Part 6: Mission 6 - Komodo shipyard

The situation: The tap placed by the NSA on Sadono's phone was successful. The phone call was traced to a routing station onboard a submarine in an old shipyard on the Komodo islands.
The mission: In order to further trace the call back to the actual carriers, Fisher must infiltrate the shipyard, board the sub and pull the data from the routing station.
Viddler works fine now.
It's saturday, and that's Fisherday. I've gotten some feedback saying that the videos can be a bit dark at times. Therefore, in this video I have tried to apply some brightness and contrast adjustments. The opening segment with the news may appear a bit washed out, but I hope that the mission itself is more clearly visible. The downside is of course that the darkness of the game will be less apparent, but you'll just have to apply your imaginations. If it's too washed out, feel free to comment and I'll try to strike a balance next video.
Inconsistencies and errors in the level:
(Spoilers for the level below, watch the videos first if you're in doubt)
Grim says the call traces back to a PMC named "Displace". This contradicts the rest of the game, and the sequel. It is most likely a left-over from an old script, where Displace were supposed to be the bad guys. The after-mission text and other material identifies the PMC hired by Soth and Sadono as "Armed Guardian Services."
Of course, there is still a possibility Displace is involved through middle-men and fake names. If you're conspiracy-minded, that is...
Data, notes and e-mails:
From: Malfin Mendes
To: Adi Bawantara
Sent: 16/04/2006 17:13
Subject: RE: assistance
Sadono can't be everywhere at once
Komodo's important but that's exactly why we can't send him to you since we need him where there's lots of cameras watching and we need to keep your work secret.
It is the way we create the APPEARANCE that he is everywhere that is infinitely valuable.
Subject: Agency File on the SISSIXS
Uploaded: 18/04/06; 05:49:10
Source: Grimsdottir
"The Special Intelligence Satellite Submarine Informational Exchange System (SISSIXS) is an over-the-horizon targeting (OTH-T) communications system developed to compliment low frequency links. Unlike General Service SSIXS, this system provides complete privacy to any number of users by utilizing unique ID numbers. All communication are transmitted by squirt broadcast, allowing multiple subscribers to share satellite sources. An SISSIXS network can spread itself over any number of satellites."
Quoted from the manual. "Squirt broadcast" makes me laugh.
[Author: Grimsdottir]
From: goodbye_cat
To: Billy Mourakade
Sent: 01/04/2006 21:09
Subject: expect the call
The last insurance policy is alive. U.S. PMC in place. Sadono can add it to his roster of PT phone calls.