Part 67: Mission 37 - A Man's Battle - Part 1

Location: Nirai-Kanai

Rikudou is apologizing for all that Kunugi has had to go through; he shrugs this off, though Rikudou knows how hard he worked to help Ayato and the Magnate Ten. Kunugi sighs that hes rather jealous of how little Rikudou cares about matters like the color of ones blood. How can he learn to be more like him?
Rikudou says its simple, really, and tells Kunugi to share some food with Ayato. Furthermore, were living in a time where people from other planets have come to our world stuff like a different blood color seems rather trivial face that.
Hell, our squad is living proof of it. Isnt that why Kunugi took the fall to cover for us? Well be essential for lies ahead. Kunugi wont outright confirm but Rikudou sees in his face that hes right.
With that done, Rikudou extends an invitation to join him for a meal: he has some prime sake and some wakasagi that Shirou recently gave him after a trip to Lake Ashi. Sounds good to Kunugi.

Location: NERV HQ

Asuka sighs that Shinji STILL hasnt recovered from what happened. The idiots too much of a weakling, unlike the two girls, she grumbles. Hes been asleep since it all went down but, considering hes got no injuries, should wake up soon-ish.
Asuka observes rather sadly that Shinji had become a lot more positive due to our folks but this seems to have been too much. Is she worried about him, Rei wonders. D-dont be stupid! Why should SHE worry about an idiot like him?!
Rei stares for a bit and Asuka soon blinks: fine, maybe she is A BIT worried. The guys a total idiot but hes still a comrade with whom shes fought alongside with all this time. But, and this is important, shes only A BIT worried. So Rei better not be jumping to any conclusions.
Regardless, Asuka finds it a bit strange to see Rei worrying about other people and wonders if Shinji is dreaming right now. Rei seems a bit confused has she never had one before? Hmm

Shinji finally wakes up, asking his question aloud. Kajis there to greet him, explaining that hes at the hospital where he was brought to after that little stunt. When Shinji asks, Kaji says Toujis fine: a bit dinged up but nothing major or life threatening. No danger of mental pollution, either.
Thats a relief for Shinji but he wont have time to relax yet: Gendou wants to see him and while Kaji doesnt like it, he needs the kid to come along.

Over by Ayatos room/cell, Misato comes in with a visitor: Isshiki. Thats a surprise to him, especially when Misato addresses him as commander. When Ayato asks, Isshiki says hes here to pick him up he figured it was something he should personally do due to his new position.
As for Kunugi, his ability to lead had been called into question, so his services were dismissed. Is Ayato scared of this change? He open admits he is, considering Isshiki could have him arrested, executed whatever he wanted.
Ayato understands the gravity of all hes done and Isshiki admits, quite honestly, that he disliked him from the get-go Mulian or not. Still, he is nothing is not fair: his policy is to not discard what can still a worthwhile tool.
Ayato grunts that hes worthless and Isshiki agrees other than the fact that he can control the RahXephon. Human relationships all boil down to personal interests and Isshiki is willing to allow him to keep his life.
Considering Ayato DID destroy the D1 and the person synchronized with it, he saw fit to lessen his punishment. He ought to be grateful. Ayato doesnt like the way he speaks about Hiroko but Isshiki matter-of-factly reminds him the Mulians arent humans they are purely the enemy.
As Ayato grits his teeth, Isshiki waves him over theyre going back to Nirai-Kanai. Not so fast, though, Misato refuses to let him take the kid. See, Ayato is still assigned to the Magnate Ten, so if Isshiki wants to get him back, hell need to send his request to Bright and Commander Misumaru.
Isshiki sniffs that shed defend a Mulian but, no, Misato says shes defending Ayato Kamina. Well, Isshiki isnt impressed hell simply go over her head and deal directly with Gendou.

Helenas not having any success with Ritsuko either, who refuses to let them take the RahXephon. Go get permission from Misumaru. Seems to Helena that NERV isnt satisfied with just a fake god are they studying something in the RahXephon? Ritsuko sniffs that that applies to both their groups.
Itsuki gets in between the ladies to calm things down still, it seems this conversation isnt going to go anywhere. While they glare at each other, Itsuki tells Ritsuko that while he understands her position, they cant well return empty-handed. Face that, theyll be staying right here with the RahXephon until theyve the greenlight to go.
Ritsuko agrees, though warns that their movements will obviously be restricted in the meantime. With that, she has other matters to attend to and leaves.

Helena sighs that Ritsuko lives up to her reputation and Itsuki is rather surprised to see that the professor and him might be quite alike. He can tell from just a cursory glance? Well, theres a proverb that says women with a spot under the eyes have had a sorrowful love story.
Helena doesnt know about that but, still, the silver lining to all this mess is that both the RahXephon and the Instrumentalist made it back to this side. Quon hasnt but she assures Itsuki that everythings fine: Quons with her grandfather now, where she belongs.

*Shinji takes a few steps forward to rush Gendou but is stopped.*

*There he goes.*

*Ring, ring!*

*Door opens!*

*Isshiki stomps away.

Itsukis also went to check up on Ayato. Hes here simply to accompany other folks, though he has an inkling theyll be heading back with nothing soon enough. Ayato apologizes for not being able to make good on his promise to keep Quon safe but Itsuki tells him not to worry. Shes doing fine.
In truth, Itsuki sees that the two of them are rather similar in their inability to protect Quon. When Itsuki asks, Ayato figures Haruka is alright; at that, Ayato wonders if he and Haruka are together.
Hahahah you still have a lot of growing up to do, Itsuki quips. He tells Ayato that Harukas always carried a torch for a certain man, though the guy hasnt even noticed how she feels. Ayato thinks that that's terrible poor Haruka. Itsuki says that it's quite cruel of him to be able to say so easily.
As Ayato falls silent, Itsuki carries an inward monologue: We are alike though I suppose thats only natural. Funny, no? We bear the same mark of Xephon and, yet, fate has given us such different cards. How cruel it is, my brother.

Shinjis already stepping out into Neo Tokyo 3 and Misato asks if he wont change his mind. He says no. She asks if he understands that his movements will be rather restricted once hes out and, again, he does. He does have a question, though: why was Touji chosen as the EVA-03s pilot?
Misato confesses that all potential pilots were in Shinjis class and, as shes recently heard, the whole process is a sham. She says that there arent enough words to make up for what happened to Touji.
Still, Misato says shed been projecting her hopes, dreams and objectives onto him. Quite the heavy burden, she admits it, but everyone in NERV had no other choice but to entrust their future to Shinji. If anything, she wants him to remember that.
And what are Misatos hopes and dreams, Shinji wonders. To bring peace to man? To crush man underfoot? Given that no one life is worth more than another, isn't that rather selfish of her? She says that it might be. Regardless, she'll leave Shinjis passcodes active back to HQ. He tells her not to bother he won't pilot an EVA again. Bidding her farewell, he walks off.
Misato ponders that "bring peace to man" bit of hypocrisy that's been her superficial motivation all this time. In truth, her true goal may simply have been to get revenge for her father.
Shes brought back to the present by a phone call. Somethings up and she immediately hurries back.

And its another batch of D1s and D2s, having just broken through the defensive perimeter at Goura. The MUs have been exceedingly busy nowadays, Fuyutsuki sees. Gendou sounds the alert but tells the crew to keep the EVAs on standby within their cages.
Fuyutsuki sees that hes planning to use the RahXephon to take care of it and Gendou figures TERRA wont object since this is the MU were talking about. Hell also speak to Misumaru later.
Gendou also believes Ayato wont complain, so he has Shigeru ready an exit for the mech. Fuyutsuki isnt too sure about this but Gendou posits that the MU are matching the timing of their attack with a little something else.
He feels that theres bigger stuff still on the way, which means they cannot sortie the EVAs just yet.

Mission 37 A Mans Battle

Neo Tokyo 3s citizens are already heading into their shelters and NERVs got their AA guns ready to go. As the MU enter the city, Isshiki sniffs that thats what we get for not returning the RahXephon immediately. Or maybe NERV did it despite knowing that this could happen, Helena wonders.
Regardless, Isshiki doesnt care if theyll send the RahXephon to intercept the enemy of not. If the MUs attention is focused here, it takes the heat off TERRA while they prepare for a certain operation.
He calls his crew to leave and, no, he doesnt care about whatever may happen to the RahXephon. If it gets destroyed here, then thats the end of that the thing was always meant to be just a means of buying time.
Helena agrees but Itsuki wants to stay: not only does he need to stop by Mutropolis to discuss the upcoming operation with Hibiki and Higashiyama, he also wants to see what NERV is up to.
If anything, Helena praises how dedicated he is to his job.

Ayato launches, though Misato is rather worried about him. Still, he assures her hell hold the Dolems at bay he doesnt want to lose any other loved ones to them.
Alright, she asks him to hold the line until the Magnate Ten arrives and Ayato confirms though he doesnt expect them to get here soon. Its all up to him.
The NERV operators stand ready to support the RahXephon just as they would the EVAs, so theres that.

We cant get off the RahXephon/Evangelion wild ride!

Piss weak Dotems still.

Enemy Phase!

This one new Dolem isnt waiting around, mind.
And, of course, the RNG decides to screw me on a 15%. Ayato also takes out another two Dotems.

Player Phase!

Staying out in the open didnt help us, so lets pop Iron Wall and find a safe terrain to stand on.

Enemy Phase!

Didnt hit me this time.

*The Obligato charges after Ayato.*


*NERV Alarm!*


*Zeruel starts heading towards the opened hole.*

*Three Metronomes surround him.

*Zeruel keeps moving *

*Asuka casts Strike, Iron Wall and Alert. Meanwhile, back in town *

Here it comes.

Player Phase!

Zeruel, the Fourteenth Angel
You cant damage it that A.T. Field will block everything. It can and will mess YOU up, though, carrying two powerful attacks with loads of accuracy and S ranks in all terrains.
Keep defensive measures on, be mindful of positive terrains around and hold your ground.

Mamoru (oh, no, me and my big mouth!) has a ton of HP while his Metronomes are powered-up models and they will ALWAYS defend, so youre not getting out of their box strat. Best we can do is take it out on that Dotem.

Enemy Phase!

Here we go again.
Blink and you explode.


Player Phase!

*Asuka charges Zeruel.*

*Zeruel floats past her.*


*Rei charges Zeruel.*


Captions, of course.

Everyones at max morale!

And thats the story of how Rom saved Christmas.
Rest of this mission will probably be up tomorrow!