Part 68: Mission 37 - A Man's Battle - Part 2

Kill everything, dont lose Rom, Ayato or a ship. Zeruel still cant be damaged but neither can our powerhouse Rom, so theyll stay down there and glare at each other.
Meanwhile, weve four turns to clear out the top area before things proceed.

While the RNG saw fit to screw Domon when he went after a Grave, I bring in Light and Kaine to start dealing with the Metronomes.

Between our maxed our morale and their piddly defenses, these guys will fall quickly enough. The Allegrettos and Graves have been given a majorly boosted HP, though.

So dont be afraid to pop a valor here and there. Save some for Mamoru, mind.

And the game isnt letting me deploy Vegas bike for whatever reason!

Blah, almost. Akira finishes it off.
Oh and before I forget:

Obligato (
Pilot Skills:
- Prevail L4
- Counter L4
- Support Attack L2
- Debuff Immunity
- Harmonic Field

The Obligatos known as pretty much the strongest Dolem and its got a lot of stuff to back that up. A ton of armor plus that barrier and Prevail makes it very bulky, its got S on all terrains that matter, meaning its also dodgy and, of course, its attacks are also high-powered.
Mamorus big stats all around also make this pretty much the toughest costumer weve had so far granted, Id only be worried/annoyed in MXP. Still, keep an eye out.

Back to work, Ayato.

Almost gone.

Oh, and behold: unstoppable force vs immovable object.

Enemy Phase!

Ayatos still getting pestered by the folks around him but the terrain bonus says none of their attacks can connect.

Amuro also seems to be a priority target to the Dolems.

He can handle it. Thats a decent chunk of HP off all Graves and Allegrettos.

The Metronomes focus on Dendoh and Tetsuya who have Iron Wall running.

Get outta here with that weak shit, boy!

Player Phase!

D-d-d-double kill for Tetsuya. Hes making very good time on that kill count.

Give the captains some love.

Ruri had been falling behind a wee bit.

This one goes to Tap.

Time to start freeing out bud.

There goes a third of its health. Ginga finishes it off with a nice yo-yo.

Enemy Phase!

The Metronomes waste their time with the Dendoh. All the better for me.

Mamorus clever, though.
Sonic boom!

Player Phase!

Light takes out the last Metronome, so the Obligato is all that remains. It will only defend outside its turn, so its time to start popping Valors.

*Off he goes.*


*Zeruel floats closer to NERV HQ.*



Back at NERV, this is quite the unexpected development for Kaji and he asks the bosses what theyll say to SEELE. Fuyutsuki says they werent in control of the #01 what happened was an accident.
Gendous had the mech sealed away for now until the committee decides what to do. A sensible decision to Kaji but, then, that begs the question: what about Gendous son, still trapped inside the thing?

Mayas trying to eject the entry plug the signal isnt being accepted neither are the backups and quasi-signals. Not even a direct circuit is taking. Makoto did manage to establish a video feed but it brings no good news: the Entry Plug is empty and Shinji is nowhere in sight.
Ritsuko now sees what happens when the sync ratio goes up to 400%: Shinji was absorbed into the #01. Misato wants to know what the hell EVA is that it could do that to Shinji, and Ritsuko says the only way to put it than that EVA is an object created by man in Mans own image.
Misato doesnt take that story: all theyve done is create a simple copy of the thing they found in the South Pole. Ritsuko resents that, saying a human mind has been imbued into it. What, does she mean that all this happened by someones will?
Ritsuko posits that it might be the EVAs own will behind it and gets slapped out of her thoughts by Misato. This is NOT the time for her to be philosophizing so nonchalantly do something! If she helped build this thing, then she needs to take responsibility for it.

At the hospital, Reis woken up: Im still alive Ikari

Some time later, the women are discussing a possible plan to bring Shinji back (right by the unarmored EVA-01, above). Their theory is that his ego boundary has been lost, doing away with his physical self, but hes still inside the Entry Plug on a quantum level. That is to say, his soul is still there.
Now, the stuff inside the plug is similar to the old primordial soup, meaning Shinji has been reverted into his building blocks, unseen to us. Ritsukos plan is to force his body to take form once again and bring his soul back in. Misatos surprised something like thats possible but Ritsuko is confident it is, provided weve the MAGIs support.
Granted, this is all conjecture but its not like we have anything else to go on.

Back to SEELE, the committee members fume at how greatly their schedule has been set back due to recent events this will only serve to help the MU and Methuselah. Keel figures the time has come to awaken their trump card: Tabris, cornerstone of their script.
How does he feel? I can hear the songs of the Ollins. Its beginning again the ceremony of death and rebirth

Back in the real world, its already been three days since it all went down. Shinji isnt back yet and Asuka wonders whatll happen to him hes not going to spend the rest of his life like that, is he?
Kaji hops on over and asks if shes worried about the kid. Of course not! In fact, shes super stoked because now shes got more screen time. Kaji sighs at her prideful act, suggesting she be more honest or shell never find a boyfriend.
She is NOT putting up any act and the only boyfriend she wants is Kaji. Better. Her being incensed beats being sullen, Kaji figures, and adds that while Shinjis situation is worrisome, hes certain the kid is still putting up the fight of his life. Asuka should work just as hard.
And with that, Kaji walks off.

Mayas quite impressed with Ritsuko that she managed to get the whole plan set up in just these three days. Nah, Ritsuko says this wasnt her doing: she simply used data from a ten-year-old experiment.
Something like this happened before during the EVAs development? It was before Ritsukos time but her mom, Naoko Akagi, was present. Maya has heard of the lady, one of the people responsible for creating the MAGIs systems.
How did things go, the last time people tried what were about to do? It failed and thats when Gendou changed.

Elsewhere, Kajis gone after Misato. She hasnt gone home to sleep or even taken time to eat properly over the past days, so hes worried about her. Her mind cant break away from all this to allow her to do any such things.
Still, shes done a bit of digging into Shinjis school and, as it turns out, all of his classmates are potential EVA pilots. Just how far does NERV's reach extend, anyway? She doubts Kaji will just spit out the truth, but asks anyway: Why is Adam, he whod destroy humanity, stored in our underground? What is the commander trying to do with it? What is the Human Instrumentality Project?
Kaji tells her to calm down, but she demands to know how Gendou and Ritsuko can be so calm when Shinji's in the state he is. Just what the hell is NERV's real objective, anyway?
Kanji then tells her to shut up a moment, take a deep breath, and close her eyes. He wants her to forget about NERV, if only for a moment. What the hell is he doing? This isnt the time for his nonsense!
Kaji quips that he was just trying to help her relax a bit but, again, this is hardly the time for relaxation. Misato yells at the idiot to get out and he readily obliges. Before he does, though, he tells her one thing: My feelings havent change these past eight years. I Ive always loved you



In MXP, you get this added scene right here:

Things go back to common ground now:

This following scene is ALSO only in MXP:

*Door opens.*

Back to normal.

Later, in Neo Tokyo 3, Kajis meeting Johji Futagami. He asks if Kajis got any news to tell but the only thing he has is that four EVA-oriented carriers have set off from Hakone to Hoshimi. Everything's the same as ever.
Hmhmm. Still, Johjis impressed at how well-informed Kaji is about the Magnate Tens activities but the guy simply says hes making a piece on the squad for this magazine he works with. Plus, he finds the guys interesting, so he follows them around here and there.
Johji laughs but figures our squad isnt the ONLY thing Kaji is interested in. Indeed, he says he also delves into some occult stuff like the old Devil Empire or the MU? The latter, says Kaji.
For instance, Kaji asks if Johjis heard of the so called Human Specimen nº 1 and, indeed, he has: the one who was discovered some twenty years before the MU revealed themselves to the world. Perhaps the two reporters should exchange notes