Part 94: Mission 53 - Soul's Refrain - Part 2

: Radar sites eight through seventeen have gone dark!

: Weve federal troops invading the Goura defensive perimeter!

: Another two battalions advancing through Gotenba!

: Squadrons of Dragoons are inbound from Mishima! Theyre attacking our weapon facilities!

: A surprisingly daring move, considering the growing battle against the MU happening everywhere else

: And, so, NERVs final enemies will not be Dolems or Angels
but our fellow men, just as we expected.

All hands, battle stations.

: Battle
? But these arent Angels
theyre humans.

: I dont think those guys care about that, though.

: Weve an incoming transmission from the commander of the Federation Armys First Division!

: Is he going to order our surrender?

: Put it through.

: R-Roger!

: People of NERV, this is Miwa Sakimori, commander of the Far East Forces.

: H-Him

: Hmph
an unexpected actor has taken to the stage.

: Miwa Sakimori
? Wasnt one Keiichi Morito the new commander?!

: Not only that, this man was supposed to have been court-martialed during the Baam War

: My guess is that SEELE came to his rescue.

: What, they figured hed be the right man to command a war of extermination against their enemies

: I suppose so. Hrm, the old mens direction is atrocious.

: My troops already have you HQ completely surrounded. Lay down your weapons and surrender

: Excuse me
?! Isnt the entire world under attack by the MU?! Do you have any idea what youre doing right now?!

: Of course I do. NERV is trying to take advantage of the global chaos to trigger the Third Impact and destroy the world.

: Which makes you the enemies of mankind no different from the Baamians or the MU! It is the federal armys duty to eradicate you!

: Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard!

: Youll still play innocent?! Traitors! Rebels!

: Youre being used by SEELE, you idiot! How can you not see that?!

: Used? Heheheh
Maybe, maybe. But Im also using them.

: Ive a chance to recover my old commission by slaughtering you traitors. And, then, the aliens will be next
! This time, Ill drive those Baamians straight out of our Solar System!

: Youre
still hung up on that

I think its safe to say wed be executed even if we surrendered.

: Th-Thats

: Cut the comm.

: But!

: Were wasting our breath talking with that man. Do it.

: Hmhm
I take it thats your answer?

: And, in that case
troops! Open fire!!

: Invading forces that broken into the first level!

: Theres fire at the fifth western freight entrance!

: Those western platoons are a decoy! If they want to capture the EVAs, theyll prioritize the pilots

: Have Shinji stand by at the #01! Hurry!

: Yes, maam!

: Whats Asukas status?!

: Still in the infirmary room 303!

: Put her in the #02 anyway!

: But her synchronization with the EVA hasnt been restored

: Shell be killed if she stays where she is. Inside the EVAll be the safest place for her.

: Roger that! Cancelling the pilots medication and having the #02 prepared for deployment!

: Once Asukas inside, hide the #02 inside the underground lake. Theyll find it quickly but its better than leaving it at its cage.

: Roger!
MXP Version only:

: And where's Suzuhara?

: He's in this layer since he was slated to run some sync tests!

: Meaning we can't get him to his EVA right now...! Then have him stand by where he is and on alert!

: Yes, ma'am!
Common ground - PS2 version skips the Touji bits and goes straight to Rei. Guess they forgot about him!

: What about Rei?

: Unknown! We cant locate her!

: Find her, quickly
theyll kill her if we dont.

: The #02s been launched via route 8! Itll stop about seventy meters underwater.

: Ready the #01 next! Deploy it inside the Geofront!

: We cant! The pilot hasnt arrived at Block F!

: What

: The third underground bulwarks been destroyed! Theyve made it to the second level!

Theyve sent an entire division after us. Its only a matter of time before they capture HQ.

Professor, I leave the rest in your hands.

: Understood. Give my regards to Yui.
Gendou leaves.*

: The fifty second linear rail has been destroyed!

: This is terrible
! Id take any Angel or Dolem over this.

: (We all would. None of us are used to killing our fellow men.)

: Invaders inside the third level, B-Block! We cant hold them back!

: Same with F-Block! Main bypass under crossfire!

: Abandon levels one through three! All troops, pull back! Pour bakelite into all passages and pipes up to sector 803!

: Yes, maam!

: This should slow them down a bit

: Maj. Katsuragi! Route forty seven has been cut off group three is pinned down! Shinjill be helpless!

: !!

: The only way to safeguard him now would be

: Tell all our non-combatant personnel to avoid engaging the enemy; were up against professionals. If they cant retreat into Dogma, then theyre better off surrendering.

: Thats assuming Miwa would accept it

: Hm
The Magnate Ten are still on the far side of the moon, so were on our own for this.

: Maj. Katsuragi

: Sorry. Take care of things here for me.

Yes, maam. Be careful.
Misato takes off.*

: We should probably grab our guns, too.

: Still, things arent looking good. HQ was never well equipped with anti-personnel defense systems.

: Yeah, just enough to stop terrorist attacks.

: And were up against a full-on army offensive
This wont last long.

: Now that I think about it
the cuts in the counter-invasion budget was likely in preparation for this.

: Guess so.
Craaaaash! Shots fired!*

: Urgh! Theyve made it here!

: We need to fight back! Take your gun!

: I-I

: Hurry safety off!

: B-But
I cant shoot

: Didnt you run target practice a bunch of times?!

: None of those were against real people!

: Dont be stupid! Start shooting or youll die!


: Rei


: I figured youd be here
Its time. Lets get going.

: Ive located the Third. Moving to eliminate.

His face is obscured here but screw it)

: Sorry, kid. No hard feelings.

: ?!
Machine gun fire!*

: Y-You!

: No hard feelings, indeed.
Bang > dead!*


: Come on. Lets get you to the #01.


: Hurry up, Shinji.


: Listen, are you going to run off or are you coming with me to the EVA? Pick one.


: Because if we stay here, well just die for nothing!


: Are you fine with that?! Didnt the Magnate Ten teach you not to give up until the last second?! Did you forget all that?!

I was never taught to kill a friend.

: !

Asuka, help me

: All hell is breaking loose and youre hiding behind a little girl like her?! Youre going to turn the other cheek and lie to yourself

: Giving up halfway is worse than never trying at all!

Just let me die
I dont want to do anything

: Stop behaving like a spoiled brat! Youre still alive, arent you?! Then hold onto that life and leave dying for later!

: Forget us! Give top priority to isolating Terminal Dogma!

: Theyve blown up everything else but not here. Why are they pulling their punches now

: Theyd probably love to bomb us sky high
but were sitting right on top of the original MAGI.

: And theyd prefer to get it undamaged, huh?

: Not that itll make any difference if TERRAs operation fails.

: I doubt that guy, Miwa, cares about that.

: But were practically defenseless against biochemical weapons. If they bust one of those out, well be in a lot of trouble

: What was that?!

: Th-The city is gone!

: They blew up the top of the Geofront!

: A-Are they using nukes against us?!

: Hmph
There is another actor, it seems.

: Why do they want the EVAs so badly?!

: SEELEs plan is to trigger the Third Impact
Not with Angels but with the EVA Series.


: The Second Impact, fifteen years ago, wasnt caused by accident. It was planned by people.

: Their intent was to minimize potential damage by reverting Adam to an embryonic state before the other Angels awakened.

: Originally, Adams salvage operation was supposed to have been done by having the Zeorymers Dimensional Coupling System open the Doors of Guf. If anything went wrong, the System would shut the Doors completely.

: But then the Zeorymer was stolen by Masaki Kihara
which is what made things in Antarctica end the way they did.


: I was there when the Second Impact happened, Shinji. I was accompanying my fathers research group
and I was the only survivor.

: Thinking back on it, its possible even that event was part of SEELE and Bähbems script
the script for the Pluridimensional Instrumentality Project, meant to bring destruction and, then, rebirth to our world.


: Shinji, we, humans, were born of Lilith, a source of life just like Adam
We are the Eighteenth Angel. We were one of the forms ancient humans found when seeking to escape the destruction of their world.

: So its possible ours wasnt even the first time the Angels were fought.


: It's all to maintain the worlds that became pluralized, each developing along various different possibilities, due to the loss of the Observer; to defend against another universal collapse triggered by their colossal masses.

: And, above all, to make sure that the human being
or, rather, a life form that
used to be human would continue to exist even should the collapse hit.

: All the events leading up to this point have been trials, set up in order to awaken the being thatd conduct that process.

: It was all a rite of passage
to create what could be called a Deus Ex Machina. A mechanical god with full control over both death and rebirth.


: But only one life form can be chosen throughout that process
The other Angels and the Mulians are all other possibilities of what we could have become. And although we are fundamentally the same, we unfortunately couldn't coexist.


: Listen, Shinji. You need to destroy every single one of the EVA Series. Thats the only way to survive.
Rest of this mission should be up tomorrow - Tuesday, at most.