Part 95: Roland Leaves
Update 41

It is Jack Frost! Hooray for his trivia.

This one is very simple. Clearly, the thing that Sera could not be is Angel, since Sera is not (to my knowledge) a hermaphrodite.

Bats are not associated with earthquakes or the sun, so it was clearly Sonic Wave.

Dang. It was clearly Aurora then.

Well, it could've been worse.
Immediately after Jack left, the Omoikanes made their presence known.

Got two of them, which netted more than 100k money and enough experience to level up.

It is kind of nice to at least hit one, eh?

And the gate is open, at last.

Again, Medical Terminals are not rare in the dungeon.

The layout is kind of crazy.

And the last of the Guardians is reached.
Should probably redo the skillsets soon (Veoh)
Being megaten machines, they are weak against Electricity. (Viddler)
If not debuffed, it can be very dangerous (Youtube)

It is going down, yes it is.

As mentioned before, it is weak against Electricity, making Zio skills very useful to have around.

That is not a reassuring message, no sir.

Personally, I liked that attack sequence.

It uses this a lot. It is rather annoying. Exact same effect as the Rever spell the enemies have. It doesn't always hit, but if it does, it can waste a turn or two.

Oh boy.
Each number in the sequence is one turn passed.

Oh no! Next turn and it fires!

Or not. The two guns have been destroyed, only the Core remains. What can the Core do?

Once again, that does not bode well.

Don't really like the sound of that. At all.

What a surprise, the Core is a bigger gun.

Still weak against electricity, but goddamn.

It goes down, in blaze of glory.

And now, the coast is clear.

Or not. The party is being monitored.

I would be more worried about their lives than their jobs, but then again one may have different priorities.

And yet more goddamn dungeron crawling.

Convenient! But a big terminal would be superior.

Another blast door. But this one is different. It is pretty much the last one.

Roland does his trick, but that's not all that happens.
Angel mentions Meganada (Veoh)
Mentions AND releases I mean (Viddler)
That is not exactly good news. Not at all. (Youtube)

The Lokapala are doing their damned best effort to keep Angel's forces out of the power plant.
Their efforts will be in vain.

Angel is impatient. They do have a pressing reason to be impatient. The world is literally ENDING.

A bit of planning can go rather far.

Why is that relevant?
Meganada was Ravana's son. He had another name.

In his other name it is shown what he did.
Not going to be a good thing.

She is pretty damn nuts.

So, if Sera is in a funk, everything is fucked?

At least Roland is done with the doors, eh?

There was something there waiting for them.

Oh boy, a bunch of nagas and a Rajah Naga.
That souldn't be too hard.

And it isn't, even if the Raja blocks Earth.

How did he know? The thing that is liked the least is to receive damage!

If the Raja Naga gets a new reinforcement, that only makes it waste a press turn, making things easier in the long run.

Now THAT is annoying. Vanity inflicts a random status affliction.
Roland wasting money is not fun at all.

In the end, the Raja Naga was not enough.

Seriously, 45 magic. That is crazy.

Maybe Gale is a butt-man?
Or just not impresed by breasts that possess sharp, flesh-tearing fangs.

Definitely a better stat spread than Heat. He actually puts shit in his magic.

Luck is defficient.

Cielo is also quite decent.

Roland reports. He won't like this.

The Lokapala is fucked.

And so is Roland.
Very, very fucked.

He is going to like it EVEN LESS.

He closes them in in order to buy some time.
Not exactly the wisest of moves, but hey, considering all things, it was all he could do.

Well. Shit.

Orange is victory?

And Roland is out.
Party: Argilla, Cielo, Gale.