Part 75: Horror (Part 1 of 2)
Chapter 9: Horror (Part 1 of 2)
Feinne on Soul Nomad:
I'm breaking this update into two because it starts with a twenty minute cutscene. This cutscene is special because it explains exactly what the demon path is all about. This is why the Demon Path should have gotten this game an M rating. Sure, you might be able to run over hookers and shoot random people in the face in Grand Theft Auto, but you can't do what we do at the end of this update.
I think I'm going to take this place over, give world domination a shot. Could be entertaining at least, as long as Gig doesn't screw everything up while I'm asleep like he always seems to. He's terrible at naming things, by the way. Damned idiot.

Do you know how much trouble... How much abuse I went through just to earn that title?!

But don't you think Overlord is kinda lame? I mean, it's pretty boring.

How about the BFF? Hehehe.

The goddamn BFF? That's the best he's got? Friggin' retard.

Shit. This guy's going to name something retarded while I'm asleep, I'm sure of it. Dammit, this sucks.

And what'd you do with Agrippa?! I haven't seen him anywhere!

Hehe. Where do you think we are? Doesn't it look familiar?
It did, come to think of it. I'd seen it before I went to sleep last time. Oh, and BFF Empire? What a jackass. Anyway, Lobo explained exactly how we got in some crazy floating castle thing.

Well, pretty much the whole world hunkered down and holed up after that.
And then, Gig here... hehe. That was just... hahaha!

After inspiring fear across the land, he went ahead and dominated a bunch of people just to build this castle.

I already told the world to fear the BFF Empire. And I did all the work to build this place! I'm not budging on this one.

Meanwhile, everyone else was being either loud, crazy, or both. It's sort of annoying.

Gestahl! Don't fall asleep standing up! You have to get into bed first!
You're a good boy, Gestahl. You can do it!

I'm just... no... good.

It's a direct order from the professor himself!

And Galahad! Stop bothering Trish!

Now, that's a very sharp knife you have there... so just give it to Sis, okay?

Thorndyke came in, leading some ancient peasant around. I guess it must have been one of the people Gig forced to build this castle.

And I didn't kill him this time! Aren't you proud? Hahahaha!

I-I don't mean to be a bother, but... There's lots of hotpod farming waitin' to get done. Maybe you could let us...?
I-It's not that I don't wanna fight! But my better half, she's real sick... A-and you could call me back anytime!

Whining wretch. As though his suffering matters at all. Life itself, the very existence of this world brings me constant pain. Its screams are a constant dull roar now. I know I'm getting close.

Cuthbert came in. He had some news. I won't even say it was bad, I was sort of expecting something like this. Almost, you could say, hoping for it.

I wasn't hurt, but I was obviously set up...

But... these shackles really hurt.

I'm just gonna die here, anyway. Nobody's gonna come and help me...
Why...? Why am I so weak? If I didn't have this stupid small body... If I had a body like yours...
Then this never would've happened!

He offered me a job. It was damn good money. At first, I just shut out all the awful things I saw and did.
But eventually... listen, just be careful, okay? Don't become like me.
Otherwise, you'll lose all your hair.

That worthless clown Endorph was defying me again. This time he'd learn the fate of all would-be heroes.


And I bet they're still sneaking around here somewhere. Bunch of vigilante saints, huh?

Demon spawn!

Then you'll murder those would-be heroes of justice right in front of our helpless prisoners?
That's so disturbing... it's so vicious! It's so... so... wonderfully evil! I love it, Devourlord! How can I help?

Sure enough, we confronted Endorph and some candy-ass Dracon wizard outside the prison.

And now I'm going to save Pinot and the rest of the angels from your depraved clutches.

Though the heavens may overlook your misdeeds, I shall not forgive such despicable inhumanity!
That's why I've become Master Endorph's student and learned the ultimate skill!
And now you suffer the full power of the new-and-improved Odie!

Well, old man... I'm gonna take that mask as a souvenir! My Richard will love it!

What in the world has Dio done to him?
Vangogh... you've told me your name. And so now I must tell you... I am Odie.
But... why do you serve such a hated enemy?

My farm, my phnyx, and... my old lady. I gotta make sure they don't hurt 'em.

Odie, it's time to show 'em what you've got!

The old loser had at least a little magic in his withered old shell, and managed to break the seal on the prison.

It worked! The prison doors opened!
I did it! I did it! Master Endorph! I did it!

Thank you, Odie old chum. I knew you'd come through for us! I always believed in you!

Nash, Lerouche. Get 'em. And don't hold back just because Endorph's here.

I just decided I have to stop living in the past if I want to have a shot at a future.
Everyone, keep your eyes open! Don't just focus on the front line!

These clowns. They think they can do whatever they want. They think they have any strength at all. They think this is THEIR world?

You know, when you got in the way of Dio's lightning bolt?

When you shoved the midget out of the way, I thought maybe you'd gone soft!

You just have a devil inside you. That's it, isn't it?

This isn't their world. This is MY world. And I decide who lives and who dies.

So, I learned something fun today. If someone's pretty weak, say from being a worthless angel who's been stuck in jail for months, I can snuff their life out with my harsh gaze alone. This would have been useful for Agrippa to know a little bit ago. You know, before I killed him.


Pinot should be happy, I gave her the most wonderful of gifts. She gets to experience what it is to die inside while still living. She gets to experience the merest fraction of this world's pain. And now the time has come to smash these pitiful heroes, to show them how futile their attempts to cling to life truly are.
Next time on Soul Nomad: Part 2: Sacrifice. Don't miss the exciting conclusion of this two part update!