Part 56: Occupied Sector
Update 02

"We need to find Sera. I'm sure she can explain this."

If we can find Sera, I'm sure we'll run into everyone else.
They'll be fine."

I'm sure they can take care of themselves, but..."

"We're in Society territory now, but things are still okay on the other side."

"But, you sure don't know much about the Society, even though you can change into demons and everything.
Where did you guys come from?"
Let us explore the new surroindings.

"They're around here somewhere... Keep searching!"
Clearly, they are hunting the party. And/or random people. That does not bode well.

Aww. From being able to destroy deities in one hit, to not being (so) much of a threat. Oh well. Let's see the stats and such.

That is kind of a disappointment.

On the other hand, they DO have almost all the skills acquired on the previous runthrough of DDS2. A complete skill list will be posted in a future update.

But clearly, there is a bigger variety of skills in this one, example, this.

This should be an appropriate skillset for Serph for now, it'll certainly make things easier.
Particularly the Auto Soma.

Argilla mostly keeps the stuff she had by default.

Gale keeps both default skills, but gets a spell and a passive one. Serph is clearly going to be the one that will deal the most damage.

Item boxes are different, they kind of remind me of System Shock 2 boxes, for some reason.

Another thing not present in the Junkyard.

Karma soldiers?

There are things posted on the walls. Let's read them.

So it is like skin cancer. Only much, much worse?

Selection theory? Social darwinism, maybe?

Outside, but still underground.

Kind of an useless sign, don't you think?
Or does it say that the building is empty and ready to be occupied by new tenants?
I dunno.

There is no free exploration here. It is an introductory dungeon, after all.

"We haven't really figured out how to use 'em yet.
But, uh... You guys are free to try, if you want."

Oh boy! Terminals!

Don't they look like SMT1 Terminals somehow?

Let's try to get a mantra. EVEN IF Serph has not mastered that one.

Agh. That is no fun.
Let us continue.
The first fight. (Gamevee)
Seriously awesome music. (Viddler)
Sorry for the choppiness, I was taking screenshots while recording. (Youtube)

Tuning = The act of becoming a demon, apparently. The karma Society soldiers have tha capacity, except that their demon forms are nowhere near as strong as the Embryon members'.

Oh Gale.

And that is Andras, Great Marquis of Hell.

Serph follows suit and SailorMoons it this time.

The Andrases are so fucked.

They count as boss fights, I guess.
But they fall. Easily.

Oh boy!

They are about to get more fun than they bargained for.


Megaten Wikilink about it.

Argilla levels up this time.

So, she puked something from her breasts and THAT makes Serph a happy man.

Aww, they scared the underground dweller.

"We need to head straight north from here.
That's where you'll find Roland. C'mon, let's go."

Interesting barricade.

Huh. They also have those distortions out of the Junkyard.

Certainly not their fingers.


Not particularly useful Wikilink.

And a Kelpie!


They do not fare particularly well against Serph's overpowered skills.

There are many enemies that are weak against guns in this one. The newgame+ Human skill is rather useful for some areas/fights.

Oh yes.

No amusing reaction this time, though.

Hua Po!


And now Gale has the funny reaction.

Aw, isn't that adorable?
No, it is not.

oh boy more Karma soldiers.

Fortunately, Serph has no need to use Ice skills. At all.

One shotted them both.

How convenient.

And a small terminal. How convenient, also, that the Karma Society installed a bunch of these all over the place.