Part 65: More party members? yes please.
Update 11
Once more, thanks to Syrg for hosting the images while Waffleimages is having problems.

HP Data works exactly the same as HP noise. Serph gets it.

Plants are unusable items, they must be sold. And they are amazingly helpful when it is time to get new mantras, especially in the late game.

Oh no, not a restricted area sign. That will surely stop the Embryon on its tracks.
They meet up with someone at the end of the tunnel (Viddler)
And there's more than just one small surprise for them there (Youtube)

There is a guy dressed in white.

Stylish high collar, eh?

The Embryon sure knows how to be menacing towards a nerd.

Oh no!

Notice: He has Angel's symbol in his necklace.

Yes. The internment facility produces something.

Create the distraction first, use the commotion to sneak on their weakened base. Or something.

That's not the voice of a member of the Embryon.

Clearly, after drinking more, Roland has made some rather brash decisions.

For example, that. That is not just a tattoo.

Gale has changed. Ever since he met Lupa, he values honor more than any other thing.

They all share the Embryon's colors.

And that is more than fairly awesome, you know.

That's quite an offer, I'd say. Also: Roland is awesome.

Oh hell yes.

"I see honor in his eyes."

"Taking care of the Cyber Shaman is delicate work."

And now there are five possible party members.

Cielo and Roland are part of the team now.

Cielo's weakness has been seriously toned down in this installment, he is a viable character, and VERY useful in certain fights.

Roland himself is pretty damn awesome, and he starts (in a regular game) with several elemental mantras already learned. His demonic form is quite awesome, as well.

(I hadn't noticed this particular button before. Don't know why)
The question is: What party should be used on the next section?
The backup characters will have Shared Karma, obviously, but which ones should be at the front?
Also: Mantra grid status for the new two in the next update.