Part 14

025 -02:00 Nagai Yorito - Secondary - VIDDLER / GAMEVEE (Archives: 25)
026 +02:34 Nagai Yorito - Secondary - VIDDLER / GAMEVEE (Archives: None)
027 +03:00 Nagai Yorito - Movie ----- VIDDLER / GAMEVEE (Archives: 53)

This certifies that the pictured individual is a genuine member of the Japan Self Defense Force - Ground.
Chief of Staff, SDF-Ground
Rank: Major
Name: Misawa Takeaki

This certifies that the pictured individual is a genuine member of the Japan Self Defense Force - Ground.
Chief of Staff, SDF-Ground
Rank: Private, First Class
Name: Nagai Yorito

It's your mother. Congratulations on your promotion. Your father and I were worrying about whether you'd give up and come back home. Things will still be difficult, but do your best and don't quit! The most important thing is to persevere no matter how hard things get. I'm learning to use the Internet now too, and I won't give up.
Oh, also, I sent some molokheiya to your camp. Be sure to give some to that boy Okita who's always helping you out.