The Let's Play Archive

Shin Megami Tensei if

by satsu

Part 3

1. I love them

Q. What school activity club do you belong to?
1. Sports club
2. Culture club
3. Going home club
4. Don't know

PistachioShell posted:

Culture Club or kurabu or however you crazy moon language people say it.

Q. Do you do your homework?
1. Usually
2. I often forget
3. I never do it
4. Don't know

impossible! posted:

Homework is for fucking suckers.

Q. Do you tend to forget things?
1. I never forget anything
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Don't know if I have or not

onimonkii posted:

2. Sometimes

unless this is a terrible answer

There are no terrible answers.

Q. What is your favourite class?
1. English
2. Math
3. Social Studies
4. Science
5. Don't have one
6. Don't know

Apocron posted:

1. English

Q. What's your favourite sport?
1. Baseball
2. Football (soccer)
3. Boxing
4. Wrestling
5. Don't have one
6. Don't know

Mercury Crusader posted:

Wrestling, because it is cool

Q. Do you own a mobile?
1. Yes, and I use it often
2. Yes, but I don't use it much
3. Don't have one
4. Don't know what that is

PistachioShell posted:

Yes, but I don't use it much.

Q. How do you spend your days off?
1. Do stuff outdoors
2. Do stuff indoors
3. Read
4. Don't know

PistachioShell posted:


Gee I wonder if that'll give the character an intelligence boost?
Q. How many people do you like being with?
1. I like to be alone
2. I like being with 2 or 3 people
3. I like being with lots of people
4. I can't count the number

florist training camp posted:

I belong with 2 or 3 people.

Q. You find a wallet with 10,000 yen ($1000) inside. What do you do?
1. Take it to the police
2. Keep it for yourself
3. Share it out
4. Throw away the money and take the wallet