Part 5
To continue from this point, we need to go into the manor house and look at the painting with the paintbrush equipped. You might want to re-equip your herb afterwards just in case.
Leos Painting is its own small dungeon, with new enemies that are a bit more difficult to hit than the ones in the Underground Castle but not substantially stronger.
Clearing out the first one gets us a new tulip, which is in an isolated spot.
We also get our first mimic type enemies, which look like objects you might see scattered around the dungeon and dont usually do anything until you get close to them. You just have to kind of swing at anything that looks out of the ordinary.
Continuing on we run into our next enemy, the Spearman who is uh exactly what that implies. Theyre not big on creative names for enemies in this game. These guys actually throw spears at you, as you can see, and they can occasionally catch you off guard. On the plus side, they provide 5 exp each.
The next room actually has two of them to pin you down and make it even more difficult to get out unscathed. Its a pretty big step up from the Underground Castle.
The painting is actually divided into several sub areas, but theres no indication of when youre in a new one. That means new Monster Lairs, including the one that this Birdy (yes, that is its real name) came out of near the top of the screen.
For our reward, we get yet another ivy. Theres also a Medical Herb nearby in a chest, which is mostly useless since we cant carry more than one.
Just to the right we have this cunningly designed trap. The red and gold strips are conveyor belts, and the blocks with blue circles are Eyeblocks. Theyll pretend to be normal blocks until you get closer, and then hop into you. The main giveaway is the fact that theres a monsters lair right there behind this innocuous line of blocks.
Our final enemy of the chapter is the Metalpus, which we cant actually do anything about. You just have to avoid them, and they wont stop you from getting through to your goal. They actually do have a monsters lair, but they are happy to wander far away from it.
In the process of killing the last nest of Spearmen we get another level, with all of the attendant benefits. Itll take a couple levels before the real differences start to show up, but each level counts.
Next area! The enemy I just killed is a Spearman (as you can see from the experience total), with the Metalpi acting as blockers and making it harder for you to get around. And yes, they can and will hurt you if you run into them. Clearing this area leads to
We also release a kid, but who cares about that. Bunch of little jerk ripoff artists.
Almost there! Weve got Metalpi, Spearmen, and Green Statues blocking the way to their own lair. It can get complicated in here.
We also get our second exit point from finishing that set of lairs, which means that we can now warp directly from the Celestial Palace into Leos Painting. Thisll probably be helpful later on, and it also means we can go back for a quick HP recharge and to check up with our newly released townspeople.
So the tulip we rescued? Asleep. If tulips dream of sheep, those dreams are probably nightmares.
Talking to the dream Tulip kicks you out of the dream world, but hes not why were here. Instead
Next update: Finally, End First Town