sera, Argilla and Heat? Dressed like doctors and a nurse? With different hair color?

Huh, that certainly did not happen in the first game.

Heat being Heat.

Creepy enemies?

A black kid with Sidekick McHat's hat. Or a similar one, anyway.

And Argilla saving him.

Serph and THE CAT staring at the sun. That can't be good for their eyesight.
And so ends the intro.

Let us commence.
DDS 2 Pregame introductions (Gamevee)
Recap, exposition, and such things. (Viddler)
WELL, the first game did the same thing, so it is okay. (Youtube)

Hm. Kids running around, dressed like the Embryon?

And with the same names, too. Normal hair colors, though.

Unrecognized voice.

Heat is not a redhead anymore?
He keeps the cape, though.

That one on the left is clearly Gale, then, but who is that one on the right?
And who is holding their hands?

Hm. A black man?

A black man called Fred, clearly.


KidGale is clearly as baffled as I am towards that revelation.
Also, he has blue eyes, not green, unlike the Gale we all know and do not comprehend.

Is that Angel?

Which would explain certain SMT mainstays, such as holding demon familiars on computers.

I don't recognize the letters used.

That also ties in VERY nicely with things shown in SMT 2 and 3. Thought and emotions, and belief shaped and gave life to demons and gods. The emotional energy is what gives demons their power.

KidGale's right eye is freaking me out.

Those of you that have read All Star Superman can start drawing conclusions from there. Seriously.
And now, for something on an entirely different tone.


Certainly not playing videogames for the internet, no, that is a perfectly reasonable and productive way to pass time, indeed!

Considering the tone of this cutscene, that is a fair assumption.

Solar data. Solar Noise. Data being the building block of the world. A "virus" in the previous game, and entire world being deleted.
See a pattern there?

Well, that does explain the statues.

Sounds rather similar to SMT2's setting, doesn't it?

Those people in white are clearly up to no good. It is clear because Serph and company were opposing them in the intro. And they are the good guys, aren't they?

The cat. What is the cat's significance?


And so, the flashback ends.
Time to go to a nonflashback thing.

Huh. The cat. The cat was oddly absent from the destruction of the Junkyard. And it is there. What is the significance of this feline?
Take notice of the "bells".

Gale is there, interacting with an element not present in the junkyard. Kids.

Or does she? She did know more than it seemed she did, in the end.

Karma Society?

Gale is clearly as baffled as I am. Again.

Uh. No?

Ah, so not much is changed from the settings change.

There will be a lot of devourin' to do!

Well, how could one know, when one does not know ANYTHING about that world's story?

Why does she use sunglasses everywhere?

Serph does not bother to make his presence known. Silent bastard.

Kind of a loser is better than total loser.

The kid in pink is clearly pleased by that.

Oh Serph, you and your lack of information about that kind of stuff.

I don't think they ever had the chance on DDS1 :P

Amusing how the game doesn't let Serph say a single line, eh?

Oh boy! Gameplay time!
But that'll wait for the next update.