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Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

by Luisfe

Part 93: Guarded Terminals

Update 39:

A revival gem, they are useful since I don't have a single chracter with Recarm or Recarmdra activated. They are a must get in any Megaten game.

And now, some ring setting.

Hooray for the random gems.

Sometimes one gets a gem that has a bigger stat increase than what was advertised, that is always a good thing.

Gems and rings are a good way to address imbalanced stat growth, since now all the levelup stat growth is fully automatic.

Gale's luck is sufficient now, but could still be better.

It surprises me that Cielo has less luck than Gale.

Even with the stones, his agility is obscene and his luck subpar.
Bad Cielo, bad.

This is the main door to have opened. It will take several other terminal controlled doors to get this one to open.

First, let's see the Blue one.

Unfortunately, the Blue terminal is behind a yellow door.

A yellow door with an obnoxiously long cord.
Again, that can't be safe in the case of an emergency.

This is getting sold. Hopefully it will serve to get a grotesquely expensive mantra.

The Chatter Skull is easy now.


I still like how this guy moves like an electron, jumping between orbits suddenly.

Megaten Wikilink

Gale levels up and gets a slight upgrade. Still not putting points on Luck though.

How convenient, a new small terminal.

Using triple combos against single enemies can be a good idea. Especially if everyone is in human mode there.

A new bullet means it is time to upgrade the arsenal.

Cielo and Gale don't get any upgrades, though.

Cielo is trying to mimick Argilla's stat growth, eh?

Maybe should've waited until this was acquired for the ring upgrading. Eh, whatever.

All this just to get the Yellow one done.

And it stil lgoes on. At least it is a change in the environment.

Megaten Wikilink

Apparently, this guy could be a good orange lantern.

At last, the terminal is reached.

And the yellow door is open!

Since it is open, now access to the blue terminal has been granted. Hooray!

Or not. It is behind the protection of a very easy to dispatch guardian.

As seen in the video:

Had to upload this three times to Veoh (Veoh)
There are several sets of these. (Viddler)
They are easy when you have Electricity Spells. (Youtube)


And like that, the battle starts. If you use the second option, you can actually retreat. That is rather nice.

After being easily defeated, the gate opens.

And the Terminal is found. Hooray and such.

But the gate is still closed, only one of the terminals for it has been activated.

NExt time, it will have to be fully open.