The Let's Play Archive

Still Life

by DeathChicken

Part 8: Chapter 2-4

So when we left off, a bird had run off with our fancy ring, we had chased it all the way to a building designed by MC Escher, and…there was a mysterious guy in a top hat sitting *right over our head*.

Although he doesn’t seem to be doing much. Let’s talk to him, he…ah bugger it, have a video. This guy has too much gabbing to transcribe. Plus, his voice acting isn’t terrible, which is rare for this game.

Well, *you* aren’t suspicious at all. Let’s just leave retired Jack the Ripper to his devices and head back outside.

No sooner can Gustav check his pockets to make sure any more birds haven’t robbed him, Ida comes sprinting out of the nearest alley.

“Ida? What are you doing here?”

“Weren’t you supposed to see the doctor? Ida, please don’t do this.”


“Because it’s dangerous. Don’t you know there’s a seriously deranged man roaming the streets preying on women?”

Yes, but we try to tolerate you, Gus.

“I don’t doubt that for a second, but I’d like to know that you’re somewhere safe, so I can concentrate on the case, and not worry about you.”

“I’m sorry. Hum…what have you found out?”

“That’s great, but how reliable is the source?”

“Yes it is.”

“I will. Stay off the streets, but first go see the doctor.”

“I’ll see you later, and Ida…”

“Thanks for the info.”

And Ida sprints right back into that alley. Following her…

Gustav doesn’t even make a note of this one. Ho hum, visions of doom, lah dee dah. There’s also absolutely nothing else you can do in this alley right now.

Moving right along, the Junkyard has opened up, where according to Ida’s shaky source is someone who actually has seen our killer and lived to tell about it.

…I have no idea how they managed that parking job either, Gustav. Heading north…

…Gustav sees the gorilla lurking around the front door and makes like Bernard from Maniac Mansion, running away without prompting. Um.

It is not immediately apparent, but we need to go back to the Lingerie Shop now and talk to the gorilla’s boss.

“I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

“First off, I’d like to clear the air between us. I’m not after your girls. I’m just trying to find the killer, and that’s all.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Yes, I do want something from you but it’s not your girls.”

“Let’s exchange favors. I’ll do something for you so that you can see that I’m on the level with you. In return, all you have to do is tell that ape that’s working for you, to leave me alone.”

“I thought so. The gorilla’s brother is locked up, isn’t he?”

“Why’d he get arrested?”

Tee hee.

“So, we have a deal then?”

And we have a name for the gorilla. Petey.

“I need to talk to the person he’s protecting.”

Well, that’s a happy coincidence. The only witness to the killer is Most Definitely Not the Ripper’s underage girlfriend.

“So, she really exists?”

“To be quite honest, I figured you’d be more difficult to convince.”

The police station now opens up on our map. Hooray.

Let’s try the front door.

And at the desk is our old friend Coach Oleander.

“Hello again my friend.”

Still singing opera.

“Well, I…need a favor.”

“I need you to be on the level with me about the shiner.”

“Come on Kaz, what really happened?”

“The man you arrested yesterday, is he the same man that protects Otakar’s girls?”

“I thought so. I need this man free, cause I can get precious information on this case. Can you help me?”

“I would have been insulted if you didn’t ask. What can I do to help?”

“You can trust me…it’s about the black eye, isn’t it?”

“You have a medal?”

“Attaboy. Congratulations.”

“Why’d you go see her?”

Well you see, she had this kinky roleplay where she knelt down and I swooped in with my ‘sword’ and…

“Never mind, I gotcha.”

Thank god.

“Relax my friend, I got you covered. I’ll get that medal of yours. Just make sure that you can free Roman for me when I return.”

“I’ll see you later.”

As soon as I can bleach this image of you and Apolina out of my head.

So it’s over to Aerith the Bitchy Prostitute to try and get a medal back. First, we can check out the bulletin board here.

Well, good for him. We’ll just get out of here and return to the Park now.

Apolina is still here, along with Milena. Let’s try to get that medal back first.

“Wait a second, will yah?”

“I have information for you. It’s about Roman. Interested?”

“First of all you’re gonna have to give me the medal you stole from Stasek.”

“So you admit it. You did steal his medal?”

“OK so, what happened?”

God, Gustav, do you really want details? I need more brain bleach.

“Well, let me finish the story for you. He got arrested for punching Stasek in the face. Now Roman is in jail.”

“I need that medal. Stasek is willing to let Roman out if I get his medal back. Get it?”

“OK listen, everybody wins here. Roman gets out, Stasek gets his medal back, and you…”

“Look. I’ll pay you what he owes you, OK?”

Well, that was relatively painless. I thought she’d make me go run a quest to fetch her Yoshi doll from a vending machine that could only be operated with coins traded from the Mystic Mermaid of Prague who would demand her ceremonial bowler hat back in exchange. Let’s go talk to Milena.

“Good evening, Milena.”

“I’m glad to see you feeling better.”

“If you don’t mind me saying so…I really don’t think you should be working right now. It’s too dangerous.”

“That’s very kind of you. But how can you tell when a client is…weird?”

Well, they tend to go around asking questions to everyone and stumble around hallucinating every so often…oops.

“OK, well, I won’t distract you any longer.”

“Good evening, Miss Milena.”

Alright, enough of that. Back to the jail to see if we can spring Roman now.