Part 57: Introducing: New bullets and rings.
Update 03:

The very next battle after that, Argilla levels up. Luck is getting surprisingly high, with Magic not being like 10 points over everything else.

"It's only a matter of time, now."

Oh boy. A lonely Karma Soldier. Something tells me this will not go well for him.

But again, it counts as a boss encounter.

Kind of gross, isn't he?

The fight allowed Gale to increase his stats.

Isn't he nice?

Oh hey, a television set.

And what appears to be booze.

Would be much, much more useful if Serph did not have Auto Soma, and Argilla did not have a neverending supply of Dia.

Oh boy! A book!

"I went outside tonight to see my mom and dad again. It looks like when they turned to stone, my dad was trying to ptotect my mom...
His head was shattered, but I can still tell that it's him.
I am going to find the pieces of his head, and put him back together."

Missing File: Img0036.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Timmy won't need this, will he?

Laaaaaame ambush.

Bugaboos are useless now.

Balance in all things, or somesuch.

And yet, she stays there. Forever.

New old enemy!
No enemy images because Waffleimages is refusing to accept them at the moment. Shame.


That's more like it.

"But, we can't go out there. Since the sun got screwed up, anyone who goes outside gets the Cuvier Syndrome.
... Their bodies turn to stone. I'm not even sure if they're dead or alive.
I hop they're alive, though... My dad... He's out thete, too."

"I guess demon bodies are immune to the effects of sunlight. I'm a little jealous."

They are more abundant, eh?

This is it. The black Sun waits for them.

... It's too bright, I can't look at it.
That thing's the reason Fred and the others can't live outside? If this is Nirvana, I think I prefer the rain of the Junkyard."

Why would those with Atma not be succeptible to the effects of the Black Sun?
The Black Sun transforms people into stone because of corrupted solar data, why are those with Atma protected?

Callous, eh?
But it would, for them, be a horrible waste of food.
The Karma Society's methods of food acquisition are not sustainable.

Health items are ALWAYS, always appreciated. They are very useful.

Oooh, what's this?

A bullet!

In this game, there is another new item type: Rings.
The rings have various effects, and, with the skills, a list of those that have been acquired (in the previous playthrough) shall be posted. Not in this one, though.

A bullet with twice the power. Useful.

This is a very, very useful ring.
It prevents Mudo skills from one-shotting your entire party. It is invaluable.
And it is acquired by beating Beelzebub on the previous game.

Argilla can use this one for now.

Gale could use this, too.
Missing File: Img0093.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Insistant, ain't they?

Rings, besides having nice effects, can boost stats with the use of gemstones. That is rather nice, I think, and shall be used later.

Another small terminal.
I guess this is a good spot to end this update.