Part 70: Mission 38 - In the Name of Our Once-Sworn Peace - Part 2

Enemy Phase!

The enemies are still moving over.

Player Phase!

Off we go.

Parried! Shinji follows up on Asuka, killing the Bong.

Keep with the chain attacks as the Zumezumes also have support defense.

There it goes, along with their defensive formation.

Rom needs a wee bit more morale.

Very dead.

Ginga and Duke take out the last Bong, while Masato starts working on our next prey.

Enemy Phase!

Hey, Jiguras also here.

Not the cheapest attack but I had to start taking his shield away.

Most mooks, again, make the mistake of ganging up on Rom. Better for me.

At least Balendos Great is beefier than the Mother Burn he usually rocks.

Player Phase!

I could nuke everyone with the Zeorymer but we dont want to this time.

Thats everything in there weakened.

Use a few attacks to get rid of Jiguras support defense (and shields, while at it), then weaken this Great Mazinger here


And there we go. Have Boss kill any MP Great (Balendos doesnt count, I dont think) and hell steal the thing for us.

No need to hold anything back now. Next turn, its MAPW city.

Well deal with Jigura in the meantime.

Enemy Phase!

Masato is still tearing through his side.

Duke gets attacked on his side and weakens the MP Greats.

Player Phase!

Maybe Ill give the ships some love.
And now, about 70% through the game, we finally get to see Brights MAPW!

Valored MAPW from Ruri takes out the two Greats.

Wreck another one with Boss just for kicks, Tap snipes another one down and Masato shreds the Mother Burn with a valored Meioh.
Now for Balendos. And we need an appropriate song for this:

Sing along with Aniki! DASH, DASH!

And heres the combined attack!
Still, lets rewind because theres only one person fit to put this guy down.

Thats everything down, so Bright has everyone come back to be resupplied. Were headed for the Spiral Castle right after its done.
Duke and Maria now finally know where the Vegan stronghold is hidden but first order of business is dealing with the Gulfer fortress. Inwardly, Duke tells Mors to watch on as he fights to restore peace in the universe; and, as he promised, hell strike down King Vega with his own two hands.
Goodies earned today: a Space Alloy Gren, Apogee Motor and Megabooster.
As for convos we missed:






Back at the moon, Rubina is looking out to Earth that beautiful blue world, which Duke is fighting to defend. Zuril walks on over, having been looking for her; he figured he ought to tell her that Balendos has fallen to the Magnate Ten.
More important to Rubina is the fact that Duke still lives, which means she needs to find a way out of here. She still has something to tell him something concerning his homeland. Zuril can see whats going on in her head and says that, unfortunately, Duke IS an enemy of the Vegan Empire. As such Zuril will personally have to see that he dies.
Rubina seriously doubts that Zurils ilk could actually win that fight and stomps out in a foul mood.

Gandal has a laugh watching one of the greatest womanizers of Planet Vega get scorned. Zuril huffs that Rubinas heart would be his if Duke was out of the picture. Regardless, there are more pressing matters to think about : with the location of the Skull Moon Base revealed, the next battle is bound to be a big one.
The place is still hidden behind its camouflaging shield, though, so Gandal doesnt think the earthlings will be able to find it. If anything, theyll be keeping an eye on the battle at the Spiral Castle: whichever side loses that showdown, the Vegans will come out ahead.

And heres our shiny new Mass Produced Great Mazinger. Its exactly like the original, sans flight, the Great Booster and slightly worse stats.
Other than that, it can do everything and hits almost as hard. The kicker that makes this such a nice secret is that, one, any Mazinger pilot can man it and, two, it can still use the Double Lightning Buster with Tetsuya or Duke!
We are entering the age of fatso now!