The Let's Play Archive

Strike Fighters 2

by SelenicMartian

Part 51: S07E04: 1967.06.09 (Day Five - Counting Marks)

S07E04: 1967.06.09 (Day Five - Counting Marks)


At 6AM the four of us crawl onto the runway, trying very hard not to confuse the joystick with the morning wood on take-off.

The mission video

In which there's talk of weather and tiny evil people

Guns never fail us, except when they do.

I don't know, what it's supposed to represent, but it's shiny, so I'll take it.


Our tanks keep rolling north, while the border with Egypt remains static.

The mission video

In which we meet more old friends

Major Shlomo Spector was so excited about the two kills, he got shot down. Major got away with majminor injuries.


The front lines freeze, and we are sent to bomb the arse end of nowhere. We still have 20 planes, is spite of losing three this week.

The mission video

In which we watch a show from a safe distance
