Cruisin' for a bruisin' in Super Punch-Out!!About TheWanderer: Cause I know you're all dying to know.
Back near the end of 2007 I joined Something Awful because of the Let's Play forum... Yes I was what youtubers are now. ANYWAY... I was retarded and the stupidest of newbies. There were some videos with schildkrote where I made an rear end of myself and I'd rather forget about them. Then I LPed Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! and I like to think I got a little respect for myself... probably not. Since then I haven't done much, a few marathons, a Mega Man race or two, a failed LP of a JRPG.
Why Super Punch-Out!!
Well as I said, the only successful LP I did was Punch-Out!! NES so this was the next logical idea. Also, I like the idea of the 2007 thread and this was the best idea I could come up with.
Wow... you kinda suck at this game
True... But... I got nothing. Super Punch-Out!! changes the mechanics of Punch-Out!! just enough to gently caress me up when I play the game. I can play the NES Punch-Out!! and Punch-Out!! Wii with the best of them but give me the Super and I flail around like a retard. BUT, I still love the series and isn't that what 2007 was about. LPing games that you loved?
Without further delay.
Session One: Gabby Jay and Bear Hugger Blip Dailymotion
Session Two: Piston Hurricane (COOBAN!) and Bald Bull Blip Dailymotion
Session Three: Bob Charlie and Dragon Chan Blip Dailymotion
Session Four: Masked Muscle and Mr. Sandman Blip Dailymotion after I uploaded the uncompressed file
Session Five: Aran Ryan and Heike Kagero Blip Dailymotion after I once again upload the uncompressed video... what ever Dailymotion I'll stop saving your bandwidth
Session Six: Mad Clown and Super Macho Man Blip Dailymotion derpderp Your video is too long derpderp
Session Seven: Narcis Prince and Hoy Quarlow Blip Dailymotion still a dick
Session Eight: Rick Bruiser Blip [No Dailymotion, video too long, too lazy to chop it up.]
Session Nine: Nick Bruiser Blip [No Dailymotion, just plain too lazy.]
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