Part 5: Engine Restoration
We did sort of end with a long cutscene last time, that included... Gore's death... so I would expect that everyone else has something to say about that.

That Jimenez guy's only alive because the commander sacrificed himself!

Who does he think he is, slacking off on his duties?

It's not right, the commander having to die for that asshole!

How can we go on with the mission like this...?

We're out of options... all we can do is listen to Arthur.
...So, when Maebe isn't in the Sickbay this other guy is in her place. His name is Wolf, which is hilarious, and he's definitely new. We'll see his deal in a bit.

And every time we see the capsule, it's another reminder that he's gone...

The man who encouraged, supported, and led us isn't with us anymore.

Honestly, I think we should turn back and go home.

The mission's impossible to complete under these conditions.

What do you think?

We should press on.

You're willing to follow the code of conduct right to your death? A military man to the core...

In any case, since we don't know HOW to go back, there's nothing to do but go forward.

I guess the sickbay will be going at full blast for a while.
So, how about this new Wolf fella?

Pathetic, huh? Commander Gore would be disappointed in me...
Not much, but at least he lets us know he's incompetent enough to get destroyed by Slimes. And is still smart enough to realise that's awful.
Nothing else here, so over to the lab we go!

We're going to have ourselves a real blast at Commander Gore's memorial battle!
Material fusion is important and we'll see it in practice later. We can't do anything with it right now though.

But I'm sure we'll be fine, with you guys here. I mean, you ARE the elite of the elite.

I believe in you, Hitonari.

Commander Gore's dead, and that Jimenez guy he died saving is bringing everyone else down.

I always felt like it was my job to keep everyone on an even keel... But this is too much.

But we're supposed to be the best of the best. We don't get the luxury of taking breaks.

So get your gear in order and pay your respects to the man by doing your duty.
A Scorched Nation
Alright, so we're just gonna quickly wrap up this main mission. There's not much else we can do right now after all.

The obvious side of the Blue Jet that you'd think to check first dosn't give us much though. It's empty, there's no actual way in from here and it's an outright dead-end.
The Fear of God
En route to the other side of the Blue Jet, we run into a couple more demons. Tangata Manu are Neutral-Law because they're Flight demons, and we could've recruited one before fighting Orias if we really wanted. It's not too bad an idea in theory but he doesn't increase damage much.
Okiku-Mushi is a Vermin, so she's Dark-Neutral. We can't negotiate with her at all right now.

But we can talk to Tangata Manu and that's all that matters.

Aside from his weird speech pattern, which is very obvious and involves mixing tenses a lot, he doesn't say much of interest.

Speaking of talking, since we're not gonna get much else done right now, let's talk to a Pixie.

Because we already have a Pixie in our Stock and it's not a full moon, the conversation auto-succeeds which can have three things happen. She just ups and leaves, she gives us a small amount of Macca or...

She hands us one of her three drops. She picked her common one here, but it's something new at least.

This'll be more useful later when we officially learn what Forma even are. Almost every demon drops one (I can think of exactly one exception offhand) and they're nearly all unique too.
Nothing else of interest happens en route to the Blue Jet so we'll just skip over there.

This is kind of a weird and pointless option, really.
A Scorched Nation

Even if your Demonica's got the right shielding, you could get exposed.

We should split the work.

You wait here 'til I give you the signal.
Jimenez went into the engine room.

...Alright,come on in!

Now, let's carry it out.
You entered the engine room with Jimenez.

Wish I could give them a proper burial, but... the mission comes first and all.

Hm...? You hear someone... crying...!?

No... it can't be... no one could be alive after what happened...

This is...
The control terminal inside the engine room is emitting a weak alarm...

What do you think that's about? Let's check it out, Tadano.
You approached the control terminal.
It should be pretty obvious from this that Verne is named after Jules Verne who was kind enough to give us the thread title as well. Arthur most likely is named after Arthur C. Clarke, though it's harder to be certain there.

Due to the emergency aboard this ship, I have taken shelter by dispersing my data.

I can no longer function as a command unit.

However, I still contain data regarding the investigation.

Please remove this terminal and take it to another ship.

The consent of the surviving crew is requested.

...So there was a survivor, Tadano. Tough hombre.

Well, you asked for it, so I'll take you with me.
Jimenez removed the terminal.

Looks like we found ourselves a nice bonus, Tadano.

Now, let's carry out the main dish.

Oh, and the terminal too. Arthur should know what to do with it.

I'm counting on you, Tadano.

It's up to you to keep the crew happy.
Jimenez left.
So now we have to manually return to the Red Sprite. This seems a bit like an issue until you remember that there's a terminal right around the corner.

There's no reason to not use it immediately. So we'll just warp right back to the Red Sprite for the moment.
Malevolence and Benevolence

Let us immediately send this Tokamak Motor to Engineering.

If the maintenance operations are successful, we should regain our full functionality.

They'll wear out their fingers pinning 'em all on!
The reactions to the boulder may have seemed absurd, but that was good for morale at the very least. This just seems like needless hyperbole.

You also collected a terminal from the Blue Jet, correct?

I will analyze the information Command Unit Verne had gathered.

That would seem to be the best way to express my gratitude.

Now, let us wait for the results of Engineering's work.

Engineering will begin the process of rebooting the engine reactor shortly.

All crewman involved are to cooperate with engineering and perform the final verifications.

Note that the rebooting process will take some time. Carry out your duties with that in mind.

But where are we intending to go? We haven't found a way out...

I'd rather not see us get shipwrecked again.

Our research into the Lemegetonite is all sewn up...

And wouldn't you know but it looks like we can power our Demonicas with it!

That is good news indeed, Crewman Irving. Congratulations.

Please send me the details.

Ten-four, Arthur. Yer better'n me at explainin' this mumbo-jumbo.
Arthur obtained the research data from Irving.

According to Crewman Irving's report...

The Lemegetonite is but one of many forma.

In this case, the Lemegetonite seems capable of improving the Demonica's Main App.

Forma is pretty dern strange stuff, but we can get tech the likes o' which you've never seen from 'em.

Not only can we juice up our Demonicas, we can use 'em to make new goods and gear!

If any o' y'all are interested, git yerself down to the lab and see me toot sweet!

The Demonica's Main App is the mechanism that handles your visor output.

I am sure that enhancing your Main App will allow you to search the Schwarzwelt more easily.

Y'all on the strike team'll be out inthe field a lot, so make sure ya fix up yer Demonicas.
We're just gonna head on over to the lab right away. The crew dialogue hasn't updated yet, so they're all still lamenting Gore's passing.

So git your Demonica out, boy!
Irving began upgrading your Demonica.

Whoo! Got 'r done!

That means you can detect forma that you couldn't before while yer out there in the field.
The End

...Oops, sorry I mighta gone a hair too fast for ya there.

"Forma" is our name for the solid energy ya can find in the Schwarzwelt.

We run that stuff through the "material fusion equipment" we're all so dang proud of here...

There's more, too...

But I ain't of a mind to get into all the nitty-gritty. Just read the documents I send ya.
It's pretty simple really; get drops, make things. It's a very Etrian Odyssey way to handle things but it works well. Don't have the Forma, can't make what you want. There's nothing that's just make it once, be able to buy infinitely but it doesn't even matter.
The Main App is the constantly active software that aids you in your investigations. Each time the Main App is enhanced, you will be able to accomplish more while in the field.
The new "forma search" function adds the functionality to find hidden forma to your Main App. A detection range will appear on the automap on the lower screen. Forma within that range will be automatically displayed on the automap.

It's an excitin; time for us in the lab, what with this new forma research and all.

We're pumpin' out new equipment and supplies left an' right.
Not yet you're not.

Anyhoo, I wanna test drive our fancy materail fusion equipment as much as we can.


Think ya can investigate sector Antlia, collect some forma, and bring 'em to me?

Should be like shootin' fish in a barrel now that ya got that forma search...

Everyone wins with forma research. You, me, Chen here, the whole dern crew.

So if you could treat this as a new mission, well, that'd be mighty fine!

...Ya get all that? It's a lot to take in at once... Check yer notes later if ya get confuddled.

Forma's gonna be important stuff for our investigation here in the Schwarzwelt.

I'll let Chen fill ya in on the rest, so make sure ya listen to what the little lady has to say.

Don't forget, y'hear?

Ask me whenever you're ready. I also have documents to send to your suit.
We still can't actually make/buy anything other than the Medicine because that's the only thing available right now that's Macca only.

On the bright side, Irving and Chen's dialogue updates now.

I'm showin' her how to get her hands dirty, and she's showin' me how she teaches.

Hey, why not stick around and listen to my li'l lecture? This tutorial's for you and Chen both.

But I'm really good at teaching! Just ask any of the apprentices at my lab back home!

Do you want to hear my tutorial?


You can come by anytime you want to know more about something.
We could just sit here for another like five minutes for tutorials that are not at all necessary... but that's dull and boring. We'll just head back out to Antlia now.
A Scorched Nation

Irving sure does good work. This Forma Search works wonders!

I've found forma after forma just walking around... I feel like I'm forgetting the mission! Hahah...

I'll give you the documentation, if you want to read it.

Ooh.. Looks like I'm getting a reading over there. See you...!
So the Forma Search gives us a 3 square radius that is going to be on the map forever more now. Whenever a square within that radius contains hidden forma, it gets added to the map and the notifier on the top-screen lights up for good measure.

Hidden Forma appears semi-randomly whenever you enter a floor and has finite spots it can appear. Semi-random Forma disappears whenever you leave, which is going to be useful later.
Some Forma is fixed and only appears once ever. The one on the bottom-left corner is a one-time appearance. These Forma stay spawned until they're collected, which is useful at least.

Speaking of the bottom left Forma, we'll go grab that one first.

Whenever we scan a hidden Forma, we could sit through this. Thankfully, these are skippable and so it doesn't matter.

Hidden Forma can be many things depending on the Sector and the Forma Search level. Because we have A, we can find Bronze Forma which gives us a few basic things as well as the chance of just finding random drops. The drops and a few other things are considered Assist Forma so just having them doesn't reveal anything new.
AT Antlite is a Base Forma. AT is short for "Attack" and is used for creating new swords and guns. One of these is more relevant than the other, yes.

The other forma we can grab by the entrance is a bunch of Recovery Cores. These are used for healing items, of course.

More important is that once we head through the door up top, we can see another one-time forma.

This one has a specific name, so that means this has a slightly different use.

Thought I was detectin' a rare forma signal from yer Demonica. Reckoned I should give you a call!

Be a darlin' and bring that to the lab, willya?

I'll be waitin'!
We'll be getting a lot of Rare Forma which we can do a variety of things with. As a general rule, if we just find it lying around it's going to be mandatory to progress.

And on the way back to the Red Sprite, a Knocker is kind enough to hand over his forma drop too. This'll be handy.

Way to rustle up somethin' good fer the prepatory analysis! Mebbe I can beef up yer Main App now!

Awright, I'll git right on it!

...Sorry, maybe this ain't a good time to jump fer joy like that. That's a scientist fer ya!

I reckon it's got the power to open locked doors in the field.

Now ya can go further out, I reckon. Gotta remember to pass it out to the other crew, too...
The End
I'm sure you can guess what this does.

Preparations for restarting the engine reactor are complete.

Report to the command room for a briefing.

Good results, and good news. Good stuff's happenin' all over!

We've started developing Sub Apps.

Oh, I nearly plumb forgot!

Us guys on the Supplies team are advancin' science by the minute with these strange "forma" things!

"Sub Apps" are what we're calling a type of functon that will help you when you're in the field.

The main thing to now is that you're free to mix and match different Sub Apps.
Sub Apps are... not what you would expect. Unless you expect them to be badly implemented. Then you're right!

I'll send you a white paper on it. Check it out later.


There's a lot more to cover concerning Sub Apps, actually.

I'm going to prepare some documentation on the subject. Ask me for it later.

No need to thank us! Now git on down to the command room!
This happens automatically, so we don't get a choice.

Once the Tokamak is running, we'll open up the output capacity to 100%!

Counting down...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4...




Here we go!
Malevolence and Benevolence

This will give us an important advantage in planning our strategy.

However, we cannot go airborne without being certain of our next destination.

I have important data to report.

It concerns the information from Verne of the Blue Jet, which I have analyzed.

...Their AI's last message, huh?

The data transfer from Verne, the Blue Jet's Command Unit, is complete.

We can ditch this place...!?

The Blue Jet appears to have managed to enter the Schwarzwelt without Verne powering down.

Please look at this.

It appears to be affected by the moon, making it easy to overlook the gravitational field...

But according to my calculations, a quantum tunnel has formed at those coordinates.

It seems to be a path leading outside local space-time.

Then unless I miss my guess...

We can return to Earth anytime we want...!

What? What's the problem!?

They were unable to penetrate the quantum field blocking entrance to the tunnel.

In the current condition of the tunnel, we cannot leave the sector.

...You serious!? I didn't know the Blue Jet tried to escape...

There is an additional problem in the layout of the Schwarzwelt.

Please look at this.

It is thought to be constructed of multiple space-time planes layered atop each other.

Sector Antlia is only one of these layers.

In order to return to Earth, we would have to traverse multiple layers.

I think I'm going to be ill...

There are still too many unknown factors right now.

Remember, this whole discussion is moot if we can't even get out of Antlia...

It's not as though we're without any hints. And we can keep looking for more...

...Ah, Arthur, the secondary analysis of the radar contact has come up the same as the first.

Secondary analysis acknowledged.

Attention, all hands.

So we might be able to escape soon? That's great!

A new radar contact has been detected within the sector.

It is possible this contact is the result of some sort of material's energy signature...

But I must note that there seems to be a connection between this contact and the tunnel.

I don't know how that energy signature is affecting the tunnel, but...

If nothing else, it'll give us a clue on how to get out of here.

This energy source may be heavily involved with the formation of this sector.

It falls to the strike team to investigate it.

I thought we covered all that ground, but... I guess I'll use the Demonica Irving modded.

It's always something, ain't it, Tadano?

Crewman Jimenez. Crewman Hitonari.

There is another benefit to the Verne unit you brought aboard.

I must inform you of this as well.

Heh... a human corpse isn't worth a damn, but you can always salvage a broken machine, eh?

We have successfully unlocked the current program's hidden function.

A new function?

Yes. This function is known as...
Oh good, finally!

"Demon Fusion"!?

This gets shadier and shadier, man! Fusing demons... I mean, what the hell's going on here?

It is, as you might put it, technology beyond imagining.

It is possible that there is a risk of the Demon Summoning Program losing control.

However, it will most likely be an invaluable tool in the field.

The new demons ain't gonna attack us, are they!?

I recommend that you make use of it to overcome the ordeals ahead.

...I gotta say, Tadano, this'll be trouble for me. It seems dangerous, but I'm pumped anyway.

Think you'll have fun with fusion?

I'll use it if I need to.

You're a real by-the-book type, huh? Well... if you find any cool fusions, let me know.

I look forward to the successful completion of your mission.