Part 7: Mission 7 - Jakarta TV-station

The situation: Acting on intelligence extracted from the submarine in Komodo, U.S intelligence operatives have so far located and neutralized all but one of Sadono's "pox-boxes". Sadono himself is now open to attack.
The mission: The U.S government want Sadono captured alive, both for prosecution for the war crimes he committed and for a source of intel on other terrorist groups Sadono was in contact with. Fisher must locate Sadono and extract him with the help of local CIA assets.
Only one mission to go now, folks. Pandora Tomorrow is very short, yet sweet.
Data, notes and e-mails:
From: Billy Mourakade
To: Djalil
Sent: 02/04/2006 19:45
Subject: Insurance for Insurance
We're going to be recording until U.S. troops bang down the door. Sadono needs to stay visible even if he ends up below ground.
Very important:
- Nothing should be visible in the studio that could indicate time.
- Nothing should be visible in the studio that could indicate location.
This should be broadcastable at any point in the next month, no matter what happens. We're working on the script now. We'll be in the studio by 20:30, have it ready.
From: goodbye_cat
To: Billy Mourakade
Sent: 02/04/2006 21:51
Subject: zero hour
Get this to Soth: trigger the ND133 NOW. Leak from a Red Beard contact says we're screwed. Scrambling to alert 'Armed Guardian Services' on my end.
If Soth stays visible, he'll be dead by midnight. Sadono needs to trigger the ND133 and get underground. Only chance we've got. Should have given me the authority to release the virus. Out of touch for the next week.
Characters (re)encountered: (spoilers for the video below, watch video first if not certain!)

Ingrid Karlthson first met Sam in the Dili embassy, where she was held hostage. At the time, she was posing as a linguist and desk-jockey working for the CIA. In reality, she is an experienced and fully trained CIA field agent, sent to Dili in order to keep tabs on Soth. In Jakarta, she helped Sam extract Sadono into the custody of the CIA.