Part 32: Mission 18 (Chongqing Route) - Burning Heart, Flying High - Part 2

Oh, yeah. Heres our first upgrade of the game and its pretty sweet: the Custom Dragonars, as Plato said, take fine mechs and make them even better.
On top of an overall stat boost all Dragonars are now equipped with Photonic Bazookas (among other minor weapons) which are now their strongest solo weapons. Theyre powerful but take a non-insignificant amount of EN to use so dont go too crazy.
The addition of this new weapon gives Kaine and Light a big boost because it fixes their biggest issues: range and damage, respectively. And, of course, the bazookas also give them all a new combined attack.

But well get there when we get there. First off, theres this Dolla that had the sense to avoid Rom.
Behold, the mother of all piledrivers.

Well go after Mins crew to draw in the more distant Gon Jem guys. Light weakens a Dein and off goes Kaine to show off his new laser swords.

Always with the shields

Enemy Phase!

Oh, you poor idiot.

It takes a named character to face a named character.

But mooks can still kill-steal

Oh? Gon Jems coming after Light.
Each Dragonar has a different colored bazooka, too: Lights gold, Kaines red and Taps blue.
Light also gets harassed by some other mooks but just slaps them away.

The Dragoons are actually holding Jin and Ganan at bay.

Ah I didnt remember Min having a MAPW!
And all that serves is deprive me of more money. Were I not keeping the other path, Id be very annoyed now.

Player Phase!

*Looks at Rom.*

*Hugo moves after Albero.

Mission Objective: All enemies destroyed
Mission Failure: Rom or the Nahel Argama destroyed.
No problems here, though thisll be easier if you left a couple units around for your later arrivals to build morale. Gon Jem will always go after Kaine, while Albero seems to prioritize Hugo, so just make sure theyre prepared for that kind of attention.
Deal with Min and Goru first and when Jin and Ganan arrive, take them out. If youve the time, get rid of Albero the Medius is starting to fall behind our power curve.
Quickly now, lets take a look at Jem and the Holograms:

Geizam (Gon Jem)
Pilot Skills:
- Prevail L3
- Support Attack L3
Big, bad, boss man you know the drill. Gon Jems meant to get in your face and tear it off with that sword of his; unlike the common real robot bosses, however, hes all about being tanky. His stats are, predictably, good all around so always keep your squishier guys with at least Focus around him; especially Kaine. And do your best to keep the area around him clear of enemies because you dont need him getting those support attacks in.
His main weakness is that his range aint too hot: the best hes got is 1-4. This group is more melee-oriented but weve got people that can still exploit that.

Stark Dein (Min)
Pilot Skills:
- Shield Defense L4
- Support Attack L2
- Support Defense L1
Wasnt there some shit storm between this VA and Yukana when she took over Fours role in A New Translation?
Average stats for the pilot of a middling bot Id mark her as the weakest of the Gon Jem crew. Her mechs got decent enough attack and accuracy but her three shield charges are the only thing stopping her Stark Dein from melting like cheese in the sun.
Once theyre gone, so is she.

Stark Gebai (Goru)
Pilot Skills:
- Prevail L3
- Shield Defense L1
- Support Attack L2
This guy I take him as the second strongest of the Gon Jem guys, despite how he seems to be the punchline character. Unlike his peers, Gorus followed Gon Jems philosophy in that being dodge-focused when going against guys with Strike is stupid.
He can tank a hit rather well with his good-ish defense stat plus the Stark Gebais above average bulkiness and then he triggers that Prevail L3 to dish out some respectable damage. Dont underestimate him or you may be surprised.

Stark Dauzehn (Jin)
Pilot Skills:
- Prevail L3
- Support Attack L2
- Double Image
- EWAC (Strong)
- Jammer
Third most dangerous guy, mostly because hes rather accurate and will be boosted by Prevail (his damage output is on the low side but hes got range). Dauzehns are lacking in defenses, though, so once you get past his myriad electronic warfare bits, hell go down easy. Just come packing Strike.

Stark Dolla (Ganan)
Pilot Skills:
- Prevail L3
Further down the ladder, this guy. His Dolla has decent-ish stopping power but no shields, meaning his Prevail is all hes got. 17k HP and 1100 armor are too little to be compensated by that.
Plus, while his range is good, his only post-movement attack is 1-3, meaning hes easy to bait in and his best attack also has a three-tile-long blind spot. Not good.

So, lets get rid of Min to take away the slight threat of her bombs debuffing someone. Following a TFO attack, Bright will remove her last two shield charges.

There it goes.

And with Shinji and Ryouma on the job, there she goes.

Thats all her machine can take, so its time to eject.

Next on my kill list is Goru and Akira might as well take some morale from nearby mooks.

He learns Spirit.

Thats all his shields.

See, when I warned you against Goru, I was speaking from experience. 3k damage on one of my bulkiest Supers is nothing to sneeze at from a lower-tier midboss but I still didnt get the message at the point.
Which is what helped Goru claim the title of first unit in the LP to break an A.T. Field. Now I need to have some units heal Asuka pronto because I REALLY dont wanna fork over an EVAs repair cost.

Ayato takes the last Gebai and Hugo finishes the Dein crew.

Im officially done with you, guy.

If I was in range, I would totally have busted out a Valored God Hand Smash.

Die, please.
One good thing is how much he freaks out when shot down.

Having clearly stolen Karl and Dans script, he cries out to his boss as he ejects.

Enemy Phase!

The Dragoons try taking on Albero. It goes about as well as youd expect, though one barely hangs on.

Good to see you again, Mr. Jem.

Just something to pass time.

Albero goes after Hugo but I expected that and left him protected.

Whoa I just now realized that the two Dragoon mooks attacks took out half of his HP already. I dont know if this says good things about Platos creation or bad things about Mitalls.

Player Phase!
Lets wrap things up with Albero since hes so close.

Amazingly, Alert is Quattros second-to-last spirit. Maybe its a jab at his average Newtype powers?

Now its just a matter of waiting a little bit for Jin and Ganan to walk over. Following that, well deal with Gon Jem (hell retreat under 30% HP)

Hell get us for this!

I didnt have a Dragonar left to attack Jin but he had words for them:

I never actually showed this attack before.

And heres the D-Teams new combined attack.

Kaine learns Valor and Sword Cut L3

Gon Jem sniffs that today was just a test. The Dragonars are in luck they get to keep their lives until their next encounter.
All foes are dealt with and Duke is quick to get in touch with Rom, seeking to confirm his identity and why a Cronosian like him would have come to Earth. Rom only says that it was all the guidance of the Wolf Blade and runs off, to see us again another day. (

Kaine figures we should just be happy that all enemies are taken care of, though Shinji figures this now means the Dragonar team will be leaving. About that

Light confirms to Bright that theyre sure about staying with the army, though Tap is still feeling for the evaporating cash reward. Kaine says that they neednt tag along if him if they dont actually want to, though.
Come now, Kaine. We all know that youd be dead real quick without us around, Light quips. Right, right. Only reason youve survived all this way is because of us. I couldnt get a good nights sleep knowing that you were out there, alone, Tap adds. Kaine only huffs that theyre just as dependent of him as he is of them. Thats what being a teams about, which is why theyll all stay and with the Dragonars saved from destruction, thats a happy ending for everyone.
Professor Plato is glad to see the men rose to his expectations and Kaine laughs at how everything seemingly went according to the old guys plan. No, Plato argues that it's Kaine and the others who actually made the decision - that said, Linda is quite delighted.
Douglas is glad, too, more so because he turned out wrong about them hes now expecting great things from Kaine and the others. Hell remain here in Chongqing, entrusting the D-Team to the Nahel Argama. Light doesnt know whether to be happy or sad about this.

Dianne already has the paperwork handy and, with it signed, all the bureaucracy is taken care of. Theyre now officially assigned to the Nahel Argama and, better yet, it comes with a promotion to the rank of Warrant Officers.
Bright says he vouched for them, and that he expects even greater things from them from now on. As Kaine confirms, Tap is very happy with the promotion since it also means they get officer salaries thats SIX ranks they just plowed through (all three classes of airmen, Cpl, Sgt and MSgt). Which means they now outrank Ben!
The guy groans a confirmation, prompting Kaine to go I CANT HEAR YOU. Speak clearly when addressing your superior officers! Tap adds. As Ben begs their forgiveness, Kaine really likes the dynamic shift (Ben can only seethe).
Plato is glad to see that they understand the importance of ranks, so hed expect them to act just as respectful with Linda and Rose as they still outrank them. So much for Kaine and Taps mirth.
Still, Plato tells them not to forget who they themselves are: the Dragonars have a rough edge that the "model student" Dragoons lack meaning the three of them, equally atypical, are the best equipped to leverage those capabilities.
Kaine promises theyll bring home the goods with their new bots and, with that, they take off.

When Dianne asks, Plato wont say whether this outcome is for the best or not he hasnt the right to opine when it was his actions that dragged them into this mess in the first place.
Bright knows how that is, remembering all the youngsters hes seen follow this path; but all of them, amid the pain and hardship, ended up finding their own reasons to fight. Hes sure that Kaine and the others also have something like that pushing them onwards Ben agrees with him.
Plato, meanwhile, rededicates himself to doing everything he can to help bring this war to a speedy conclusion. First off, he ought to finish the Dragonars official transfer to our ship; Douglas will help, asking Bright to take care of those three and wishing godspeed.
Linda and Rose will transfer to the Argama but Dianne, much to Bens disappointment, will remain in Chongqing. Still, she wishes him well and looks forward to their reunion. Playing wingman, Plato requests that Ben carry the two girls luggage onto the ship Dianne can help.
Ben is all over it, confident in his strength, and Plato quietly laughs at what a transparent man he is.

*Several folks run over.*

Kouji tells him to be nice because we all came here to re-welcome them into the fold. Kaine figures theyre making a mountain out of a molehill but Misato says its no problem at all this is for good luck.
Shes in a pretty good mood and Asuka tells why: there was a poll about the D-Team and she won. Still, Shinjis also pretty happy that they decided to stay. Asukas surprised to hear say stuff like that but they DID go through all those things together.
Even Asuka has to concede the point: things would be too slow without them around. At least like this, Ill still have some entertainment.
Shinji, Daisuke and Tetsuya all give them a proper welcome, saying theyll all be expecting them to work just as hard as they have thus far. Kaine is feeling the love and Linda can see that this is where he belongs.
Rose lets us know that the moon team will be arriving real soon with the Nadesico from what weve heard, things were tough up there but they also came back with some new buddies. Time to consolidate the celebration of the D-Teams stay with a welcome party for these new arrivals, Kaine figures.
From here on out well be going over the events on the other side, so we can skip that. When I go wrap up the moon route, Ill see what new info we get and point it out then.