The Let's Play Archive


by ProfessorProf

Part 131: The cycle begins anew

Familiar men - the Rounders - point their guns at us. I freeze. My anxiety becomes conviction, knocked into despair.

Almost like watching a video. Everything is the same as last time, but there's one difference: Today isn't Friday the 13th, but exactly 24 hours after.

"Don't move. Everyone, hands in the air."

The dark-skinned crew cut man's words were exactly the same. Eventually, the unpleasant sound of heels resounds from the stairway.

The same...!

Suppressing the fear that I might get killed, I grab Mayuri's arm.

"Don't move!"

The crew cut man says something he hasn't before.

"Makise Kurisu, Okabe Rintarou, Hashida Itaru. The three of you will come with us. No resistance permitted. Anyway, come. You have nowhere to run. My comrades are already spread throughout Akihabara."

I should use my concealed Monad Snake, right? Use it, and then time leap...?

But Mayuri hasn't been killed yet. There’s a possibility she might not be killed in this world line...

"You there."

My heartbeat jumps up. I gush a cold sweat for an instant.

"I thought I told you to raise both hands."

I only raised my left.

"What are you hiding...!"

I have to use it...! Don't count on wishful thinking. I prepare myself and switch on the Monad Snake.

I can't see anything. The Rounders shouldn't be able to focus their aim in this condition. I have to time leap while it lasts...!

Pulling Mayuri's hand, I fumble over to the development room.


I hear the sound of a randomly fired gun behind me...

Suddenly, Mayuri's arm got heavy. I trip forward. I fall on my face.


I grope around to look for Mayuri. I soon touch her slender hand.


Mayuri's feeble whisper reaches my ears. Did she get hit...?! The Rounder's random shot coincidentally hit Mayuri, in this poor visibility?!

"It... hurts..."

Mayuri's voice quickly shrinks. Strength leaves her grasp.

"Mayuri! Hey, hang in there!"

No matter how much I yell, Mayuri won't answer.

The faint sound of breathing. Awfully shallow.


Once again, I couldn't save you.

Even though I thought I had.

Nothing changed.

I grind my teeth.

"Heeeeee, don't shoot me, bro!"

I hear Kurisu and Daru's screams. Guns are being fired at random.


When I press it down with my hand, I feel something slippery. A large amount of blood is flowing out.

"Ah, aahhh..."

It hurts. Hurtshurtshurts...!

It feels like my head is being whittled down with a saw.

My ears start ringing. My body's lurching over. I can't stand up straight.

Time leap... quick...

I point the remote to the hole and press the switch. The TV dowstairs turns on, and I hear the performers laughing from within.

"Target A and Target C secured."

"Okabe! Run away! Run away!"

Shit...! I clench my fists in frustration. The Time Leap Machine is already activated. The discharge phenomenon is already starting...

My feet shake intensely.

Once again, I...