Part 116: Mission 33 (Earth Route) - VIRGIN FLUSH - Part 1

Mission 33 (Earth Route) - VIRGIN FLUSH

The attackers are a small group of Zaft troops who Ruri figures are probably here for observation.
It seems the fact that this area is under GGG control, not the Federation, hasnt done much to stop them though Saburouta figures the Coordinators must see any Earthling as the enemy.
Either way, Ruri says we must protect ourselves and orders everyone to attack but to avoid hitting the cockpits, if possible.

Well, no point in making them wait if they came all the way here.

Yeah, this wont take long.

Those CGUE are still sturdy enough to survive a non-crit hit.

Ryouko wouldnt be able to oneshot them if her life depended on it, so well use her to weaken whatever gets close.

Aye, that works.

Saburouta and Gai, lacking the Morale to use their Distortion Attacks (always a common problem for them), fail to kill a CGUE.

Since that thing is going to suicide against them, well have Kazuma pummel one of the remaining full-health ones.

Thats more like it.
The Valstork and Nadesico move in but dont attack.

Enemy Phase!

As the battle progresses, Natasha and David are wondering why Aki hasnt allowed them to deploy: even if the enemy isnt a Radam, theyve a right to defend themselves.
Aki says that shes reached her decision on the third Tekkaman, calling her in to be formatted to Armored Tekkaman form along with the others.
Right then, the door opens and shows that it is, indeed, Yumi François.

Here they come and Gai (Daigouji) is the first target.
Maybe he can kill this JINN with a crit?


He gets pestered by another CGUE and GINN but slaps them away, too.

That very-weak CGUE goes after the Nadesico, which is fine as I had Harry cast Alert.


Gaofighgar gets sniped right outside of his Broken Phantom range of course, it misses.

This one, however, is not as clever.

Damn it!

The Nadesico is attacked once more but Shihomi is in line to cover the ship.

Gai puts those Hero and Infight skills to use and gets a critical taking the JINN down in one shot.

Natasha asks why her chief chose Yumi, and Aki says only that was her decision alone.
Though given the opportunity to complain, Natasha doesn't object to her superior's judgement.
Aki says that there's not a moment to lose with the Radam getting more active in the area, and elects to equip Natasha with the newly-developed Reactor Voltekka instead of David.

He shrugs and tells Natasha that he wasn't cut out to be the strongest on the team anyway.
Yumi isnt really listening, unbelieving that shell really become a Tekkaman Hayato, at least, is there to congratulate her.

Moving along, more of the same.

Ruri and Harry gain a level, teaching Valor to the latter.

Last mook wastes his attack trying to snipe Gaofighgar

Player Phase!

Well deal with this smarty-pants right now.

Thank you, Volfogg.

Kazuma flies over and downs the last CGUE.

With only JINNs left, Saburouta starts the clean-up.

Hot-Blooded PUNCH!

As the fight goes along, Michi detects an energy spike coming from above indicating an incoming attack!
Problem is, the energy signal doesnt match Plant weapons

Instead, its the Radam that are mounting the offensive.

The Zaft flee right away, proof of the widening gulf of discrimination that is distracting mankind from its true enemy.
Tekkaman Sword is leading the attack, bound and determined to destroy the human perversion of Radam technology, but Ruri has other ideas.
She asks on the status of the Formatting Plant inside the base and Harry says its already underway we just need to hold out for a little longer until its all finished.
Mind you, Sword is worth a Barrier (S) Generator, an EN Chip, and a BP+1 and youve 2 turns to kill her of course, being the world-class intellect that I am, I completely forgot about this time limit

Since we were so far away, most of our team moves towards the Radam.

Enemy Phase!

Most the Radam do the same, though only a few manage to get close enough to attack.

A Radam Monster does get in range of Ryouko but now she can actually use a strong attack.

Thatll learn yer.

Two more Radam go for her, though only the Mother makes it out alive.

Sword moves up but isnt able to attack anyone.

Player Phase!

This would be the moment where I would throw everything available at Sword but yeah.

Running around to clear the smaller mooks, Kazuma sets his sights on a Monster.

No problem.

Ryouko and Gai (Daigouji) tag team a Radam Mother but leave it with a sliver of health.

Seeing how itll probably die to a counter, well have the Valstork use Assail and go for a Monster.

Gaofighgar, being invincible, nearly oneshots the Mother and blocks all damage from the counter.

Enemy Phase!

Allow me to summarize what happens with the enemies around Gai (Shishioh).

Total death count is of 3: two Monsters and the weakened Mother the southernmost Mother is at critical HP.

Up top, Kazuma is getting harassed by some fly.

Not anymore.

The other one, in a frenzy after the death of his buddy, runs straight into Gaofighgar.

The crapton of kills bumps Gai up a level and gives him Prevail L7.

The weakened Mother goes for the Valstork and, this time, Shihomi does her job.

Unfortunately, that last kill gave Sword just enough morale to start using her MAP.

This couldve been a problem if not for its bad accuracy.

Player Phase!

Sword is really starting to get annoyed at our people, as stubborn as the traitor Blade.
Gai (Daigouji) insists that your people will avenge D-Boy's death, but Ryouko furiously reminds him that D-Boy isn't confirmed dead, he's merely MIA.
However, Sword tells us this isnt all of the Radams strength

*All Radam Monsters are destroyed.*

While Ryouko prepares to wipe out the remaining Radam, Gimlet, who's been enjoying the show from the shadows, is sure Mister Silver will find this all very stimulating.
Mikoto soon notices him and calls out to Gai (confusing Gai Daigouji once again); Gimlet gives Gai a good day, saying they never had time to say their farewells when they saw each other in space.
He hasnt come to America on tourism, though, as Liger warns us that Gimlet stole one of the Q-Parts.

Theres no time to capture Gimlet, though; he shoves Tomoru aside on his way out, and his retreat is covered by a bunch of Bionet mecha.
Our best bet is to clear out both the Radam and Bionet units before deciding on what to do; Natasha and David are very eager to show everyone the power of the new Tekkamen and Yumi simply fights to fight as Blade did.
Hot damn! We've got Yumi and her incredibily broken MAP for us.
Come next mission, we'll quickly wrap things up and I'll have to do the entire thing again, offscreen, to nab all those goodies that Sword made off with...