Part 64: Mission 35 - Hemisphere - Part 2

While Tetsuya takes out the last Dotem, Kouji leads the charge against the Metronomes.

Keeping Iron Wall on just in case.

After Rom softens it up further, Elvy moves in.


Enemy Phase!

The Metronomes on this side gang up on Kouji and are promptly rocket punched.
The other packs move in, though only a single unit manages to attack.

Player Phase!

Another kill for Tetsuya.


Duke takes it out.



And there goes 10k HP.

Tap sets it up and Elvy takes another.

Less punning, more killing.

Yeah, fine.

Over by this side, well spend this turn setting up Masatos killing field.
Purging the FA parts to show off another Kiba weapon.

Masato follows up after Kazuya.

Build up that morale, boy!

Enemy Phase!

Ryouma gets jumped a few times but Open Get keeps him from being pummeled too much. He does kill one Metronome.

Most of the southern group go after the Zeorymer (perfect) but this one targets the Dendoh.
Lets me show off the Kiba equivalent to the File Load attack.

Player Phase!

As Tetsuya nabs kill-steals more, I spot a chance to show off the Nadesico girls combined attack.
Good stuff.

Considering I didnt keep the Earth route, this will at least somewhat make up for all the kills Masato lost!

And everything dies!
Goodies today are a Minovsky Craft, a Lamune and a Super Alloy nu-Z.

Thats all enemies gone and while Bright calls everyone back, the Vermillion stays out: Haruka wants Elvy to transpose the barrier and help her go after the RahXephon.
Elvy worries that she cant use the TDD Unit with Haruka lacking the appropriate gear but Haruka says she can handle it this isnt the first time shes gone inside Tokyo Jupiter. Itll still be rough but she still wants to go for it. Elvy eventually agrees and as they go towards the barrier, Haruka thanks her for the assist.
Elvy sniffs a dont mention in and gets in touch with the Nahel Argama to explain shell be executing the Piercer Sequence and the Vermillion will be going silent for a while. Ruri and Bright see what theyre up to and wish the women godspeed.
As for Megumi, Haruka promises to find her way back. Vega also wishes them good luck and Elvy invites her and Misato to go grab a drink once they return.

So off goes the Vermillion, extending its Piercer Field and transposing Tokyo Jupiters barrier. All we can do now is root for them.

Ayato seems to be in some expanse of nothingness. Hes supposed to be in Tokyo but where are Quon and her mother? Reika suddenly appears, saying the one hes looking for is over there

Ayato gets a vision of the MU commander center, with Miwa reporting that the RahXephons currently inert inside the Xephon Shrine. No signs of reverting back to its stone form.
Ayatos shocked to see his mom in some priestess-esque clothes, as Kuki relates to her that Quon isnt doing too well. She hasnt worn her life module for a long while. Maya shuts him down, saying shes well aware of the cause what she wants to hear is a solution.
As he observes it all, Ayato is left to ponder if this really is the truth.

Haruka and Elvy are already infiltrated in Tokyo. Overhead, they see Dolems keeping watch over the city, though Elvy wonders why that sight doesn't bother anyone around here. Haruka remembers that the things werent visible before, so its likely the MU have strengthened their mental control over the people to counter that change.
Regardless, she has an idea of where Ayato mightve gone to and can even lead them there after all, she grew up in this city. Elvy does want to know one thing: why is Haruka so hung up on Ayato? She hesitates, saying only that he's a very important person to her...

Ayatos woken up in a hospital, eventually finding Quon lying in another bed. She slowly says that shes alright just a bit tired. Maya, back in her normal getup, enters the room and welcomes Ayato back home at last.
Quon asks to hear Maya's voice, and Maya asks her why. Quon doesnt answer though she seemingly realizes something; the two of them exchange words in some unknown language (Naimu, mema, nekupa; Espa, masa ) and Maya says shell come visit later.
For now, she asks Ayato to head home and shell join him shortly.

On the way, Ayato runs into his old friends, Hiroko and Mamoru. Its been a while since they saw each other and Hiroko sees him to have changed a bit; Mamoru doesnt know what shes on about, considering the guys only been gone for one month.
Its that time in Tokyo is six times slower business at work and Hiroko confesses to have been very worried. No one at school not the teachers or the students said anything, or even seemed to care, about Ayatos disappearance. This past month, shes wanted to see and talk to him again but now shes got no idea of what she wanted to talk to him about. How is that possible?

Mamoru starts losing his patience and tells her to give it a rest shes paranoid. Ayato simply went abroad for a month to run some errands for his family. Ayato slowly confirms but, then, has a question: Reika Mishima had also disappeared, did anyone at school say anything about her?
She was their classmate but neither Hiroko nor Mamoru have any idea who that is. Hiroko is earnestly trying to remember, but Ayato tells her not to worry; the girls freaking out, though, she feels like shes heard that Mishima name before and is forgetting something important.
Is she going crazy or is everyone else around her who is? She wants Ayatos opinion on this but he only apologizes and says hes got to go. Mamoru is further mad.

Hirokos having a hard time managing some stuff she's seen: blood changing color, everyone acting strangely and yet no one thinks theres anything off. Shes scared and heading towards Ayatos home when shes intercepted by the MU secret agents. They ask what her businesses here is but theyre quickly told to stand off by Mamoru, of all people.
He asks why Hiroko came here and she throws the question right back at him. Why is he and these people around Ayatos home? The very military-looking Kuki is also here, further confusing Hiroko, but Mamoru tells him shes of no concern. Moreover, shouldnt he making a report to Maya? He suggests Kuki get going.
Hiroko wants to know who Mamoru really is but he says hes just him. Has he been fooling her all along? No but things certainly would be easier if he was, Mamoru sighs. He grabs her and begs she forget about Ayato and come with him.

Hiroko punches him away, causing a stream of blue blood to start dripping from his lip. Telling him to stay away, she runs off...

Back at the hospital, Quon realizes its been ages since she last uttered cryptic poetry: The forest of indecision the hour of awakening the young boys breath shines silver. And then she starts singing.

Back at the Kamina residence, Kuki reports that Xephon has started up and is acting far more independently than it ought to. Maya orders him to stop it with the Allegretto and Metronome.
Moreover, a dimensional egg (above) has appeared within the city now that surprises Maya. Could that be the other she interrupts Kuki, uncaring for his opinion. Rather, she feels that Quon has started singing and wants him to send people to the hospital.
Maya turns to Ayato to explain that she needs to get back to the military HQ, only to realize that the kids left amidst it all.

Ayatos made up his mind: he cant stay here. He bumps into Hiroko along the way and shes injured (in the original show, she got shot by a soldier after running away from Mamoru, so I guess that's what happened here?)
The girls in a daze and upon her request, he slowly says that her blood is red (its not) thank god, she thinks. Ayato tells her that he wont cant be here anymore and she feels the same. She begs, panicking, that Ayato take her with him and not leave her alone here.


*The RahXephon closes in and lands right next to them.*

*RahXephon howls.*

*The Vermillion leaves.*

Miwa reports to Maya that Quons vanished along with the other dimensional egg, while Kuki also relates that the Xephon and TERRAs machine have fled beyond the barrier.
Kuki wants her permission to send units in pursuit immediately, especially with that mechanical god out there as well. Maya still isnt worried, what with the Star of La Mu still not shining; it's likely looking to see where Ixtlis guidance and Ollin are headed
Kuki wants an answer but Maya tells him not to speak with her right now. Fail to heed that warning and shell have him killed.