Part 50: Mission 20 - Rupture ~ Crossing Paths - Part 2
And now we just need to wreck everything without losing any ships. There are plenty of Festum, including new, powerful Sphinx-type Cs, but we had this fight before, so you know what to expect.
There wont be any named enemies here today, as the Festum are wont to do, be mindful of new waves of the guys. Just make sure you keep a steady pace moving forward, lest you be blindsided like I almost was.
SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

In the EU and JP routes:

: These are the Festum

: I cant let them move in on Heroman or even he might get assimilated
US route:

: We need to focus on the battle right now! Theyll start reading our minds if we lose our cool!

: But we also need to hurry on after Kazuki
SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter

: (The Festum appeared right around the crash site of one of the exploration vessels fragments

: (Was this just a coincidence, or

Setsuna: What are you after?!
SRW UX - The Eternal Soldiers

: Come on, now, dont be shy! Why dont ya ask
us where we are?!

: Because the answer is obvious. Where we are that is, who we are is Hell!
SRW UX - Deus Machina
EU route:

: Are you there

: These are called Sphinx-type
Hah, someone was feeling quite witty when they christened them with the name of a beast known for asking questions.

: Not the time to be impressed, ya know! We gotta wrap this up quick and go after Kazuki!
US and JP Route:

: Be wary, Kurou! Your simple thoughts shall be read as an open book by these creatures!

: Yeah, yeah, I know Ill try to think as little as I can! Now lets wrap this up quick and go after Kazuki!
SRW UX - Obelisk
EU route:

: These things again?! Im not about to let monsters like you get peek inside my mind, though!
JP and US route:

: Skull Leader to all units! These buggers can read your mind, so be extra-careful or theyll just duck and weave through your shots!

: Yes, sir!

: (I finally got to fly through a real sky
Like hell Im letting this be the end!)
SRW UX - Life Goes On

: Ive no time to waste on you! MOVE!
When three turns pass or you get the remaining enemies under 8

: Whaa?! Weve got more of them!

: Just what is going on?! I thought the Festum were only going to show around Tatsumiya nowadays!
SRW UX - Love Survivor
SRW UX - My Fate

: Aesap, do you hear that

: Hear what? Something wrong, Erebos?

: (Whats this sensation
? Its like
someones voice is ringing inside my head
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend
US route:

: Come, Festum worms! You may read my mind, but that shall not enable you to evade my blade!
EU and JP routes:


: Be on your guard, Cao Cao! These creatures

: I am aware. They may read my mind at their leisure - that shall not enable them to evade my blade!

Cao Cao: Tis a waste of breath to discuss ideals with those who know not speech!
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: Kazuki
was he really housing some proverbial evil spirits like Domyoji said?!
JP and US routes:
SRW UX - Obelisk

: So these are the Festum
Dont pull your punches against these, Nene, Lalamia! Were going!

Esekes (Roger), sis!

: Lt. Canaria, cover us!

: Heh
Any of them who dont want to die have five seconds to get out of my line of fire!
SRW UX - Love Survivor

: Always gotta be a goddamn parade of baddies crawling out the woodwork, huh? And Kazukis getting further and further away while were here!
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: Why was Cham with Kazuki
? Tsk, our workload just keeps piling up!
SRW UX - LOVE 14 ver. HD

: Hmm
do you t h i n k my song would work on these?

: Oh, w e l l
Whatever happens, happens!

Arnie: I am here
! I am right here!
When another three turns pass or you get the remaining enemies under 8 again

More?! Argh, theres no end to these things!

: This bodes ill for us. They can replenish their forces far more effectively than our army can. If this turns to a war of attrition, well be at a clear disadvantage.

: But, on the other hand, we cant retreat with so many enemies surrounding us
EU route:

: They force our hand
Ready the Macross Cannon!
The Quarter blasts right towards the Festum mob (ah, crap)!*
SRW UX - The Target.

: Energy supply across all sections is green!

: All units within the blast area are to retreat immediately!

: Macross Canon, energy charge at 91%, 92%, 93%...

: Weve marked several Festum within firing range!

: All hands, brace for impact! Fire the Macross Cannon and tear them apart!


: They destroyed all those in just one attack

: Thats some serious firepower theyre rocking

: (The pulse from before disappeared
Whats going on

: Grab your jaws off the dirt, maggots! Therere still Festum around, so dont let up!

: Hah, that goes without saying! We aint letting even one of them get outta here in one piece!
US and JP routes:

: But, on the other hand, we cant retreat with so many enemies surrounding us

: (If this is also according to the will of the heavens, then, perhaps, next we shall see
The Quarter warps right by the next group, only not as close.*
SRW UX - Rebellion Against Fate

: Thats

: De-Fold complete! No abnormalities detected throughout the ship!

: Several Festum marked dead ahead!

: Energy supply across all sections is green!

: Target
everything within our sight! Macross Cannon FIRE!

: Hold on tight! OOORYAAAAA!
SRW UX - The Target.

: Wh-Whats that huuuge robot?!

: Its the mothership of the SMS, a PMC from the Frontier Fleet
the Macross Quarter.
Deploy EU units!*

: Looks like we got here in the nick of time.

: Cpt. Scarlet

: Yo, been a while! And Im raring to get my hands dirty!

: Your targets the Festum pack! Formation Planet Dance!

: Yes, sir!

: Liu Bei, you and your allies made it as well!

: Aye! We shall fight together again!

: Im e a g e r to get to work too!

: (Indeed, twas they who appeared

: (Once again, the heavens send not the Yùxǐ, but people

: Troops, coordinate with them and bring down the Festum!

: Dont leave a single one of them around!
I hope you have people ready to get up top and cover the Quarter, because while its pretty bulky, that wont do jack if its morale drops under 80 and it gets assimilated!
SRW UX - Obelisk
US and JP route:

: And heres our first get-together with the UX. We better start things off on the right foot!

: So these are the Festum
Theyre reading your actions, so keep an eye out!
Triple Dog count: 4. The trio got an extra 15 kills today, bringing their total to 66. Joey got 8, bringing his tally to 31.

: All Festum confirmed destroyed.

: Weve managed to pull through somehow

: Yeah, but
the group with Kazuki is long gone now


: Damn it, if only those gold pieces of crap werent around to get in the way!

: And that raises the question: why did so many Festum appear in a remote area like this?

: About that
Sumeragi, could we collect that wreck up there and have it analyzed?
Points to the crater.*

: Oh, thats
is it part of the downed Europa?

: I think so. And I felt some kind of strange pulse coming from it

: Ah, I felt it too like it was calling out to something

: That pulse vanished after the Macross Quarters attack, though. And, when it did, the Festum also stopped appearing.

: Meaning that wreckage was drawing them here?

: I think theres a good chance of that, yes.

: Alright. Well bring it back to JUDA and see if they cant run a detailed analysis on it.
Mitsuhiro informs Hester that the spy at ALVIS has sent a message informing that shes escaped and is headed this way with the captured Nothung Model. The ladys positively ecstatic over the news and thanks him on behalf of the entire world of course, hes very happy to get a very valuable specimen as well. Thisll be a major step forward in their plan.
Hester also extends her thanks to Hazard for his and his associates cooperation in this plan. Oh, he just figured the Bureaus drone forces would be quite useful against the mind-reading Festum. But, on that subject, hes curious: How is it that only the Fafners are able to resist the Festums ability to read minds?
Well, 30 years ago, when the Festum first attacked our world, many humans became temporarily sterile due to being afflicted by a toxin released from the core of the things. The effect was particularly strong within Japan, and there was even fear of extinction of the Japanese people.
Some Japanese saw the gravity of the situation with the Festum and decided to take action: thus they named their group ALVIS and initiated the Arcadian Project. All the ALVIS kids were conceived via an artificial uterus, fruit of genetic manipulation and created with the ability to stand up to the Festum.
What ability is that? Immunity to their core toxin
Hester says. Which was due to the fact that those people implanted their thereto unborn children with Festum DNA. Even Hazard does a double-take at that. Thus, the ALVIS kids became the Festums one and only natural predator which, as a result, came with the hefty price tag of constant risk of Assimilation.
Hazard had heard rumors, but he didnt expect this to be the truth. It is an unpardonable crime to have foisted such a terrible fate upon the shoulders of innocent children! Hester agrees, which is why they needed to steal ALVIS research data by any means necessary so they can find a NEW way to oppose the Festum.
And thats the new Fafner youre developing, Dr. Bartland? The Salvator Model? Hazard asks, and he confirms. All that the bots missing is a core, which is why they needed a Nothung Model: theyll take its core and put it in the Salvator Model. Hazard hopes Mitsuhiroll come through the future of all humanity depends on him
as do Hazards plans. Yes, those ALVIS kids will serve me nicely as weapons. Heheheheheh
he giggles to himself.
In the US and JP routes, Richard thanks Jeffrey for the Quarters timely intervention, and thats no prob as the Frontier government asked the SMS to help us out. Lu Xun praises Liu Bei for his work in Europe and in space, but hes a bit uneasy about being on the same team as Cao Cao cut the same convo we had in the previous mission. And they also go over Fei-Yen finding her song up in space, too.
But the bigger question here is what happened to Kazuki. From what Richards been informed, it seems there was a spy at Tatsumiya Yukie Kariya, a former Fafner pilot cadet and shes taken the kid. Maya and Kenji are shocked to hear that, and the kid wonders if Kazuki and their teacher were like that. Did they elope over their forbidden love?!
Sakura punches Kenji and shuts him up. He got scared and ran away thats the long and short of it. He deserted us
, Sakura sighs. Saya compounds Mamorus shock by adding that, were we the regular army, thatd be more than enough to get Kazuki a date with the firing squad.
Arnie calms the kids down, though, as hes also a deserter and no one heres tried to gun him down the UX doesnt operate like the regular army.

: Toumi
from what I heard, you were the last person Kazuki spoke to before he left, right?

: Minashiro

: What did he say to you? Did he mention that he wanted to get away from this battle? Or maybe

: That he wanted to get away from me
SRW UX - Separation

: Soushi


: No, he just wanted me to remember who he is

: I see

: I
Ive a question to ask too. Did Kazuki say anything to you?

No, nothing.

: Then how you can just stand there and tar him as someone who ran away?!

: This wouldnt have happened if you talked things out with him! He didnt run you pushed him away! You're the one running from

: Maya

: You
You dont know anything! I thought

: I thought he, of all people, would understand me

: And Im sure
Im sure Kazuki thought the same about you!


: Do you believe you understand someone because youre looking into their mind with your Siegfried System?

: What do you
really know about Kazuki?!


: (Kazuki
I just
Location: Federation Submarine Brig

: Hrgh
So it was all just an act?! Your goal was always to bring a Fafner to the Federation?!

: Please, dont get me wrong. I said Id bring you to a paradise and Ill keep that promise.

: Paradise
all I wanted was!

Well, at the very least, where were headed is paradise in my eyes.

: It wont be long until we get there, so youll just have to be patient for a bit.
She leaves.*

: Kch

: Chin up, Kazuki. Im sure Shou and the others will come save us.


: Oh, someones coming! Hey you!

: Sshhh! Nothing goodll come out of them spotting you. Hide inside my coat and stay quiet!

: Gaah, dont stuff me in there!
Door opens.*

: Hey, Kazuki Makabe
Its been ages, eh?

: Michio
?! Whatre you doing here

: I swear, youve no idea how surprised I was to see that
you were the Fafners pilot. Sorry things got a little rough out there.

: Then
You were the one flying that unit

: That, I was.

: Ive been running as a Fed soldier, getting deployed all over the world, after my dad brought me out of Tatsumiya five years ago.

: Youre a Federation soldier

: And, um
Could I ask you about how things are back at the island?

: Like
do you know what Yumiko Toumis doing nowadays?

: Ms. Yumiko? Shes working as a doctor at our school infirmary and

: Shes a doctor?! Oh, wow. Did you know her childhood dream was to move to Tokyo and become an idol singer?

: Really

: Still, Yumikos doing well
thats good
Door opens.*

: So this is where you were, Triple Six.

: Triple Six

: My codename. She doesnt need to call me that when were not on the field, but I cant talk her out of it.

: Her names Canon, pilot of the Babylon Model, and my partner.

: You were the one in that red unit, then

: Well be arriving soon, sir.

: Where
Where are you taking me?

: Eastern Europe, a base of ours in the Moldovan Republic underground. A.k.a., the Federations Anti-Festum Teams research facility.
Allelujah and Soma have actually found said location, having heard rumors across various Federation bases that this place is a rather special research facility. Soma told him that the local solar power system stopped relaying energy and wanted to check it out
but is that really cause for concern?
Soma (who Allelujah calls Marie, Marie, Marie, Marie) thinks so something about this is bothering her. She does apologize for forcing him to tag along, but its not like he minds making the occasional detour in their travels.
Regardless, Allelujah figures there should be a transformer to convert the solar energy, so they should check there
and find that its gone. Theres a huge hole where it used to be, like it was torn out the earth. Whats going on at this base?
And the one US/JP route convo we missed:

: Your rampage is over now that weve arrived!

: We are the Octagons Volunteer Corps! And with justice guiding our hands, we rise to assist our comrades!

: Anyone who feels like becoming a stain on my Raija can step right up!