Part 52: A Parting of Ways
An ominous chapter title! Strap in, folks, because this is gonna be a good one.
First up, however, loot. This is an upgrade over the Hero's Cape (+6 DEF) and isn't anywhere near as good as the Imperial Ring. Boo. Boo!

Oh and apparently this is what this thing does. Ornela gets it, but won't benefit from it because she won't be taking damage.

Unfortunately, we cannot access the facilities at Graska now, because entering the city triggers a cutscene, so anyone who didn't get a seventh level weapon upgrade last time is stuck at level 6. That's really the only problem with it though; the stores don't have anything that important.

At this point, the black background changes to the Graska one and the music starts up, but you've seen and heard that already.

Understandably, Kyril is not too keen on this idea.

Oh boy, that would have made a real mess of the original game.

Well, you never know. Sometimes it's good to have things. Just in case.

"Uh. No. Hold on a moment, I'm just going to have to find a big stick..."

Oh goddammit, that word has lost all meaning to me since... well, I don't even know when it started. Now all I can see is

He's totally the right kind of douche for it, too. where were we? Oh yeah, rune cannons.

"...which admittedly we can do just as easily by blowing their shit up, but you know how it is, everyone expects you to bring presents when you come back after a trip."

This is very important work.
"Of course I might be biased since I'm the one who'll be getting paid for it while you lot will get a pat on the back and an arrow to the face for knowing too much about state secrets. Wait, shit. You didn't hear that."

I think I mentioned this already, but I think Kyril grew up to be a pretty decent protagonist.

Heinz, however, probably doesn't agree with me.

If that's the way you feel, this is where we part. I can't travel with you anymore.
"Your protagonism might start rubbing off on me and then I'd have to start acting like a decent human being."

You must realize we didn't cross the border for your sake.
Well, this is goodbye.


Coop seems to have his own ideas about that arrangement.

Kyril sounds dejected. Stop moping! Spies can be pretty cool.


...seems like Andarc isn't quite convinced. Guessing he's more into romantic comedies.

Can we take a moment to talk about how much sense this makes?

Here's this magical WMD that apparently doesn't have its own will or randomly blow up its wielder and/or surroundings at the drop of a thing you wear on your head. So why isn't this a thing? On the whole, it's really more important than whatever happens to Obel and the surrounding islands.

Turns out, it actually is something the rest of the world has their eyes on! And not just during that whole war business, but people were sent out to get their hands on it years before that.

How's that for integrating Suikoden IV's weird shit with the game world?

Actually that is a lie because we only have room for ten people and you are not one of them, but as previously stated it's nice to have people keeping the bench warm for when people who matter swap out so Rene can do her thing.

And mine, because I'm pretty sure this means the text wall is about to end and I won't have to type up any more dialogue in a bit.

That's more like it!

We'll have to wait to find out what happened to Heinz, however, because we are under attack! For the second and final time on this map.

Same conditions as usual...

...but the party is a good chunk larger than we're used to! (Monster hunting maps actually tend to have room for more characters as well, but there hasn't been much reason to care about that.)

Here you can see the entire enemy group. With that few of them and so many of us, you can bet there'll be reinforcements!

No reason to rush ahead, though. Some of our squishier people don't want to get too close to those soldiers until we're in range to start hitting them, so we'll just let them come to us. Right now, there's only one of them who can reach us, and he can only attack Lino. This ought to be fun!

I don't know why someone thought it was a good idea to put these things up here but Lazlo will be in charge of opening them. This one has a second Ogre Breath. We're sure to find it handy!

Finally, Flare and Lino are together on a map. I think we might actually get something that isn't basically

Not very long, not very interesting, but it does give a sense of "hey, looks like we're killing dudes together again" which feels rather natural between those two.

Oh, how nice of you to line up like that...

It'll take a while before I can trigger that spell, though, so let's get some more supporting done.

I'm actually somewhat upset that Kika doesn't support with Lino, because I always thought they seemed to get along pretty well. But then again they were basically the only people in IV who had personalities, so, maybe I'm just seeing things.

Also there's the fact that both of them have a ton of supports already and Lino joins pretty late in the game, but it'd make more sense than the random spear chick from Kooluk at any rate.

But not surprised. Because this is Kika we're talking about.
Anyway, Good Will.

The casters lay down some terrain which all the spear guys will be walking away from when their turns come up.

And there we go! The closest swordsman tries, and fails, to hit Lino. Well done.

Lino stabs him and gets countered. That doesn't do much either.

Rita is a bit behind now, but she has the drop earrings and a berserker belt, which makes her somewhat competitive. Sadly, the level she gets from finishing Lino's opponent isn't that great.

Oh, for me? You shouldn't have!

Champo is also a bit behind... somehow. I was expecting more, really.

Lazlo continues his chestbreaking rampage. This time, it's a Guardian Vestment. We'll see what that does next time... unless I forget. That's always a possibility.

I'm always amazed when I see this kick in. It's like... wow! There's a skill that allows a specific class to shut down another specific class, and it actually works!

Lino does some more stabbing, from a kangacorn this time. And, well, can't complain too much about this level!

Then Rita gets another semi-crummy one by tossing a bead. As always, beads are a great way for low level characters to get EXP when they can't bash skulls.

I know the numbers here are kind of distracting, but I feel I should point out that Kyril got hit with Breath of Ice, which is why he's on blue terrain. That hurts almost as much as the spell.

Ornela overkills the dude so hard it causes reinforcements to fall out!

Not just a few of them, either!

It's all good, though. I was about to run out of enemies!

Actually we're still pretty close to it.

The owl riders finally get moving now that we're in range, but they are entirely ineffective. Two attack Ornela...

...for something I'm barely even going to consider damage, and get countered for triple digits in return.

Not great, but not too bad.

One caster less to worry about, and Champo is doing something about that damage output. Good kitty!

Ornela got a Unicorn Rune, but she's wearing armour instead of a Master's Vest. That makes it a little trickier, but this is a great opportunity.


A bunch of more dudes spawn in at this point, but I don't even think they're trying any more. Around this point, I also have Lazlo tag out for Rene because there is one last treasure on this map and it's not in a chest.

I'm loving that last hit. Lino

...loving this a whole lot less. Lino

Oh no! One of the enemy mages cast Silent Lake!

Pity about all the people he hit with it! I mean, if Wendel and Flare had actually been within the area of effect when it went off, I might have needed two hits to kill this dude.

Ornela hops on a kangacorn in an attempt to distract this guy, but it doesn't work. Wendel is going to get zapped.

Kika, meanwhile, just doesn't give a fuck.

Well, okay, maybe a small one.

Lino kills one mage from owlback to avoid the icky blue terrain...

...and Wendel does away with the last one because she deserves some fun after that nasty shock earlier.

Roget, meanwhile, sleepwalks through the encounter with the last reinforcements.

Oh, you actually think we'll let you finish a spell with casting time?

About time! We'll see how "perfect" it is the next time I can actually equip people.

Rita gets another crummy level by throwing a completely unnecessary mega medicine at Roget...

...who finishes the battle on his next turn. As usual, we get nothing for this because we already have the S-rank from last time.
This really was a fun map - lots of people on both sides, close enough to start killing each other on the first or second round, and it doesn't drag on. As always, I love the gameplay in Tactics in general, but this one was extra good.

We never find out what happened to Heinz, but it's pretty clear what the end result was. This might be good to watch.

Are you talking shit about my goat

how many other "horned freaks" do you know about come on seneca get a grip you are smarter than this

You are talking shit about my goat! Better watch out before I find a way to summon you back to the world of the living so I can kick your behind in person.

"You were kind of a douche. Not even a very memorable one, just kind of a douche."

But whatever Kyril has to say...

...we don't get to hear it.

Eh, she'll be fine. Goats usually are. They're pretty amazing, really.

If, sadly, occasionally somewhat one-track.

And so the chapter draws to a close.

And another one begins.

We have time for another nap before we get into that, though.

Kyril, ladies and gentlemen.

That has to be really inconvenient, especially if you're trying to raise a child!

Once I figured out my father's true line of work, I realized why you would try to cover it up.

So Kyril walks away.

At this point, I don't think anyone really expected anything less.
Anyway, time for the usual stuff.

However, this time things are a bit different. Mostly because we are entering the final dungeon! We really don't want to bother to start training up new characters now; we have a scumbag to slay. Therefore, all characters who have never been voted into the party before are hereby benched. (Reason for this being, anyone who has never been used has no skills beyond what they start with, and it's going to take tens of thousands of points to get them up to scratch.)
Affected characters are: Simeon, Reinhold, Frederica, Selma, Jewel, Paula, and Busk. Everyone else who was valid for the last vote is still fine for this one.