Part 38: Mission 15 (Japan Route) - Separation ~ Friends - Part 2
And now you have 5 turns, counting the current one, to get Koyo to that spot. Heres why I said you wanted our folks around the N/NE part of the island: Koyos Fafner is running solo, meaning it wont fly and if you sent too far, the forest and Festum swarm may just stop it from getting in place.
But weve plenty of leeway now, so well deal with Jin and kill whatever we can before sending him in. The Festum will respawn endlessly, so this mission is your first decent farming spot for kills theres a better one down the line, mind.
SRW UX - Shangri-La

Kill the first Riot C and

: U-Uwaaaaaaah!

: Jackson

: Forgive me, Captain
! I couldnt do anything

: Jackson! You bastards
you killed my man!
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend
Kill the second one

: Argh

: Cameron, eject!

: I-I cant
its not working! No
! Aaaaaaaaah!

: Cameron! Rrgh
Youll pay for this, UX!
And the third one...

: Gwaaargh! My
my eyes!

: Barkley!

: C-Captain
wheres the enemy?! I-Ill try to ram them!
I took this picture on the Europe route, so don't mind the different troops!

: My
my Unit
! They were the very first subordinates I ever had

: Unknown Xtrikers
And now that we've crushed Jin's spirit, well focus on him while Koyo gets in position.
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

: The Federation Army also fights to protect the people, right?! Then theres no reason for us to battle one another!

: Are you joking?! Youve got a lotta nerve saying that to me after your gangs wholesale terrorism
SRW UX - Shadows that Rend Darkness

: UX! You turned Arnie against me

: I wont deny that, but

: Hes just trailing what he believed to be the right path!

: The right path?! There is
nothing right in a path that has him join terrorists!
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: Would it kill you to just listen to what Ensign Berge has to say for one second?!

: So now youre trying to rope me in too?!

: Id never let worms like you trick me, though!
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: Youre with the Federation Army, right?! Then why are you pointing your gun at other humans?!

: Because youre goddamned terrorists! And its a soldiers duty to destroy subversive elements!

: What
?! Im just trying to keep the people of my island safe
SRW UX - Love Survivor

: Youre one of those alien mechs that showed up in Arkham City!

: If youd just surrendered without a fight back then, we

: Hey, howre you pinning that on us?! Ask anyone and theyd say thats totally uncalled for!
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: Weve got a bunch of Festum
right there! Hows this the time for people to be fighting each other?!

: Shut the hell up! The UX kill innocents wherever they go
theyre just as big an enemy of mankind as any other!
SRW UX - Life Goes On

: I cant believe even ZAFTs old ace went and teamed up with terrorists!

: You label people as good and evil without even taking the time to try and figure out what the truth actually is!

: Seems to me that the Federation just wont change its ways, no matter how much time passes!
SRW UX - Future-Bound Fighting Spirit

: Jin, listen to me! I didnt betray you!

: Stuff it, Arnie! Do you even understand what youre doing?!

: Theyre the UX! Theyre terrorists whove killed innocents again and again!

: What happened to you, Arnie?! Since when did you become a terrorist?!

: The UX are not terrorists!

: All I want to do is protect the lives of others
! Ive joined them so that I could be true to myself!

: Then Ive something to say to you too!

: Im putting you down, Arnie
so that I can protect my

: Why
?! Why do we need to do this?!

: Urrgh
No, Im not going down like this

?! Jin, stop! If you dont

: Shut your mouth! Im ending you if its the last thing I do!

: Uwaaargh!

: Ensign?!

: Haah, haah
! A-And now
youre finished!

: Wh-What?!

: U-Uwaaaah!

: Jin
?! Is it happening again

: Readings off his accelerated particle engine are spiking! Its anti-particles are going out of control

: Wh-Whats going on?! The emergency shutdown system isnt working...! The generators internal pressure is

: Not good
! We must do something or itll go into particle annihilation!

: Hrm
Talk to me, Ms. Saya! Theres a way to force the Proton Generator to decelerate, right?! Something that can be done from outside?!

: How did the Major save me in Arkham City?! What do I need to do to save Jin like that?!

: It's out of the question for you! What he did was a make-or-break gambit with his very life on the line...

: I'm already risking my life at every turn anyway!
SRW UX - Prologue


: Please, Ms. Saya! He
Jins my best friend! I'd easily put my life on the line for him! So, please

: Arnie

: Accelerate your Lepton Vectrer all the way into overdrive, get it to sync up with the Proton Generator and then power it down directly.

: ?! Maj. Richard

: Be quiet, Saya.

: Listen to me, Arnie. If you mess it up, both the Orphes and everything around itll be reduced to a smoldering crater

: This is a major gamble, and you need to get it perfect down to the second. Understand

SRW UX - Roaring Deathblow

: Yes, sir

: (Hold on, Jin
Ill save you! Thats a promise!)

: Lepton Vectrer, emergency acceleration!
Arnie rushes down the Riot A!*

: Rgh
! Wh-Whatre you up to!?

: Engine pressure rising, synchronization coefficient 57%... Come on, just a bit more

: Damn it, move! Move, Riot! We gotta do something or hell

: Synchronization coefficient 60%... safety lock released, initiating synchro-overdrive!

: Thats too soon! The other engines accelerationll overpower yours!

: Krrgh
! S-Synchronization coefficient

: Arnie

: Pressure set, safety lock released! Accelerated particle engine, all green!

: Now, Arnie!

: Haaaaaaaaaaah!

If I can just power down his Proton Generator

: Urgh

: Jin

: Arnie
H-How could you!


: Wh-What happened?! He shot him down?!

: No, what he did was protect both ours and his friends lives from the particle annihilation

: But the guys mech sunk straight into the water! We gotta pick him up quick or else

: Haah, haah

: Arnie

: I-Im fine
! We need to find Jin

: Leave the search and rescue for the Elshanks crew. We need to focus on the Festum right now!

: O-Okay!
Here we go.

: This is the place?!

: Weve confirmed the Mark Viers arrival at the target area. Koyo, is the investigation team safe?

: Th-They
Theres no one in the capsule!

: What

: What happened, Soushi?! Werent they ordered to withdraw?!

: Yes, they were getting out while we kept the Festum at bay. They could just be running late, or

: Y-You dont mean

: Mark Vier, do you copy? Theres very little time before the Fenrir goes off. Evac immediately!

: Are you nuts?! The investigation teams not here yet

: Then its likely they were already assimilated by the Festum inside the facility! We cant afford to risk losing another Fafner over something as uncertain as this!

: So youre telling us to run and just save ourselves?! Thats bull!

: Koyo, behind you!


: Are you there

: Ugh

: Koyo!

: Mark Vier, retreat

: N-No
! Ive had enough
of all that grief
Back to the capsule spot.*

: I-Is that?!

: Mr. Mizoguchi

: Time is short! Investigation team, get aboard the escape capsule! Quickly!

: Ka

: Tou
! Im coming to
save you

: All four team members are inside the capsule!

: Hrrgh

: KOYO!!

: Ive
got them
! Theyre safe

: Soushi! They need our!

: Stop! Stay away from him or youll get assimilated as well!

: Then what the frick are we supposed to do now?!
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: Well take care of it!

: Sakura?!

: My Mark Fünfs Aegis can handle a Festums attacks!

: Ill get in the Festums face and keep it pinned! Then, Sakura and Kenjill take it down and rescue Koyo and the investigation team! Got it?!

: Ooooh, can we really pull that off

: Mark Fünf, stop this right now! Youll put everyone at risk if you cant keep the Festum at bay!

: Hold fast to your belief in a brighter tomorrow and fight on, even when victory seems impossible
! Thats the spirit of the Mobile Samurai, Goubine!

: Ooh, hes so cool

: Hes insane

: Still, I have heard far worse plans than his! We must execute it quickly, though

: Soushi, please, have faith in our friends just this once!


: Very well. But you three
cannot fail, understand?! Forward, Fafners!

: Time to show everyone the fruits of all our training!
Captions are available for GOUBINE

: W-We did it! We beat the Festum!

: W-Waaah! That was so scary, mooommyyyy!

: Now force-eject the Mark Viers cockpit!

: Both the escape capsule and Koyos cockpit have been recovered!

: Good, then all units return to the Elshank! That bombll go out any second now!

: Ylbora, wait! What about the downed Federation pilot?! He hasnt been found yet!

: Weve done everything we could! If we stay here any longer, well be caught in the blast as well!

: B-But

: To all mobile forces: return to the Elshank at once! Thats an order!

: Ensign, whatre you doing?!

: P-Please, wait! Jins still somewhere around here!

: Theres no time! We have to retreat right now!

: Just give me one more minute! I just need to find his cockpit block

: Thats enough, Arnie

: Maj. Richard

: Im really sorry
but we cant do as you ask. Not today.

: P-Please let me go, Major! I
I can still find Jin!

: Saya, were pulling back double time!

: Yes, sir!

: Jin
Location: Inside the Mark Viers cockpit

: Hmm

: Youre awake, Koyo

: Soushi
is that you, Soushi
Angela - Separation

: ?! Koyo
are you

: Tell me
who did I save?


: It was Toumi and Mr. Mizoguchis group

: Toumi
? I dont remember who that is
Why cant I remember

: Koyo

: Is this whats its like to be assimilated

: I dont feel anything
I know Im supposed to be sad about something, but

: Thats it
It was because of Shouko


: Shouko

: Who... Who is Shouko...?
Location: ALVIS ICU


: This
This cant be real

: It is, unfortunately

: What the hell is this?! Whyd you stuff him in this life-support pod thing?!

: Is
Is he alive?

: Yes, but his central nervous system was assimilated during battle.

: This is what happens when the Festum assimilate you

: Its how they fight. They take away everything we have: our mind, our memories, our emotions
until theres nothing left.

: Th-Thats

: This is my fault
If Id just pulled out his cockpit block sooner

: Youre wrong, chief
I was the one in charge of getting his cockpit out. This is
my fault

: Its no ones fault! The Festum were the ones who did this to him!

: Only because he had to come and save us

: Stop blaming yourselves! This is no ones fault
Its not

: This
is what he brought onto himself.


: Y-You
Whatd you say?!

: And we lost a Fafner because of it. Weve no time for sentimentality.

: Minashiro


: How can you say something like that?! You were the last person he was able to talk to the only one he had in the end!

: Do you feel nothing for him?! Are you just
that heartless


: Gch
Over by the CDC, Makabe and Mizoguchi both agree that the Feds timing was waaaay too perfect on that. How many spies have they managed to sneak into the island? Mizoguchi asks if he should try and deal with them, and Makabe allows it BUT they are to be treated with the care they deserve as fellow men and women.
Aw, really? They could probably squeeze something good outta them if they threatened to make them swim with the fishes. Makabe isnt budging, though, and Mizoguchi understands: he doesnt want to fight other people. That said, what about them kids? The idea of fighting other folks scares them just as bad, but theyre doing it anyway, Mizoguchi argues. Wont be long before we grown-ups have to stop running from that, you know
SRW UX - Prologue

: Hrgh

: Are you alright? This is precisely why they said you couldnt pilot anymore. What were you thinking pulling a stunt like that

: Easy, Ill be fine. Not like we used the Hell Stringer or anything.

: And more important than me: hows Arnie doing?

: Joe and Rennie are with him, but
he took quite the heavy blow.

: Understandable
I think he sort-of expected this to happen when he quit the Federation Army, but doing the deed himself is probably whats hurting the most

: Which is why you shouldnt have enabled him back then.

: If I may be frank, the only reason he wound up shooting his friend down himself was because you opened your big mouth

: Still, despite your misgivings, you sure pulled out all the stops helping him, no?

: ?! I-I

: Im glad you did, too, as the Orphes wouldve also gone into particle annihilation otherwise.

: As a matter of fact, that was
quite the show of skill back there. I might even say you did better than when you worked with me.

: Th-That was simply because I couldnt let the Orphes be lost to us! Thats all there was to it!

: Hmhmm


: Um, well
We were way in the middle of the ocean, right? The waters pretty deep out there. Who knows, maybe they cushioned the blast and he made it out alive


: Ensign Berge

: Aargh, screw it! Were just feeding him a buncha crock and that aint gonna make him feel better!

: J-Joe, hold up!

: Listen to me, Arnie. You know I cant stand Ylbora, right? But even I gotta admit that he was doing everything he could to find your friend he kept at it til there was just no time left on the bombs clock!

: And he wasnt the only one either! Saya, the Tatsumiya kids
all of us did everything we could, didnt we?!

: I know
and Im grateful for the help. Im sorry to have put you guys in that spot

: Then

: Jin and I
neither of us had any parents, so we grew up in the same orphanage

: The two of us have been together since we were kids. We went through so much, worked so hard over the years, to make something of our lives

: So I was sure that even if we went down different paths, wed eventually come to terms with one another
I was sure of it


: I really am grateful to all of you. But, I

: I wanted to save him

: Arnie

: Th-Thats all I wanted to do

: Im sorry, Jin
Im so sorry