Part 4: Mission 4 - Jerusalem

The situation: Norman Soth has been tracked to Jerusalem, Israel. Financial records suggest a connection to a Syrian terrorist organization operating in Jerusalem, and a rumoured deal in black market biological weapons.
The mission: Fisher is to link up with a local Israeli intelligence operative, and with her assistance determine Soth's interest in, and the nature of, the biological weapon.
Video (part 1)
Video (part 2)
Wow, sorry for being so late. Now, I must start with apologizing for how poor the mission looks. As I've explained, it's because of how ill PT works with modern hardware. I did acquire an older model computer, but after wrestling with it for a whole day and not getting more than 10 fps out of it, I gave up and wept.
Characters encountered:

Dahlia Tal is a Shin Bet agent assigned to assist Fisher in his Jerusalem investigation. She was killed by Fisher on order from the NSA, as evidence had come to light indicating that Shin Bet was going to double cross the NSA.
(This is not touched upon again in the game if you kill Tal, despite Lambert saying so. If you let her live, he explains that Israeli intelligence was planning to kill Fisher and keep the small pox for itself. The US could of course not complain to the Israeli government in this case, since Fisher is not supposed to exist.)

"Bellagio Sampler" is an employee of the CIA and an expert in bioweapons. He was called in to help analyze the samples collected by Fisher in Jerusalem.
Notes, data and emails gathered:
Subject: Agency File on Dahlia Tal
Uploaded: 05/06/06; 01:02:13
Source: Grimsdottir
Full name: Dahlia Suleiman Tal
Known aliases: Manal Daher
DOB: 11/08/68
Weight: 139 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Citizenship: Israeli
Area of operations: Israel/West Bank/Lebanon/Highly Mobile
Associations: Shin Bet (Israeli Secret Police.) "Grasp of the Corpse" (Syrian Terrorist Cell)
Relevant history:
11/08/84 - 10/08/86
Israeli Nahal (Pioneer Fighting Youth)
11/08/86 - 08/03/96
Israeli Defense Force
Begins MOSAD training program.
Recruited for Shin Bet
28/02/98 - 12/04/00
Agent exchange program with British Secret Service
CURRENT - Too much Shin Bet static for dependable information.
"Grasp of the Corpse" sounds more heroic in Arabic, or so I've been told. If we were arranging a pit fight between Dahlia and a rottweiler, I'd put my money on Dahlia and wouldn't bother naming the dog.
[Author: Grimsdottir]
Subject: Bellagio Sampler
Source: Grimsdottir
Full name: Unknown
Known aliases: None
DOB: 1971
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Hair: Brown/ Balding
Eyes: Brown
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Area of operation: Jerusalem
Associations: CIA, Mossad
Relevant history:
-Nothing, sorry.
I've got nothing on this guy. The CIA's being excruciatingly nervous and uncommunicative about this, feels like the late nineties. Probably anxiety about Mossad connections and the whole Dahlia Tal situation. Giving the guy an alias as ridiculous as "Bellagio Sampler" wasn't necessary. But he's supposedly a good analyst, and someone who could show up on five minute's notice.
[Author: Grimsdottir]