The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars MX

by Brunom1

Part 66: Mission 36 - Life's Destination - Part 2

: Kch…uuurgh…!
: …
: Shinji…!!

: Life support systems are failing!
: Pilot condition, deteriorating!
: Cut the #01’s sync ratio down to 60%!
: Belay that.
: But commander! If we don’t do something, Shinji will…!
: Shinji… why won’t you destroy the Angel?
: Because Touji’s aboard it, dad!
: Irrelevant. That’s an Angel… it is our enemy to defeat.
: I can’t do that!!
: …Then you will die.
: I… I’d rather die than kill a friend!
: Shinji…!
: …Cut the pilot’s synchronization with the EVA-01 entirely.
: Cut it, sir…?!
: Yes. Switch the circuit to the Dummy Plug.
: ! It’s not ready yet – there are still issues to be—!
: It’s still the better option face the pilot’s state. Do it!
: … Yes, sir.

: Urk…!

: Haah, haah, haah…!

*System power up.*

: What… what did you do, dad?!
: …
: Signal reception confirmed!
: Control system switch, complete. 32.8% of emotional elements are too unclear to be monitored!
: 142 seconds until the energy in the #01’s internal battery is spent!
: No matter – that is more than enough. Engage the system… attack.

: !!
: Th-That’s!!

: !!
: Th-That’s… the strength of the Dummy Plug…?!
: What’s going on?! Why is it moving on its own?!
: N-No…!!
: Ayato?!
: They can’t use that!!
: …
: …
: Touji! Say something! You’re going to die!!
: It… It needs to be stopped! If not, Shinji will—!


: !!

: A-An object has just entered the area of operations!
: What?!
: Identification: 5A…! I-It’s the RahXephon!
: What did you say?!
: …!

: RahXephon…!


: Yes…! That's it...!
: Ayato…?
: Hiroko… back at Tokyo, I thought I had lost everything… But I was wrong.
: I have things that I must protect… Shinji, his friends… and you… I’ll keep you all safe.
: A-Ayato…!
: That’s why I have to go.
: Ayato, I’ve something I need to tell you…!
: Don’t worry – I promise I’ll come back. So wait right here, alright?
: I-I’ve so much I need to talk with you about… so much I want to ask about you, too! And I’d like you to know more about me… So, yes, I’ll wait for you! I’ll wait for as long as I have to!
: I’ll be waiting right here! Ayatooo!

*The RahXephon howls as Ayato gets back aboard.*

: Urk – damn it! Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP!!
: I-I did not start piloting an EVA to do something like this!! I didn’t live up to now just to do this!!
: So, please, stop! STOOOOOOP!!

: The… The RahXephon…!
: Shinji…!
: A-Ayato…?!
: We’ll do this together…!
: Huh?!
: The two of us will stop IT… Together, just like last time!

: What just happened?!
: Both the EVA-01 and the target have gone silent!
: Silent… did you say “silent”?!
: Y-Yes, sir! The #01 has simply exhausted its internal batteries but we’re unable to determine why the same happened to the target.
: …What do you think, Ikari?
: … It appears the RahXephon has given us a glimpse of its “Tuning” powers.
: The EVA and the RahXephon… two supposedly conflicting beings and, yet, this is the second time they’ve resonated with one another… Is this also due to the other side’s influence?
: Yes. And now the schedule will need to undergo another major rewrite.
: This wind is blowing in our favor, then.
: …
: The operation is complete. Recover the Unit #01 and Unit #03 quickly.
: … Yes, sir.
: What about the RahXephon, commander?
: Recover it as well – along with its pilot.
: …Understood.

: …
: Haruka’s told us what happened.
: She did…?
: Welcome back… and thank you.
: Misato…
: It’s because of you that things turned out like this.
: N-No, I just gave them a small hand…
: Still, it’s very likely those two wouldn’t have made it out safely if you hadn’t shown up when you did.
: …
: …Oh, yeah, Misato. I’ve a favor I’d like to ask.
: What is it?
: It’s about this girl, Hiroko—

: !!
: A Dolem?!
: Ah- Aah…!!

*Vibrato sings aria.*

: This is bad! We’re in no shape to deal with that thing!
: I’ll take care of it, Misato…!
: Ayato?!
: I made a promise… that I’d protect her!
: “Her”?
: I’ll protect Hiroko… I have to!
: Ayato!!
: Kch…uurgh… I need… I need to tell him… I need to tell… Ayato…!!

*Ayato charges after Vibrato*

: …
: A-Aya…to…!
: Wait just a bit more, Hiroko! I swear I’ll be coming back to you!

: I… I know now what I have to do…! I… I…I’ll protect her… I will protect her…!

: I need… I need to… tell him…
: Tell him… the truth… A Y A T O…!
: Hiroko’s waiting for me...! And I’ll make it back to her!!


: A-Aah…ah—…!
Captions are available. Watch this.

: Haah, haah, haah, haah…!
: …A Y A T O …

“Ayato… goodbye.”


: What’s going on?! Why isn’t the #01’s Entry Plug ejecting?!
: The interlock circuit’s been cut from the unit’s side! It’s not receiving the ejection signal!
: Shinji…!
: Shinji, please! If we hadn’t done what we did, you would have died!
: … That’s not the point.
: But it’s still the truth!
: Saying stuff like that is only making me madder… Don’t. I still have 185 seconds of energy in reserve… that’s enough to destroy half the HQ!
: He might actually do it, way he is right now…!
: Shinji, listen to us! Everyone might have died if the commander hadn’t made that decision!
: I just told you that’s not the point!
: !
: Dad… He tried to kill Touji! With my hands, even!!
: …
: You’re there, aren’t you, dad?! Say something! Answer me!!
: Raise the LCL pressure to the maximum.
: Huh?!
: I’ve no time to indulge a child’s tantrum.
: Y-Yes, sir…

: Huh?! I still have direct control—!

: Urk! Gah…! Damn… Damn it…!

*Shinji passes out.*

: Get a laser cutter and pry open the #01’s emergency hatch. Pull the pilot out.
: R-Roger that.
: What’s the status on the RahXephon?
: The recovery team has already brought it in but there was no sign of the pilot. We’re currently looking for him.
: I see. Then, Prof. Akagi, I leave the RahXephon in your care.
: … Understood.

Later, Misato’s gotten in touch with Haruka – the search party has already found Ayato. He was in a hotel room, together with someone NERV believes had been synchronized to a D1 Dolem. She was already dead when they arrived.
Misato presents the ID of the deceased - it’s a fourteen-year-old file, mind. Haruka immediately recognizes Hiroko and Misato expected she would, having seen the school the girl went to. Haruka realizes Misato did some digging into her but Misato says that’s the job they both have.
As for Ayato, he was found in tears next to Hiroko. Haruka asks if she can see him but Misato says that’ll be difficult; since he’s a member of the Magnate Ten, Misato had him placed under her care but folks here are also somewhat aware of what’s up with him.

Still, Misato swears she’ll use her full authority to make sure no harm comes to Ayato. Haruka thanks her and asks what the current situation back at TERRA is. Well, NERV has already received an official request that the RahXephon and Ayato be given back… it was signed by Commander Isshiki.
Kunugi took full responsibility for everything that’s happened – taking the brunt of the blowback instead of Ayato, Haruka and Bright. As a result, he’s been stripped of his position and placed in house arrest.
Misato can imagine how Haruka’s feeling but asks she leave Ayato in her hands for now. She'll do everything in her power to help him.

Well, at least we saved Touji and the EVA-03… got a new unit to use…