The Let's Play Archive

Silent Steel

by Magnetic North

Part 17: Alternate Ending 1

Well, I was gonna save this for a bit, but since we're talking about it:


CO: Master Chief... why don't you take her for a while?

Master Chief: I was hoping you'd pick that one, Sir?

Wait, what? What do you mean by that? Do you have some kind of fourth-wall breaking powers, like She-Hulk?


What the? What just happened? Why are the alarms on?

XO: Emergency blow. All back full.

What the? We're done! We're safe! Why are we taking on water?

Foster: SET-65 continues to close. Torpedo has acquired.

Master Chief: I got a bad feeling about this.

What? Why are you so calm? What is going on here?

Foster: Torpedo is active. impact in 3...

Foster: 2... 1...


Holy crap, it's Q! Master Chief was Q all along!

Q: To have come so far, and then to lose? All this work, and the outcome is the same. The USS Idaho vaporized, everyone is dead, and why?

Q: You were so close... I know I'm going to hate myself in the morning, but I'm going to give you another chance. It's not that I care. I just want to see how it all turns out.

That phone is ringing again.

(With apologies to Baldurk. Check out his LP of Star Trek: Borg here.)