The Let's Play Archive

Strike Fighters 2

by SelenicMartian

Part 56: S08E04: 1968.08.28-29 (Can't They Just Send the Phantoms?)

S08E04: 1968.08.28-29 (Can't They Just Send the Phantoms?)


Alligators alligate and interceptors intercept.

The mission video

In which I find more reasons for disappointment

To be fair, whoever sent us on that mission could not have possibly aimed for success.


Ahem... The Red side celebrates their glorious penetration by stopping all ground attacks to wipe off the sweat. We go out on patrol expecting nothing in particular.

The mission video

In which fucking campers are everywhere

Thanks, USAF.

Next update I'll round up the Lightning, and I will carry the guns.
But what do I give the wingmen? The final 24 hours starts now-ish.