Part 88
Update 34
Missing File: dds001.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Oh boy. A trap.Missing File: dds002.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

But what a pathetic trap it was, they are one shotted by Materazi.

Loot is not too bad, though.

The rest of the area is kind of boring. Let us advance.

This is the code that must be entered in the Level 5 door.

And here is the equivalency table. So Abyss, eh?
Let's see what that makes.

There it goes. THat could've been less annoying, but hey, it was easy.

A Small terminal very very near. That must mean there's something big nearby.
Indeed there is, and it is rather gross. (Youtube)
It is THAT encounter that was referred before. (vIDDLER)
Warning: Cielo speaks a whole lot. (Veoh)

Hey, it is our good friend Ubelluris!

He has clearly not taken enough care of his teeth, though. That can't be healthy.
Missing File: dds017.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Oh boy. He ate them.
And in human form.

Argilla is clearly not pleased by that.
She is not pleased at all by the dehumanization of that particular individual.

Probably, but one can not know for sure.

Waste not, want not.

Bah, that Cuvier Syndrome sufferer was probably rather brittle anyways!

Indeed! There's also luck, Agility, Magicand other things to be considered! Heat has not learned that lesson either.

Cielo's weaknesses are also less exploitable in this one.

He becomes a rather gross thing.

Abbadon possesses the weaknesses and attributes of all of the Trihubhvana, one at the time. Clearly, he starts in the Ubelluris mode.

Strong physical attacks, Earth shielding, and no spells.

Missing File: dds041.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Unfortunately, Cielo lacks the Synchro ring, so he gets kicked out.

Missing File: dds044.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

And so he does.

When Abbadon uses Bellow, his attributes change, and he switches with another member of the Trihubhvana.
Missing File: dds051.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
In this case, Ganga, I believe.

If he has received enough damage when eating someone, he spits them out with no ill effects.


Because I know how to abuse the system (and/or am overlevelled)

Omnomnom and such.

Unfortunately for me, Roland was the one that had the Fire spells. That is not good.

If not enough damage has been dealt when he is eating someone, he pukes them out with a rather nasty attack, and leaves them with 1 HP.

Doesn't take too long after that to kick its ass, wherever that may be.

Cielo is too disgusted to even eat that guy.
Missing File: dds081.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

He leaves, bummed out after that.
Will we ever see this guy again?

Who knows, but that was gross.