Part 10: Chapter 3-1
Chapter 3: CookiesSo when we last left off, Vickie had been jolted out of a flashback right when it was getting somewhat interesting by Claire on the phone.
So its back over to the creepy office to fetch Claire. But first, lets go bother Pat.
Because he had this weird thing for hookers, and
Like Grandpas prostitute fetish.
Ooh, touchy.
Pat has this really weird way of speaking that makes it sound like hes vouching for the quality of insulation on a 2:00 AM infomercial. He shifts to it abruptly for this line.
Immediately bugging Pat again
Ugh. Luckily, we dont have to mess with the cookies quite yet. First its back to our truck and over to the Office, where Claire is waiting.
Vickie looks as thrilled as I am with these pointless scenes riding the elevator.
And thankfully Vickie automatically puts in her damn password this time rather than having to do it manually. Inside
oh, shit. Meanwhile
someone has apparently sliced up Jacks body even more than it was already.
Claire barges in and blames us. Yknow, I would argue, but it is Vickie, the girl who single handedly collapsed an entire crime scene.
Oh sure, send *me* alone into the hallway where the serial killer is wandering.
Fortunately, he aint out there and its a straight shot to the security room. Where there is still no one manning the damn thing. Checking out the cameras leads to