Part 39: Mission 23 - Cloister of Illusions - Part 1

Location: NERV HQ

Fuyutsuki relates how our groups almost arriving in Neo Tokyo 3 and asks what the Committee had to say. Gendou relates how theyre uncomfortable with him summoning them over, though Fuyutsuki sees why face the new additions to the team.
Moreover, he figures the Magnate Ten themselves must have some questions as to how suddenly they were called. Gendou is sure itll be fine, as he said it was to test the EVAs harmonics and try out a new weapon.
Fuyutsuki asks about the lance but Gendou says theres no need for them to get it now; not messing with it will help alleviate SEELEs doubts a bit. But what about something that's expected to happen soon? Gendou says theyll intentionally play into their hands. Its necessary, in order to keep their OWN schedule on track.

Back to our group, Asuka sighs at how long its been since she was back in Neo Tokyo 3. When Megumi asks, Asuka explains how EVA kids will be heading to NERV HQ for some harmonics test its something like a periodic physical exam, she says.
Meg asks if that means theyll be measuring their sync rate with the EVAs and Asuka confirms, as having a high enough rate is how the pilots are chosen. This sounds like a group affair to Ayato, though Rei has gone on ahead; she told Shinji she had something else to handle at HQ.
Asuka is eager to get tested and show Shinji just how much of a badass she is, so she wants to go right now. While Ayato wishes Shinji good luck, Asuka apologizes to Meg for having to cancel on their plans to go shopping together.
Misato had also made plans to go eat some grill with Haruka but those will also need to be canceled. What, they were going to go eat just by themselves? And have a ton of beer dont forget that.
Megumi sighs at how much of kindred spirits her sister and Misato are.

Seems like Ritsukos put Rei inside the EVA-01 and she asks how it feels it smells like Shinji. Regardless, that test is done so Ritsuko tells her to head to the EVA-00 next. Ritsuko observes that Reis synchro rate in the #01 was pretty much the same as the #00. Maya figures its because those two EVAs have very similar personal data patterns.
Gendou thinks this means that "that project" is feasible now, and leaves the rest up to Ritsuko the other pilots should be arriving soon. Said project is the Dummy System, something Maya isnt too excited with. Ritsuko understands but says it is necessary for everyone to survive.
Maya respects her mentor and will still do her job but she cant well give this her approval. Ritsuko observes that it's going to be hard living with everyone else after this this will all leave her feeling like scum.

Misato enters right then and notes the heavy atmosphere in here. Ritsuko says its nothing, chalking it up to her being annoyed at their late arrival. Misato swears she tried getting here on time did she make a pit stop along the way? Maybe.
But, regardless, shes already sent Shinji and Asuka over to their EVAs. The three of them want to get this done ASAP to enjoy the R&R thats been allowed the entire squad. Misato can still make her grill and beer date with Haruka!
Sounds important but Ritsuko points out Misato will still need to fill out some paperwork regarding the test as well as about five hundred pages of stuff relating to stuff thats been piling on her desk during her absence.
As Misato lies stunned, Ritsuko says that Kaji has also stopped by. Once her works done, why not invite him as well for that beer? Misato, a dark cloud setting upon her, says no.

Location: Neo Tokyo 3

Meg has decided to drag Ayato along on her shopping trip what an honor to take Asukas place! But what exactly are they shopping for? Ayato still has no idea. Meg says anything works and that hardly gets the kid excited.
Meg spots a nice tie on sale and asks Ayato what he thinks. Oh, so shes buying a present for a guy? Yes but, just to be clear, its NOT FOR HIM. Sure, sure.
*People walk over.*

*Off they go.*

Some time later, Mikus help Megumi pick out a nice tie. When she asks, Meg says its a present to her superior officer. Bright? NO, its a TERRA guy not Magnate Ten. Alright, alright, Miku is still sure the guy will love it.
Meg hopes so, figuring this would be so much easier if she was more like Haruka she may not look like it but shes got a very girly side to her. Thats difficult for Miku to imagine but Meg says that Haruka used to have this huuuuge crush as a child and, even after all those years, shes still not over the guy.
Miku confesses to be a bit jealous that Haruka could carry such strong feelings for one person for such a long time

And, come Alpha 3, its Misatos turn to try and land Tuxedo Mask.

Kaine pops out of the woodwork and confirms target sighted. In comes Ryouko, Kouji and a bunch of people, much to Vegas shock. Judau and Sai wonder if they were planning on hitting the restaurant ahead of them, hogging all the best food for themselves.
O-Of course not this is a strategy meeting, honest! Haruka stammers a confirmation, saying theyre debating future operations. They wouldnt be lying to them, Tap wonders coyly. Thats the most transparent lie Ryoukos heard, even.
Akira, Ayato and Masatos group arrives right then, adding more people to the pile. Seems to Amuro that the ladies will just have to accept these extra tag-alongs we can send the bill to GEAR, right? Vega thought they were sending it to TERRA!
Seems like that theyll need to take the middle road here send the bill to NERV! Or not, as the city alarm starts blaring right then.

Back in NERV, the test is underway. The Third Childrens Shinji results are quite impressive and Misato hopes itll give him a confidence boost.
Ritsuko warns about giving him too much praise, leading to overconfidence in battle but Misato figures hell be fine. Regardless, it seems clear that the EVA-01 will be the one to receive a certain new weapon.
Misato calls Shinji and he asks how he did. Her answer is quite enthusiastic: YOU ARE NUMBER ONE! Yay!


NERVs detecting a group of flying objects on approach to Neo Tokyo 3 they tag an unknown type of D1 Dolem leading. Gendou and Fuyutsuki were expecting this and he asks Misato to have the Magnate Ten deploy only the EVAs and RahXephon to intercept.
Misato wants to know why as our people should meet the enemys numbers in kind. Gendou replies that he need not explain himself, and tells her to follow his orders.

Mission 23 Cloister of Illusions

The Dolem enters the city and Bright is more than a little confused when Haruka relays Gendous request to us. When Vega asks, Megumi relates no sign of the D1 Aria doesnt look like the things here to attack.
What, is it just observing? That strikes Haruka as very odd, considering all previous Dolems attacked in earnest. George ponders that it could have a different objective today but Chibodee doubts it those things only care about the RahXephon, right?
Haruka figures NERV wants to deploy the RahXephon to see what the Dolem will do and Amuro sees their reasoning: like the Angels, we dont know what the thing might do against us. Bright decides to go along with Gendous plan but tells all other units to be on standby and ready to deploy.

The scene, as before, shifts back and forth between us and NERV HQ down in the Geofront.

*The Dolem charges after Ayato.*


*Shinji goes after the Dolem*


*Both units blip out of existence.*

Title for EVA 4.0: You Can (Not) Be a Badass.

Our people have been trying to get in touch with the boys but Light says were getting nothing. Its like theyre not even in this world. Ginga worries that they might be dead and ears himself a punch from Ryouko dont jinx them!
But if theyre still alive, where did they go, then? Ryouko doesnt know but Miku has a theory that they got taken into a different dimension. Kaine figures that since they got taken in, they can come back out, right? Miku isnt sure.
Ginga doesnt like that we dont even know if Ayato and Shinji are still alive but Kazuya tells him to calm down both their units have life support aboard, so hes sure theyre safe. Hayato points out that said life support cant run forever, though. Michiru frowns but he says that's the jist of it: if they dont hurry and rescue them before the systems fail, then itll all be for nothing.
Weve a race against time on our hands, so Masato asks if we cant do anything but sit on our hands. Light argues that just attacking willy-nilly wont do anything folks tried bombarding the Dolem and all their attacks simply got absorbed by the shadow. The things like the worst garbage bin in the universe ..

*Door opens.*

So, Ritsuko does have a plan with which she believes we can rescue the EVA-01 and RahXephon. Thats good. The plan involves tossing all nine hundred and ninety two N² (Non-Nuclear) mines onto the Dolem. Oh.
While thats going on, the remaining EVAs will deploy their A.T. Fields in unison which should disrupt the Dolems enclosed space for one thousandth of a second. If we focus all that explosive energy into that microsecond, itll destroy the space itself. But then, Vega asks, what will happen to Shinji and Ayato? This plan isnt what Vega would call a rescue operation but, Ritsuko points out, is the only conceivable option in our time limit.
Haruka and Misato dont look satisfied and Saburouta sighs at the huge gamble were going to be taking. Still, Duke and Kouji know that if we dont take this option, therell be nothing to do before their friends die.
Judau remembers that rescuing Ginga and Hokuto from the Spiral Castle was nigh-impossible, too, and we pulled it off well just have to defy the odds again. The kids are more than willing to do the saving this time.
As Misato thanks them, Masato asks if it would be possible to use the Zeorymers Dimensional Coupling System to rescue Ayato and Shinji. That strikes Tap as a good idea, what with the things name and the two being stuck in a different dimension, but Kouji isnt too sure thats enough proof of concept.
Misato seems a bit queasy, so Ritsuko cuts in and shuts that idea down: the system is one huge black box. There are far too many unknowns surrounding it to consider using it in this operation. Masato and Miku are dejected but Misato appreciates the thought nonetheless.

And what will the rest of us do, Ruri asks? The MU are expected to anticipate us attempting something, so our job will be to keep on alert and intercept any enemies that might emerge. The operation will happen in two hours and both Ritsuko and Misato will be in charge.
Misato apologizes for usurping Brights command here but he doesnt mind hes quite confident in the ladies capacity. With that, everyones sent to their posts.
As they leave, Nana turns to Kyoshiro. These N² mines are really powerful, right? Is it really OK for us to huge so many of the things? Not really since if our timings off by even a second, itll blow not just us but the entire city to kingdom come. Which is why, Kazuya says, we need to make sure everything goes perfectly.
If theres even a one in a million chance that we can rescue Shinji and Ayato, then Kazuya is willing to stake his life on it. Thats how hes made it to this point. And another thing to keep in mind: if we fail here, therell be no one to save Erika.


*Ritsuko leaves.*

Haruka, meanwhile, has gotten on the phone with Itsuki; he agrees that its quite the extreme plan were going with. Harukas ill at ease with how risky this will be to Ayato and Shinji and is looking for any other option. Itsuki figures Ayatos the crux of this matter there has to be a reason why he was separated from the rest of them.
Haruka tells him to speak of things in the past in past tense, but he says that, to him, it's past perfect continuous. Still, he understands where Harukas coming from: time has stopped to her fifteen years ago. She joined TERRA in hopes that they could get it flowing again, right? Sadly, Itsuki wasnt capable of doing that for her.
Haruka says its not his fault but Itsuki confesses that he did want to help her break away from the past; but it didnt happen. Hes always a replacement, no matter where he goes. Itsuki and Haruka have both changed over the years but Ayato hasnt. Honestly, Itsuki envies him in more ways than one.

Elsewhere, Maris looking for Akira; oddly enough, Haruka had asked Hugo the same thing before he got here. No ones seen the guy for a bit now, not even during the mission briefing.
Did she check his room? He shouldnt be there, what with us on alert, but Hugo suggests her give it a try. Maybe he decided to take a nap after the last battle?

Akira IS in his room, though hes not napping too well. A voice calls out to his mind, warning that his destiny is on the verge of a major turning point one he must discern with his own eyes.
The voice adds that a certain person may end up as Akiras enemy or maybe not. She tells him to listen to his voice along with the Raideen, and then decide. Akira, now recognizing the voice as his mothers, asks whose voice shes talking about. What is his fate?!
Mari bursts him and wakes Akira up from his dream he doesnt remember falling asleep, mind. Still, its almost time for the operation so they need to get going. Akira agrees, saying hell get going after washing his face.
Mari warns him not to fall asleep again or shell tell Bright. As she goes, ponders hearing the voice is his late mother. What exactly was she trying to tell him?

And were back with Ayato who, surprisingly, finds himself in Tokyo again. And hes very surprised when Asahina and Mamoru walk over to greet him.
Hes glad to see that theyre both still safe but cant help but wonder what could be going on here. Asahina has no idea what hes talking about everythings the same as ever. What about the attack? What attack? Is Ayato sleepwalking or something?
Ayato wonders if he could be dreaming or, maybe, everything that had happened up to now was a dream? His train of thought is interrupted when Haruka shows up.

Ayato figures this isnt inside Tokyo Jupiter but, then, what is he doing in Tokyo? This has to be a dream as he cant possibly be here but everything is still just like he remembers. The citys the same, Mamoru and Asahina are the same Haruka says the other side is what feels like the dream. Isnt that right?
Ayato knows that to be wrong but cant well deny it. Haruka sees no problem with that; whether he's dreaming of being a butterfly or whether the butterfly is dreaming of being him, if he feels this to be reality, that's what it is.
In fact, this can be taken as a blessing in here, he wont have to fight or be hurt anymore. In fact, since this is his world, hes free to do whatever he wants. And, by that, she means that he doesnt need to hold back his desires just because shes older than him just man up and be honest.
Ayato yells that shes wrong hes not being dishonest, holding anything back or whatever. Haruka knows thats just the lie he keeps telling himself. Exactly like that boy.
What does he want to do? Can he play the music yet? Can he perform the tuning? Did the Star of La Mu shine? Haruka wants answers but Ayato has no idea what shes even talking about.

Shinjis having an illusion of his own, inside a train with a copy of himself. The other Shinji says all people have another version of themselves hiding within their hearts that is to say, a self can be defined as being composed of these two versions.
One side of the self is that which is actually shown, while the other is that which sees. In truth, there isnt ONE Shinji Ikari: theres the other one hidden inside his mind, the one in Misatos mind, in Asukas, in Reis, in Gendous all of them are different Shinji Ikaris and, yet, theyre all the real him.
And the problem is that Shinji fears all those other versions of himself within others. Indeed, hes afraid of being hated by others of being hurt and, thus, he closes himself off inside. He clings, ruminates, to any shred of happiness hes found as he carries on his life. Always fooling himself.
Everyone does that ! Thats how they survive! Shinji argues. People must find satisfaction in who they are and what they have, or theres no way to go on living. This world is filled with too much hardship to survive otherwise. The clone says Shinjis shut his eyes and ears to everything he didnt like.
But Im fighting with the EVA, no?! Shinji yells. I cant stand fighting but I dont have a choice ! I didnt have any choice! They just told me to do it!
See? You make excuses and you run. Thats how youve always been, the clone says. You lock away even the memories of what you seen, fleeing from the truth.

Back to Ayato! He really wants to go home now but the suddenly Maya points out that this IS his home. And, by the by, Shinjis also here. When he asks, Ayato introduces his mother.
Shinjis a bit jealous of how Ayato has her in his life his own mother perished in an accident a long time ago. Maya asks what happened but Shinji doesnt know. He cant even remember her face.
Maya does actually know Shinjis mother, though. While she never met the woman in person, his mother was quite the renowned bioengineer.

*Ayato runs off.*

And thats quite enough for today. Ill get the next half ready to go in a day or two.
See you all then!