Part 60
Update 06
This is better seen on video, it is a single cutscene. A longish one.
And it is pretty good, in my opinion.
Roland and Gale negotiate (Gamevee)
Things get explained. (Viddler)
Other things, do not. (Youtube)

Ah, booze.

Bourbon, whiskey, and other sort of alcoholic drinks.

Pouring one for the guests, eh? But just one. There are only two glasses set up.
And his hands shake.

Missing File: Img0114.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
And that would be a fair assumption, since he is a guy that can turn into a demon. And is wearing rather weird clothes.

Argilla decides to try a little firewater.

With the expected results.
Missing File: Img0118.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Roland may or may not know more about the Embryon's origins than them themselves.
But he does not know all.

That isn't a newbie friendly laptop, or it is a VERY worn out one. All the keys have lost the identification marks.

The same identification label that was written on the Sea of Milk room.

Missing File: Img0127.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
It means that it would have been something that Raiden could use, I guess.Missing File: Img0128.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Missing File: Img0129.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Fred is right, but so is Roland.

Missing File: Img0132.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Oh boy.

Man stole wisdom from God?
I do not comprehend.

Oh boy.

Something tells me that we have seen more than one person that is in that picture.
Missing File: Img0146.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact


That is probably a relevant question.

Missing File: Img0159.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Missing File: Img0168.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

There is far more than that to explain why she cared for them.

There it is. The people of the Junkyard gained emotions solely because the demon form is triggered by emotion. Argilla was about to go berserk.

Missing File: Img0173.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

But Gale intervenes just in time.

Missing File: Img0181.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

There it is not just a question of faith. There is evidence.
Missing File: Img0183.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

How the hell would they? They weren't even in that particular world by then.

Well, shit. That one is Varin.

Missing File: Img0191.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Since Varin claimed to be that Colonel Beck character, it is evident that the inhabitants of the Junkyard were more than that.
Let's not forget the endless references to past lives, there is something fisy going on there.

Trademark anime shock reaction shot.

Missing File: Img0204.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Gale cuts to the cheese.

Missing File: Img0211.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Missing File: Img0214.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

The tension increases.
Missing File: Img0216.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

They first overwrote the data of someone there. And then they were afraid. It would be a comprehensible fear, since they DO need a constant stream of flesh to consume.
And then, evne without that, they CAN go berserk.

Gale has changed.

Or did he?
He served his purpose, to make Gale change

Missing File: Img0227.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Missing File: Img0235.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

He will need something stronger than that.

"Our informant should be there with further details."
Missing File: Img0239.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

"I heard you need to use it to download mantra, or... something."

"Now hurry up and earn it."

oh boy
That means that in the next update, there shall be a mantra and skill list.