Part 62: Angel's nature revealed.
Update 08

Entering the Underwater Cable, at last. Hooray another dungeon!

This one, while moderately annoying, is a step up from the previous one, in my opinion. But it is still a pretty boring romp through a dungeon. At least there is mantra access now.

As expected, it is has a lot of treasures. Some useful, some useless, let's see which kind this one is.
Missing File: Img0004.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Curse. Always annoying, deals the same damage your character does to an enemy to your character. There is a ring that increases the damage done when cursed, but it is not worth it.
This one will probably get less use than the DisCurse.
Missing File: Img0006.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
How very convenient. A sign pointing to the right direction.
And ladders. Several places in the underwater cable have caved in, so alternate routes have to be found.

When activated, it opens the huge gate. Obviously, there will be some in the future that won't be as easy to deal with.

"My little bro should be around here somewhere... So just let him know if you have any trouble."

This item is always well received. Their definite replacement is far too expensive, and that is only made worse by the increased cost of the mantras.
The mantra grind on DDS 2 is FAR MORE brutal than on DDS1.

Oh boy he is walking by himself. That means it is CUTSCENE TIME.
Cuvier and Angel (Viddler)
And a surprise guest. (youtube)

Missing File: Img0022.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Oh boy. Someone is inside a bacta-fluid tank.

And it is no one else than Sera. Oh my.
Missing File: Img0028.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
She is quite developed for a seven year old.Missing File: Img0029.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Angel wants to get rid of Sera? The Embryon won't be happy about that developement.

Wait what.

Missing File: Img0033.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Her own body, or Sera's?
Missing File: Img0035.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Ah, Margot Cuvier. For some reason she reminds me of a Dune character. Guess what character would that one be.

Her plans, foiled.

Missing File: Img0042.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

What could that information be? In any case, any sort of data lost by the Karma Society can't be good for their plans. Their opposition could've intercepted it, and could use it against them.

That will clearly not be enough.

After that short exchange, Margot Cuvier and the unnamed soldier leave, leaving Jenna Angel (confirmed as a dickgirl now) alone with hir thoughts.

Even if Angel is the second most important person on the Karma Society, Cuvier still does not confide all her decisions to hir. That can't be good.
And then, a noise.

What was there?

Let us see what was there.

Why, it was no one else but our old friend, the mysterious feline.
That cat is clearly more than it looks.

That road is clearly in a pathetic state of disrepair.

We will eventually find out. But for now, a last image.
So far, in this place, there hasn't been a single random encounter. That is about to change.

So, is this or is this not the only Megaten game not happening on Japan?