Part 17: Mission 8 - Conflict - Part 3

: All units in position.

: Stay on standby. Keep an eye on your surroundings everyone.

Why do you pilot an EVA, Ayanami?

: Because Ive a bond.

: Bond?

: Yes, Im bonded.

: To my father

: To everyone.

: Youre so strong

: Because I have nothing else.

: What do you mean?

: That I have been born solely to pilot an EVA. If I ever stopped, itd be the same as dying.

: That might also apply to me, before coming to NERV. My mom died, my dad abandoned me
and I didnt really care about anything, one way or the other

: I just lived on in apathy
Or, even, maybe I was just pretending to live

: But you
are alive.

: Hm?

: And no matter what the present is, you were born into this world because someone wanted you. I might actually be a bit jealous.

: Youre jealous

: (Ive never heard her talk like that

: Its almost time.

: Right.

: Goodbye.

: (Huh
The clock ticks down to zero and its time to charge Shinjis rifle and the Dendoh with all the remaining energy in Japan. Misato proclaims the start of Operation Yashima and Eris sends the signal to the bikers to start pedaling. Danbei takes it upon himself to set the rhythm and off they go.In comes the energy and Eris, along with NERVs crew, report no problems on the positron rifles charging. The Dendohs energy gauge is also slowly rising. Touji and Danbei are prodding Kensuke to pedal harder if he wants to stay alive stomp on em like hes walking around his home!
Kensuke cries that hell break the pedals if he does that but Touji tells him: less grumblin, more pedalin! Hikari pokes him to put his back into it as well and Toujis more than willing to show all his gumption.
Midori and Otome are watching him go and shes quite impressed they need to follow his example! The Chips have no idea whats going on but, screw it, theyll just keep on pedaling like everyone else.
Eris reports to Misato that the Dendohs charge is going well and it should be back online in four minutes now we just have to pray no problems arise.
And problems arise, as Torres detects a mob of aliens coming over its the Gyandolar with some Gulfer mooks. Devil Saturn sees that were in the middle of something and thats perfect for Deondra: they can capture the Dendoh and destroy everyone else in one fell swoop.
She also wants the Data Weapon thats prowling around here, so they need to wrap this up before Altair comes over. While we were expecting enemies to attack, Misato is still appalled by their awful timing and, inwardly, Duke recognizes the Gyandolar forces.
More importantly, Eris picks up something on her sensors: a very high energy reading coming from within a spiky-ball thing with the aliens about the same quantity as what theyre sending into the positron rifle, Ritsuko adds!
Looks like we found whats been sucking up all the electricity and Ritsuko posits that, if we destroy it, power will come back shortly. Understood! We cannot let all those peoples efforts
Misato starts; And their wishes to be for naught! Captain Bright! and Vega finishes.
Bright sends everyone forward to destroy the enemy and, above all, they need to keep them away from the EVA-01 and Dendoh.
Deondra also sends her mooks onto us. "GADESSIR", they proclaim!
Mission Objective: Destroy all enemies, except the 5th Angel, Ramiel
Mission Failure: Dendoh or EVA-01 are attacked or the Nahel Argama is sunk
No problem at all as I dont even think the enemy AI is smart enough to go after our immobile units. But, just to be on the safe side, have your guys take the fight to them.
Devil Saturn is the same as before but hes brought his mistress along this time:

Pilot Skills:
- Unyielding Spirit
- Support Attack L1
Deondras Voice Actress: Hiroko Takahashi (other known works: Yuuta in Mechander Robo, Joanna in Urashiman and a handful more)
Deondras got some decent stats, making for an average midboss. What she doesnt have however is defenses or survivability 19k is nothing for the stuff were packing. If she had Prevail she mightve been a bigger problem but, without, shes a glass cannon
and her best attack is point blank range.
She can hurt your reals but thats only if you screw up and let her hit them in the first place.

The Gyandolar a bit far away, so everyone starts moving.

Enemy Phase!

The Gyandolar are letting the Gulfer soften us up first.

Player Phase!

Lets get to work and Hugo sees a nice double attack opportunity.

Only his weakest attack gets to do that but it doesnt matter these base Gulfer are made of paper maché.

That doesnt mean the Gyandolar get a free pass, though, and Light leads the charge to get his EWAC prepped for everyone. Tap finishes the job.


Still keeping the ZZ kids leveled up.

Hayato and Kaine, Kouji and Michiru clear out more Gyandolar.

Domon doesnt need anyones help, though.

Everything dies in myriad critical hits.
All other units are still closing in.

Enemy Phase!

Oh, this Zarios wants to be a big man.
It has roller skates!
The other mooks all attack and are summarily weakened (or I dodge to spread the exp around).

Player Phase!

Beecha fails me, so it falls on Iino to clean up his mess.

Alright, maybe with some teamwork.
And it dances, too!

Michiru takes out the last mook, leaving the way open to engage the midbosses. The Fenomena is just defending, so well open with Deondra and Saturn.

: Ive heard the reports but to actually find the Grendizer in this planet
What a surprise.

: What are you after, Gyandolar?! Why did you come to Earth?!

: Straight to the point, eh, prince? Good on you.

: But you should know that sticking your nose where it doesnt belong will get you killed!
And heres the Spazers strongest attack.
Do some damage to Deondra or Saturn and the plot kicks in.
NERV Alarm!*

: Were detecting an object descending on top of us at ultra-high speed! IDed as a lone Gulfer unit!

: Is it that black Dendoh from yesterday?!

: Knight Ogre

! Why now?!

: Th-The hells that thing?!

: M-Mommy!

: Stay close to me, Otome! Itll be alright!

: Hmhmhm
The Leo Circle will all but surely be drawn to this massive energy reaction.

: Och! Es tryin tae ride oan oor coattails, e is!

: Rrgh, bastard

: Huh?! An electrical discharge in Neo-Tokyo 3?! I-Its!


: Th-The Leo Circle!

: There you are. And with the Dendoh in that sorry state, itll be simplicity itself to save it. Then maybe I should take the time to eliminate those worms as well?

: Gch
! Wh-what are we gonna do?!

: Ginga, the cyclists are wide open! Your familys there too!

: Wh-what?! They were running the bicycles too?!

: M-Mommy
the black Dendoh is

: Itll be fine! Well be okay!

: Oh, no
! Mom, Otome


: Sis, its the prize! The Data Weapun! Lets grab it, awreddy!

: I told you to call me Lady Deondra, moron!

: S-Sorry, sis.

Urgh, whatever. That blue thing might snipe us down if we try making a run for it. Well stay here and see how things play out.

: True bit if we jist sit ere, Altairll chore oor treasure!

: We can let him have the Data Weapon right now. After were back in the Spiral Castle, well wait for our chance when it happens, well take him out and steal the thing.

: Ooh, Ah gie it. Yer a pure genius, sis.

: This is bad the Dendoh cant move yet! Weve to do something or the Knight Ogres going to steal the Leo Circle as well!

: Worse, theyre right by the power relays. If even a stray shot hits, the positron rifles energy will

: Damn it
! What the hell do we do?! Everyones gonna die!!

: You fools whod dare oppose the Gulfer
! Taste oblivion, hand-in-hand with the Dendoh!!


: !?
Captions are available!

: Oh, one who seeks to sate his foul desires amid the clashes of others... You ought to be ashamed of your deeds. That is what people call
a villain!

: Who are you?!

You do not deserve to know my name!

: You would challenge the Gulfer on foot
? Humans truly are wholly brainless creatures!

: And Ill see that it costs you your life!!

: Wolf Blade! Call forth the thunder of courage!!

: Where there is darkness, there is light. Where there is evil, there is justice

: The emissary of the heavens, Kenryuu, has arrived!

: Wh-what just happened?! That robot just popped up out of nowhere!

This is absurd.

: Who the heck is that

: He seems to be on our side, at the very least

: Is that
a man?

: Dont ask me!

: (He looks like
A Cronosian

: Hes

: You know him, Daisuke?!

: The man who bears the Wolf Blade
Id heard of him when I lived in Planet Fleet.

: Hes a warrior of the planet Cronos, the successor of the Tenkuu Chuushin Ken fighting style
Rom Stoll!


: Ahahahaha! Why, its been ages, Rom Stoll!

: Deondra?! Why are you in this planet?!

: Thats my line. Have you come all the way to this backyard world to chase after us?

: We jist cannae git rid o this bugger...

: And Devil Saturn 6, too! How?! All of you Gyandolar were destroyed! My friends and I did it ourselves!

: Dont be ridiculous. In what universe would something like that ever have happened?

: What
?! Are you saying you rose back from the dead, then?!

: Yer talking pish, dunderheid! We neer died!!

: (What in blazes

: You set yourself in my path and then look away
Seems to me that youre far too overconfident!

: Then, come, Gulfer! I will not allow your kind to claim the Sacred Electronic Beast!

: He knows of the Data Weapons
Yeaaaaah! I have so been looking forward to Rom making his grand entrance and hes awesome in more ways than one:

Kenryuu (Rom Stoll)
Pilot Skills:
- Sword Cut L4
- Shield Defense L3
- Counter L3
- Leadership
Spirit Commands:
- Focus (15)
- Iron Wall (25)
- Fury (30)
Roms Voice Actor: Glorious Kazuhiko Inoue (other known works: Yang Long in Masoukishin and SRW OGs, Kars in Jojo, Flit in Gundam AGE and a billion more)
What other reasons do you need to use Rom after that entrance and Inoues voice?
But, if you insist, hes one of the strongest guys around and, if I remember right, was my top ace way back when (I didnt abuse Zeorymer). Hes powerful as hell, both dodgy and bulky and he has enough skill to very reliably crit.
If you want him to really be invincible, you could buy him Prevail but I dont remember needing that. The standard SP Regen, Attacker and E-Save Super Robot combo applies to him too and, if youd like, get Fighting Spirit or Resolve (or slap some morale+ parts) to get his morale to 130 and enable his Vikungfu transformation ASAP.
We wont be seeing said transformation today, mind, because I went too crazy and killed all mooks
The Kenryuu is still quite the ass-kicker, though!
And, since were here, lets also get this one out the way:

Knight Gear Ogre (Altair)
Pilot Skills:
- Prevail L3
- Support Attack L1
Altairs Voice Actor: Kazuhiro Nakata (other known works: M.D. Geist himself, Agent Smith in Matrix, Chapman in G Gundam and many more)
Now for a higher tier of midboss, Altair is pretty much the strongest pilot in the field right now. His stats are great and Prevail L3 paired with the Ogres defenses make him bulkier than most. On the positive side, hes using the baseline Ogre, meaning he doesnt have the stopping power of the Viper Whip (or, worse, its Mirror Image effect with Illusion Flash).
Something that stood out as strange to me, however, is that his AI (at least on this mission) is extremely defensive he never attacks outside his own turn. Thats a valid tactic when being sniped but doing it all the time only means hell die slightly slower.
Well let him come to us and keep working on Deondra.

: You want to take me on? Do you have a death wish?!

: Zip it, you hag! And if youre a girl bot, you oughta go and make yourself a body thats a whole lot cuter than this!

: Id prefer a short-haired, tomboyish girl, myself.

: Well
I personally have no problems whatsoever with her current model.

: These worms

: Psh
Another Kenpo fighter, I see

: I wont ask who you are or where you came from! But if your kind will be a threat to Earth, then my fists will crush you into dust!

: And hes also one of those self-styled champions of justice
! Well, I cant stand people like that!

: Oho
This machine runs on Getter Rays?

: She knows of that energy?

: Guess that means her groups one of the foretold invaders from space.

: Invade
? Sorry but were not here for something as bothersome as that!

: Is she a machine
or is she actually alive?!

: This your first time seeing a mechanical life form? This is why I hate coming to hick planets like this.

Though, if I was gonna meet with anyone, Id have taken a cute girl over an old lady bot any day of the week

: I heard that...! Youre not leaving here alive now, boy!
And heres her best attack, now that I cared to set someone right in her face.

: What the
! The mechs talking?!

: Youve never seen a mechanical life form before, have you, boy?

: Dealing with old ladies has never been my forte
! So if you guysre set on invading Earth, Im not holding anything back!

: Rrgh
! You disgusting brat!
Ill save her for someone who needs levels. Next up is the Fenomena, whos just been hanging around all this time.
It only has a single attack nothing else of import, really. And, ew, I hate how it moves its eye before attacking.

And Roux finishes the job. No one actually says anything about us taking down the cause of the whole blackout.
The rest of our attacks are spent weakening Devil Saturn a bit, so far Rom can wreck him.

Enemy Phase!

Both him and Deondra trade blows with, respectively, Kouji and Bright with predictable results.

Altairs taken my bait, though, closing in on our people and going straight for Vega.

: You again

: This man
He really is recognizing me?

Enemy Phase!

Off you go, Rom!

I might say this is my favorite BGM in the game but I cant actually choose between it, Dragonars, Dendohs
Its up there, though!

: All of you came back to life as well, Devil Saturn 6?!

: Och! Dinnae talk like the six o us are one n the same!

: Regardless, it matters not if there are six or a hundred of you! Foes of your caliber will not give me pause!

: Hrrm! Is heids gotten een bigger since Ah last saw im!
Saturn runs off, promising to pay us back for this.
Actually, Brights level is pretty low and I want Torres to learn something ASAP to make leveling the ZZ kids easier.
Like in W, your ships can call upon undeployed units for a support attack. Better yet, whoever joins in on the battle actually gets exp!

Thats four levels for the Argama, with Torres learning Cheer and Saegusa learning Alert.
Deondra goes with the classic ILL REMEMBER THIS!
Now we just wait one more turn to wreck Altair.

Enemy Phase!

: The Dendohs charge is complete! Youre good to go!

: Same here now we just need to run our final checks! Hokuto, Ginga, go stop the Ogre and save the Data Weapon!

: Yes!

: Dendoh, activate!

: Look, mommy! The Dendoh!

: I see it
! All our pedaling has paid off!

: Alright, Dendoh! Youre up now!

: Good luck, Dendoh!

: Hmph. Youve managed to get it moving, have you?

: Ogre

: Lets do this, Ginga!

: R-Right!
The Dendoh charges after the Ogre*

: Fools
! Have you forgotten what happened last time?

: !

: Ginga?!

: Rrgh

: (I told you time and again, didnt I? There are loads of people stronger than you out there but you can never let yourself be
truly defeated.)

: (But
but, I


: Ginga, whats wrong?!

: Hmhmhmhm

: (M-Mom

: (And when your heart falters, that's when true defeat happens. While I dont know who you fought, youve the look of someone whose heart
has actually faltered. What do you have to say about that?)

: !!

: Hm? Youll still fight?

: Haaaaaaah

: That stance

: Come on, Hokuto we gotta take him on! If we lose and he steals the Data Weapon, everything my mom, Otome and all those people did wouldve been for nothing!

: And we also gotta keep the energy safe for Shinji!


: Ginga

: Wait, you two Ill handle him while you go and save the Data Weapon!

: No, if I run from him now, Ill keep running forever! So Ill do this here and now!

The Leo Circle comes over!*

: The Leo Circle

: What?!


: Y-Youre

: What the Leo Circle seeks is courage
! By conquering his fear of the Ogre, Gingas proven himself!

: Do it, Ginga!

: Yeah!

: File save: Leo Circle!!

: !!

: Leo Drive! INSTAAALL!!

: Rrrr, curses! How could the likes of you claim the Leo Circle?!

: Accept your defeat
! Even you ought to understand that the Sacred Electronic Beast saw the courage that lies in his heart and, thus, chose him as its master

: Hrrm

: Victory is already beyond your grasp! Leave now if you value your life!

: Idiocy! Ill simply destroy the Dendoh and take its Data Weapons!

: Bring it on, then, Ogre!!
He says and then immediately goes after Kouji.

: Lets do this, masked man! Youre not putting one finger on Earth or any other Data Weapons while were around!

: Youve a fine spirit. However, the machine you pilot is hardly a match for the Ogre!
Altair got a grand 9% hit rate against the TFO, which I actually think is the highest anyones ever gotten thus far.

Player Phase!

And heres the Leo Circle-equipped Dendoh (its in his right foot). This ones pretty much an upgrade of the basic form, having post-movement melee strikes as its two stronger moves.
The File Load covers its range deficiency but its only post-movement and therein lies a problem: if you move, you either need to get right in an enemys face to use his Leo Senpuu Kyaku or use the Final Attack for an 1-3 range. The Senpuu Kyaku is stronger than the Drill Charge but the Unicorns FA is, conversely, better.
Where it got completely shafted, however, is in its unique skill. Unicorn Drill gets a barrier, Viper Whip gets mirror image, and Leo Circle gets Hyper Scan
a command to cast Scan on an enemy. You know, the Spirit Command that costs 1 SP.

Well, lets show off one of Gingas new tricks and get to work on whittling Altair down as he continuously defends.

: Ho-hum. To think even a warrior of Cronos would have come to this planet
It seems this is a crossroads for many different fates.

: If our battle is, indeed, fate then I will bring it to a close by way of your crushing defeat

: What?!

: Evil never prevails! Such is the absolute truth of the entire universe!

: Weve got Hokuto and Gingas backs, so Im putting an end to your shenanigans!

: As you wish. I can take the time to crush you before burying them!

: Away with you! Ill eradicate anyone who gets in my way!

: Not going to happen! The Dendoh isnt the only enemy youll have to deal with!

: Ill never turn the other cheek if youre here to disturb Earths peace!

: Hrm

: Oh
? Can you feel my Chi? I guess youre somewhat skilled, then.

: Right back at you
That said, fists tainted by evil could never beat me!

: (Altair
my brother died in that battle
! Im sure hes dead!)

: (Who is this woman
? Is she whats causing this headache

: That smug act of yours is really getting on my nerves! Come here Im tearing that mask a new one!

: The idea that the likes of you could ever touch the Ogres mask is but an impossible dream!
Hey, would you look at that
And the Dragonar folks finally got enough to morale to bust out their stronger combined attack!

Still, this is the kiddies show so lets give them a chance to wrap this up in style:
Altair runs off, shaking his fist at Dendoh.

The kids get a lot of prizes from a cheered kill: Ginga learns Prevail L3 and Spirit, Hokuto also gets Prevail L3 plus Strike.
And here are the couple of convos we missed:

: Its been ages, Rom. Have you been chasing after us?

: Deondra, Ive no idea what trick you used but your evil will find no success in this planet!

: However many times you resurrect, wherever you run off to, the light of truth and justice will always find you!

: Come on! The Leo Circle put his chips in the power of my courage, so lemme show you what its about!

: Shut your mouth, brat! Yapping about bunk like courage, friendship and trust is only pissing me off big time!

: All enemies, excluding the Angel, are confirmed destroyed!

: Thanks for the help, everyone! Now lets wrap this whole thing up!

: Proceed to phase 7! Final safety device, released!

: All of our civilian collaborators have already been taken to the shelters!

: Cock the rifle!

: Ready!

: Error correction for Earths rotation and gravity
plus 0.0009.

: Voltage is 0.2 short of critical. 7th and final connection engaged! Transmitting all energy to the positron rifle!

: Here goes

: 8, 7, 6, 5


: High energy reading detected within target!

: What?!

: 3, 2, 1!

: Fire!

: !

: Aah!

: It missed?!

: The enemys drill has broken into the GeoFront!

: Ready the second shot hurry!

: Replacing fuses, initiating recharge!

: Another energy reading within the target!

: Oh, no!!

: !!

: Ayanami!!

: The shield isnt holding!

: Are we ready yet?!

: Ten seconds!

: Hu
Hurry up!

: The EVA-00s melting!


: Ready to fire!!

: Hrm!

: We did it!!

: Ayanami!!

: Ayanami, are you alright?!


: Oh, thank god
youre alive


: Dont say
dont say that youve nothing else

: And dont say goodbye when youre leaving on a mission. Its too sad

: Why are you crying?

Im sorry. I dont know what to do at a time like this.

Why dont you try smiling?

: !


: We might not have anything else other than piloting the EVAs right now but
If were still alive, then thats already a good thing.

: If were

: Right
Because weve people waiting for us.

: Even if those bonds were made by the EVAs, there are those who want us to come back.

: Shinji!

: Shinji

Looks like its over.

: Um

: Hey, I dont know who you are but


: Thanks for saving us.

: Theres no need for thanks.

: Dendoh
and you, children chosen by the Sacred Electronic Beasts. Never forget the courage you gained today.

: !

: Until we meet again
Rom leaves 

: Aah!

: He
he vanished?!

: (Gyandolar
and Rom Stoll. To think theyd all appear on Earth
Goodies earned today: Super Allow Z, Repair Kit, Minovsky Craft (enables a unit to fly I am THIS close to giving Vega a flying bike).
Back in NERV HQ, Misato reports the success of Operation Yashima and the destruction of the Angel. Gendou is quick to pass on orders for a new mission, though: as soon as EVA-00 is repaired, it, plus EVAs -01 and -02, their pilots, and Misato herself are to be posted to the Nahel Argama under Bright's command.
Misatos stunned at the thought of all three EVAs being sent away and asks why. Furthermore, whatll happen if another Angel shows up while theyre away? Gendou merely says he wont change her orders and dismisses her. Misato cant do much other than reluctantly complying.
Fuyutsuki isnt too sure about this either as, regardless of the EVA-00 and 02, the Committee will not stay silent face him sending the EVA-01 away. Gendou doesnt care, saying this will serve as a diversion for those old men... as well as a certain other man.
Besides, the next Angel won't appear for a while: does that mean theyll be seeing the emergence of Lost Numbers? Gendou figures contact with the MU is throwing the schedule off track which should work to his and Fuyutsukis advantage.
Over by GEAR HQ, Misatos just finished telling Bright of Gendous decision. Shes happy to be here but hes, honestly, rather surprised as he never would have expected this decision.
So, the three EVAs are being added to our forces unexpectedly generous of NERV, Vega thinks. Misato admits that she was just as surprised as us.
Regardless, the two ladies will actually get a chance to work together at length and on top of having similar voices, they also seem about the same age. With that in mind, Vega they neednt stand on ceremony and drop the honorifics.

: Then its a pleasure to be working with you, Misato.

: The pleasure is all mine, Vega.

Psh, this hangars as dirty as ever.

: Huh? Youve been on this ship before?

: For a while, when I was coming to Japan.

: Hm-hmm

: And it looks like the local Three Stooges are still around. At least I wont be bored, I guess.

: Local?
Door opens.*

: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whats that EVA doing here?!

: D-Dont tell me

: That shes also

: Yes, I am.

: Gcht! A-Asuka!

: Uurgh
this is horrible

: Are these the local Three Stooges you were talking about?

: Yep. Theyre stupid enough to rival even you, Touji and Kensuke.

Again with that?! Argh, youre already getting on my nerves and youve only been here minutes!

: Well, we
are going to be working together now
I suppose I could be nicer to you a little.

: Oi
Therere tough times ahead, I can feel it
Midoris just gotten off the phone with Ginga, whos said that hell be going on with his tour. Itll be a while until he comes back but Otome says shell keep waiting until he does.
Midoris glad to hear it and asks her to come along as they go and buy new batteries for her stuffed animal. Gin
I know theres a lot on your plate but you hang in there, alright? Midori says inwardly.