Part 76: Mission 43 - Zero or Infinity - Part 1

We open up in Zeros penthouse, where Subaru asks where hed run off to. Zero says he's been out looking for clues about the seventh Data Weapon something neither the Spiral Castle nor Subarus brother managed to do. What a troublesome thing to find. At least Zeros already located the Ogre.
Hes done so via the Gulfer Chips. Though the originals are long gone, regular Gurumei, Witter and Absolute are still active and their memory backup contained much intel regarding all they found about the Dendohs base.
But what happens now? Well, their job is already done so Zero moves to dispose of them.

The Chips freak out a beg mercy, though Zero says theres no more any use in their existence. Subaru stops him, however, saying that they ARE still Gulfer so they should be able to find other ways to use the three.
Zero wont question Subarus command and the chips are beside themselves with gratitude for erm, whats his name? Subaru. Yes, theyll serve him for their whole lives!
Well, Zero believes he has something they can do.

Back at GEAR, Vega relates to Altair that they couldnt find any clues related to the seventh Data Weapon with the Dendoh even with Eris coordinating with Meteor. Saionji remembers that prophecy that whoever has all Data Weapons will rule the universe and figures the seventh is the final key to make it happen.
Mind, Vega doesnt know if thats actually true though the Gulfer certainly think so, meaning its certain theyll attack Earth again. Altair also thinks so, knowing that even if the Gulfer cant actually pilot the GEARs, theyll do everything in their power to keep us from claiming the last Data Weapon. Itll be at the center of this conflict.
Still, Vega tells Altair to focus on healing for now while we work on finding the thing. He does tell her to be careful: if the Gulferll come here again, its all but certain the Emperors right-hand man will be leading them.

Eris is a bit miffed that they didnt find any clues: both the Dendoh and even Altairs own white Gear Commander didnt have anything that stood out.
Kirakuni and Aiko have taken off to rest but Eris wants to take another look over the data they studied once Vegas back to help with Meteor. Well, Ginga first wants to run off and grab something to eat as hes very hungry (he always is, Hokuto sighs).

Sneaking around, the Gulfer have already infiltrated the place with the Chips collected data and Absolute has no issues opening a nearby lockbox. A Gear Commanders inside, which belongs to Subaru and his brother, the late Altair.
Thats not all Zeros here to obtain, however, and he stops the Chips from leaving. Theres something else for them to do and Gurumei doesnt like the sound of that.

A nondescript amount of time later, the kids are back from their meal and are immediately intercepted by the Chips! Absolute confirms that theyre the Dendohs pilots and Eris ask them to identify themselves. Listen and be awed-jan! They are Master Subarus three Generals-dawa! And theyll destroy anyone who opposes him or the Gulfer-bari!
The hells up with this weird accent, Ginga gapes, but Hokuto tells him to forget that these are Gulfer! They jump the kids and are immediately slapped away by Gingas Kenpo. The runts really strong! Time to book it!
Hokuto and Ginga run in pursuit and tell Eris to warn Shibuya.

Mission 43 Zero or Infinity?

The Chip are really quick on their feet and Gingas already lost them. Hokuto wants to find them quick as can be hes got a bad feeling. Stop talking like Maria! Whatll they do if something actually happens?
Still, Hokuto says they both knew their victory over the Spiral Castle didnt mean the end of the Gulfer, so its possible theyll follow in the Hundred Demons example and try to capitalize on the current uneasy state of things.
The Chips are expecting Subaru to make his entrance any time now and there here he comes! Meteor sounds the alarm as he detects various objects on rapid approach, identifying them as a mixed Gulfer and Gyandolar force. Inoue figures the latter group are coming after the Meteor Cube, so Shibuya sounds the alarm and orders the citys populace evacuated to shelters.
Aikos already here and on it, right on time as he enemys arrive.

Subaru surveys the city, where the Dendoh and Ogre are located, and the Chips scramble to deliver the white Gear Commander to him. Devil Saturn isnt too keen on babysitting this kid and baldy, though Deondra tells him to shush. These are direct orders from Gades, so hell have to endure until they grab the Meteor Cube.
Moreover, this planet seems to be on its way to being as problematic as Cronos, so Deondra wants to wrap things up with us right now if possible. Saturn agrees, not wanting to get dragged into a certain swirly space again.
Gingas surprised to see that the Gulfer and Gyandolar are working together again all to get the remaining Meteor Cube, Hokuto figures. Looks like they finally figured out where it was, though, honestly, Hokuto figures its not difficult to put two and two together.
The Chips reach Subaru and pass him the Gear Commander. As theyre ordered to pull back, Subaru figures that with gadget in hand, the Ogre will be his.

In come Vega, Kirakuni and Eris, and she tells the kids to go and call the Dendoh and Ogre over right now. The Dendoh immediately responds and hops over to Ginga but not the Ogre. Its not activating for whatever reason. Subaru proclaims himself to be the Ogres proper heir and, using the Gear Commander, summons it out of GEAR.
But the thing stops right outside, simply floating midair. Subaru and Hokuto both call out to it but it responds to neither of them. Ginga doesnt get whats going on but Inoue figures it out: there are two signals trying to access the Ogres guidance systems simultaneously.
Shibuya immediately thinks of the white Gear Commander but the thing is supposed to be locked safely inside HQ, no? Meteor isnt detecting anything off in the area where its stored. Upon Vegas request, Eris triangulates the origin of the other accessing signal and tags the Knight unit up ahead.
Subaru calls out to the Ogre again it belongs to him and the bot inches his way a bit before stopping again. It falls on Ginga to lead the way and grab the thing, with Deondra commanding the Gyandolar to run interference.

Vegas back in her bike so make sure you equip her with a Minovsky Craft again if you want her to have a post-movement weapon against the flying Gulfer.

Its starting to fall behind in power, though.

Gingas got no such problems.

Enemy Phase!

Most mooks hang back.

Player Phase!

* *

* *


Following Devil Saturns lessons in EVIL parenting, were back to work.

Eris has fallen a wee bit behind, so Ill try catching her up today.

Dont let the Ogre sit where it is because we wanna try and draw some mooks over. Itll speed up the battle.

Enemy Phase!

Subaru closes in, wasting his time on Vega. Same goes for Deondra and Saturn.
The Gyandolar mooks are keeping back.

Player Phase!

Knight Legacy (Subaru)
Pilot Skills:
- Support Attack L2
Aay, its our old angry boy and now hes an angry ALIEN boy. Subaru looks way too young to have Suzumuras yelling come out of his mouth, though.
As a pilot, Subarus got good enough stats but nothing major his unit is painfully average, too, and lacks stopping power or any significant tricks.

Dealing enough damage to Subaru will progress the story but, first, I want to toy with him.

Now heres something I had absolutely no idea about when I played this years ago:
The Ogre uses the Kiba Breaker, not Kiba Striker, so he gets a unique melee weapon and FA!
Also, dont worry about going all out with Hokuto.


*Vega runs down the amusement park crater and into HQ.*

*Sword clash!*

*Sword Clash!*

*Off he goes.*

*The Ogre and the four RoBeasts pull off.*

*He leaves too.*