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The Let's Play Archive

SimCity (SNES)

by valkhorn

Part 19

Part 19 - Bonus City Part 3


And the final segment to the 'bonus city' is complete. As I mentioned several times, if you want to create a city that's somewhat realistic, with open spaces, donut blocks, and all sorts of eye candy, you are going to find it very hard to hit 500,000 people. This explains why many people I've spoken to weren't able to hit a megalopolis by just reading what was in the manual. There is a knack to getting it done just right. Here we waste a lot of space with unneeded road and rail, open park space, and this map has water right in the middle of the map where land values would tend to be highest. This pretty much completes the let's play for SimCity, and maybe I'll revisit the game later if there's enough of a demand on my channel. Thanks again for watching this LP and enjoy!

This should conclude the LP - and honestly I'm ready for a SimCity break. I'll leave the thread open for a few more days before it's closed.