Part 121: Post-mission 34 Intermission (Includes Unit Analysis #13 - "MAP Spamming" Edition) and Mission 35 - Prologue long last, our groups meet back are were starting to have a decente roster of units again!Before anything, your top aces:

Im actually surprised to see Volfogg there (I wouldve guessed Duo had more kills than him). Gai is closing in on Kazuma but theres still an 11 kill gap.
Also, Ive decided to keep the Earth Route since it gave over twice more cash than the space route and I managed to nab a whole lot more goodies from the bosses.
BP Upgrades:

Kouryuu and Anryuu have joined and, like their brothers, they are melee-oriented with some ranged attacks thrown in there. As such, they get 20 points in Melee, 10 points in Shooting and Defense.

Akis points have been building up since the start of the game (wouldnt have mattered to upgrade her melee when she was stuck in that useless Blue Earth), so lets cash in: 17 points in Melee, 3 points in Shooting, 2 in Evasion and 5 in Accuracy.

Duo returned to us with a nice stack of points, too. He spends 12 points in Melee and the last 10 points are split evenly across his Evasion and Accuracy (future points will probably only be spent on Melee).

Trowa has less to spend but its still a good batch. His Shooting is already decently boosted, so I give 5 more points to the stat, 3 points in Evasion, 2 in Accuracy and the remaining 8 points go into his Defense.

Finally, Gai Daigouji spends his 5 points 2 in Melee/Shooting and 1 in Evasion.
Skill Parts:

Yumis all about that Reactor Voltekka, so she takes 1 of the available Gunfights+1 (Ill keep the other on standby for a bit) and 1 Support Attack+1.

Gai already has a Support Request L1, so I toss him another one and also give him a Support Defend+1 to make better use of his invincibility.

Shihomi takes the remaining Support Attack+1.
Unit Upgrades:

Duos Deathscythe is in need of some love, so we take care of that: 2 points in EN, Mobility and 1 point in Weapons.

David catches up to Natasha, taking a point in EN and Weapons.

While Yumi gets 1 point in everything she needs.

Hrrrm I reckon I could spend this remaining cash making Trowa slightly better. 1 point in HP, Armor and Weapons.
Unit Parts:

Since no one is using them, I toss a Cobham Armor (+500 HP, +100 Armor) and Sniper Scope (+10% Accuracy) on the Heavyarms.

Both Kouryuu and Anryuu take a Booster, too.
Now, since we just finished our route split, lets start to take stock of all our new additions to the team. Today, well go over Tekkamen Vesna, Hiver and Sommer (well take a look at Aki, Tenryuujin and Lowes swanky Red Frame in the next intermission as thisll be a big one):

Starting off weve our three Earth Tekkamen: Yumi/Hiver, David/Sommer and Natasha/Vesna. Ill only go over Yumi since, apart from their Voltekkas, theyre pretty much the same.

The Earth Tekkamen are good, reliable units all around. As Blade, they can work both up-close or from afar (provided theyve the morale) and theyre VERY dodgy which only gets better when you take their friendship bonuses into consideration.
Of course, their evasiveness takes a hit from the broken size modifiers but it shouldve make much of a difference due to the absurd amount of Mobility they have.
One thing to note, however, is that they suffer from rather poor base stats having average ratings in Shooting (Natasha and David) to even below average (Yumi), so its important to make up for that with BP.

Being Earth-Made Tekkamen, Yumi and the others dont have the necessary systems for Crash Intrude attacks which hurts their range when low on morale (the only one that gets help in this department is David, who can use his Tek-Lancer as a boomerang). Still, theyre all quite quick on their feet and can easily close-in on sniping mooks (Anita and Hayato both know Accelerate, though Goliath doesnt this makes Natasha the less flexible of the three).
Their Voltekkas are all quite powerful (and Ive already talked quite a bit on how abusive Yumis MAP-version can be) but, as always, theyll eat through the EN Tank if you dont use it sparingly.
It should also be noted that, while they make great mook destroyers, they can also work quite well against bosses due to their combined attacks: Natasha and David can do Double Voltekka or you can add Yumi into the mix for a Triple Voltekka (this one being, I believe, having the 5th highest raw attack power in the game).

One thing I do love about is the nice variety of spirits and skills that they offer along with their subpilots. Take a look:
Hivers Spirits:
- Exhaust
- Gain
- Focus
- Valor
- Attune
- Alert
- Strike
- Accelerate
- Spirit
- Trust
- Sword Cut
- Prevail L4
- Support Defend L2
- Multicombo L2
- Focus
- Alert
- Mercy
- Valor
- Attune
- Strike
- Bless
- Accelerate
- Spirit
- Cheer
- Sword Cut
- Prevail L4
- Support Attack / Support Defend L2
- Multicombo L1
- Alert
- Focus
- Fighting Spirit
- Valor
- Fury
- Strike
- Guts
- Iron Wall (???)
- Spirit
- Snipe
- Sword Cut
- Prevail L4
- Support Attack L2
- Multicombo L2
Granted, they suffer from a lack of low-cost, long-range weapons but they are fast enough to make up for it and their Voltekkas (combined or not) give them the necessary power to stand up to bosses.
If you need to pick only one, Yumi is clearly the best one of the pack having both powerful attacks by herself and nice spirits; David can work nicely as a mook destroyer but, unless youre fielding Natasha, hell be only average (really, by himself, Anita is his main draw since her spirit list is very nice: Accel, Bless and Cheer in one unit? Yes, please!).
Natasha is a good attacker but has no bigger draws aside from mook-destruction, since she suffers from Goliaths rather poor spirit selection. If youre already fielding David and/or Yumi, you might as well field her to make use of the combined attacks.
Whew with all that done, lets get moving to the next Prologue:

Mission 35 - The Wind That Blows in the Desert Sands

Waltfeld (brown-haired fella) orders Dacosta (red-haired fella) to retreat with the ship, as theres no chance of victory left.
The survivors are to regroup at Gibraltar.

Aisha for one won't pull out, whod rather die than leave her man.
When Kira realizes that Waltfeld's forces intend to keep fighting, he tries to get them to surrender as the outcome of the battle is clear; Still Waltfeld is determined to prove to Kira what he told him earlier: in war, there are no clear-cut endings or even rules.
In short, as long as Natural and Coordinator remain enemies, the only choice is for the war to continue until one or the other is utterly destroyed.
Kira struggles mightily with this notion

Everyone starts at 140 morale, which has the positive effect of activating Kiras new SEED skill (unlike the show, it does not make him better than anyone ever; SEED works just like the Zero System, increasing all stats by 10).

Next step of one of the Gundam Seed secrets: Kira must shoot down Waltfeld before turn 3.

Before anything, take note of the Skygraspers: these are the units Mu and Cagalli (blondie up there) will be using when in the atmosphere (the Gunbarrel Mobius has poor terrain ratings outside of Space).
Its not all very impressive, being a weak and generic support unit it can dodge somewhat ok but its got such low HP that it wont survive a clean hit.

Waltfelds troops are way up top, so we need to start closing in.

Enemy Phase!

The Zaft soldiers also start closing in.

This BuCue is the only one that can attack but its nothing Mu cant dodge.

Player Phase!

Heres a quick look at Waltfelds LaGOWE its basically a better BuCue with the main danger being on Waltfelds skill as a pilot (he is a Coordinator, after all).
Still, the battle has taken its toll and 9000 HP can be easily dealt with.

Before we end this, lets try to grab some easy cash and kill as many BuCues as possible.

Theres one.

Theres two.

I couldve killed quite a few more using Archangels Lohengrin MAP but I goofd and left Mu in its path (and theres no way he wouldve survived with his Alert gone).

Ok, three kills isnt bad.
Now, lets take out Waltfeld.

Certainly a much easier version of Waltfeld compared to the annoying prick that he was in Alpha 3.

Kira takes a level, an A-Adaptor and a Prevail+1.

As his mech explodes, Kira screams that he never wanted to kill him...

It seems Quatre and his people were instrumental in keeping the Archangel in one piece and defeating Zaft in Africa.
Natarle extends formal military thanks to the desert guerillas, which Cagalli says aren't necessary; Quatre isn't entirely sure helping the Feds out is for the best, but what's done is done.
He bids farewell to Kira, who seems to have settled down after all the drama that befell since the landing.
Heres the summary of what happened: Flay was aching for revenge against the Coordinators that killed her father and she saw that Kira could be her ticket towards that; so, she started sleeping with the kid in order to get inside his head and make him fight to protect her of course, her current boyfriend, Sai, didnt take this nicely and went after Kira after the Africa landing (and promptly got his ass kicked because Kiras Coordinator skill give him boosts to Melee and Evasion).

Cagalli interrupts, requesting to accompany the Archangel for a while on our journey towards Alaska; mind you, the trip also includes a stop by Orb to give the Heliopolis kids a chance to see their parents.
This seems to rattle Cagalli, who Kira figures is from Orb seeing how they met in Heliopolis; she hesitates that its not like that but doesnt answer (though Quatre seems to suspect something).

Seina then shows up with a message for Quatre from Duo, who just arrived on Earth...

Kazuma catches the log up on the doings of the other route, before Duo comes to him with some kind of secret that he figures he can only tell Kazuma.
He hopes Kazuma can tell him why he didn't contact his family for those six months, and Kazuma reluctantly says it was because he didn't want to face up to his past mistakes; Duo supposes that that must be why D-Boy, who Duo says they saw while in Space, hasn't reestablished contact yet either: his sister's death.

Kazuma is shocked to hear that D-Boy is still alive, though he had suspected something from the jumpy reaction of everyone who had been in space.
Kazuma presumes that the best thing to do will be to leave D-Boy alone until he wants to reestablish contact, trusting that someone as strong as D-Boy will do so eventually.
Just then, Mihiro patches in bringing news that a Mithril transport has been shot down some hundred kilometers away.
It's not clear if it's Zaft's doing or what, but we've got to head to the scene pronto.

It seems that Sousuke and Kaname were aboard that transport, and, as Kaname wakes up, she seems temporarily unaware of where she is.
Wheres that island of paradise? Wheres the resort? Wheres The sea?
Sousuke describes how the Mithril transport base he wanted to take her to IS on an island, across the African desert. Kaname notes that anywhere would be paradise compared to this desert.
She supposes it was her fault for agreeing to go anywhere with him, though Sousuke says it was actually Tessa who wanted to chat with her.
Kaname frowns momentarily, and advises Sousuke not to make things sound like a personal invitation next time; of course, he didn't expect to get shot down, and can do nothing but apologize to her.

What's distressing to Sousuke is that whoever shot them down seemingly didn't want them to die, but rather to have time to get out of the crash alive and he knows what that means.
"Fortunately", theyre a mere thousand klicks from their destination, and Sousuke is used to this kind of heat from the time he spent growing up in the area.
Kaname takes the opportunity to ask about his past in more depth, and he tells her he's been fighting ever since age 8, instructed by someone no more than three years his senior.

He tells her that such things are hardly that rare, but the tale gets interrupted as someone opens fire on them.
Sousuke doesnt know who they are, as he thought the only armed forces in the area were either Zaft or the local Guerilla; still, once they show up, Sousuke sees that theyre the same group whove been following them since Japan.
They've got to flee on foot, and have no effective means of fighting back against mecha.

Fortunately, they don't have to. Quatre, Cagalli and Seina show up, having been sent by Mithril to assist.
Of course, Seina suspects that Sousuke might not be happy to see her; Cagalli asks what thats about but shell have to wait.

Whoever is doing the shooting isn't willing to stop just because Sousuke and Kaname are unarmed, and their leader Zaied starts attacking right as he recognizes both the Gundam Sandrock and the Princess of the Desert Dawn guerilla.
Quatre doesnt really know who they are but asks Cagalli to leave it to him; she wont, saying that shes also a member of Desert Dawn.
Seina wonders if shes hesitating to go with the Archangel to Orb but, as the enemies start advancing, things will have to be discussed later.
Now, as weve seen with the Valstork convo, our team will be arriving soon enough and since I dont think itd be good to do this after just a wee bit of fighting, Ill call for Voting time right now!

- Lowe
- Gaofighgar
- Anryuu
- Kouryuu
- Volfogg
- Aki
- Vesna
- Hiver
- Sommer
- Trowa
- Duo
- Ryouko
- Gai Daigouji
- Saburouta
See you all then!