Part 3: Mission 3 - Paris-Nice train

The situation: Mortified Penguin has been identified as Norman Soth, a CIA-trained operative. Soth is currently aboard a train travelling from Paris to Nice, along with his remaining mercenaries and the devices he stole from Saulnier.
The mission: It must be determined if Soth is still working for the CIA and the United States, or if he has gone rogue. Sam must board the train covertly and make contact with Soth in order to determine his status as friend or foe.
Mission 3 - Paris-Nice train
Really, keep an eye on the ticker in the news, some really funny stuff there.
References to other games: In the news, they mention that a man named Zherkezi is working on unravelling Philip Masse's Information Warfare algorithms. Masse was the genius hacker working with Georgian president Kombayn Nikoladze, and who managed to nearly cripple the United States electronic infrastructure. He was killed by Sam Fisher shortly after the events depicted in the first game. Zherkezi, on the other hand, will play a much larger role in the plot of Chaos Theory.
Characters encountered:

Norman Soth, AKA Mortified Penguin, is a former CIA asset responsible for the break-in at Saulnier Cryogenics. He is connected to Suhadi Sadono, but claims to still work for the CIA. He lost his right leg to a land mine.
Data, notes and e-mails gathered:
From: Marie Servais
To: Jean Sabouret
Sent: 01/04/2006 21:09
Subject: RE: Le Milanais
Nothing, just hurry home. If you pass through Lyon, pick us up some butter from the mill.
Love always,
From: mortified_penguin
To: Elias Kousa; Rafeeg Kelou
Sent: 31/03/2006 23:19
Subject: signal silence
We'll be crossing just past monaco, transportation has been arranged beyond. Tell your men to leave their phones on the train. Nobody is to take or make phone calls until Tunisia.
From: Elias Sylvain
To: Mustafa Khateeb
Sent: 01/04/2006 15:21
Subject: RE: infection
But I've seen it working, back in Baghdad in the bad old days. The guy looked like he had been run over by a truck and his skin deep fried. It was the most merciful bullet I ever fired. Poindexter seems certain, but he's lied about other things (that name, for example.)
I just don't trust that the ND133 are one hundred percent capable of containing it. I don't want to be the one holding the box if something goes wrong. Promise that if you see me start to show symptoms, you'll put a bullet in my head.