Part 135: Mission 37 (Paris Route) - Intruder from the Darkness - Part 1

Mission 37 (Paris) - Intruder from the Darkness

Ryouma and the others quickly recognize Gimlet as that robot that they fought on G-Island.
Seeing how they never saw how his body looked, they didnt even notice him disguising as the street vendor; Gimlet is now much stronger thanks to the Q-Part and promises much pain for our people.

Akagi and the Red Dragons show up to try to fend him off, hoping to show off their skill to the whole world!
Sadly, they get get summarily pummeled with far greater force than we saw back in G-Island City.

Gimlet has prepared for a confrontation like this by distributing parts for the Bionet mech all over town, which hes able to combine into a large attacking force.
There's now a gaping hole in the defenses of the conference, and plenty more Bionet robots to charge through it.

Unfortunately for him, Renée quickly calls Kouryu and Anryu to take him down.
The Getter Team has heard of these new GGG Robots and the Chasseur agent from Saotome and, likewise, Renée has heard of them from Gai.
Gimlet is unimpressed that she means to fight him by her lonesome.

However, she says that she has backup in the form of Tetsuya, Jun, Lori and Loru who were patrolling Paris on their own - and they are quite ready for some throwdown.
Renée tells the dragon sisters to remain separated to take on so many adversaries.

Alright, time to finally settle things with Gimlet.
Sadly, everyone is too far away to do anything, so Tetsuyas posse goes straight down and the sisters move to the southeast.

Enemy Phase!

The eastern and western mooks start closing in but the only attack comes from this birdman.

That worked out pretty well, I think!

Player Phase!

Our people get some extra help when Kouji and the others catch up, having quickly ran back to grab their units.
Renée questions why Kouji isnt using the Mazinkaiser, to which Kouji responds that Mazinger is more than enough to handle these Bionet folk; Gimlet is actually glad that they are here: now he can destroy them in one go, as payback for his defeat on G-Island.

Setting up Iron Wall, Tetsuya jumps right into the enemy group (while scoring a kill against some crummy hit %!)

The sisters are already working their side of enemies: Kouryu takes a nice one-shot kill against a Savage.

These AI also have Support Defend, so chain-attacks are your friend.

Aw, I was hoping for another one-shot kill but I guess you cant win them all.
Kouji and Co. are way too far to be able to attack anything.

Enemy Phase!

Here comes the pain! A protected Tetsuya is assailed by mooks from all sides.

Of course some times, the RNG gods are against such blatant manipulation of dumb AI.
Either way, final tally is: Four nearly dead enemies and a dead Savage that ate a critical hit (and a smartass, sniping Serpent that I did not wish to Thunder Break).

Anryu gets swarmed by a bunch of mooks, killing a few.

Thats how I like it.

Player Phase!

Hayato rushes into attacking range and starts working on that clever Serpent and nearby Bushnell.

We can leave this guy for one of our stragglers to kill.

That Mistral really knows his stuff when fighting Mazingers

Tetsuya and Jun each take a kill.

While Boss leads the charge to kill the Serpent.

Boss Power!

Lori couldnt do much, so I have her heal Kouji up.

The sisters keep cleaning the east-side with nice efficiency: while Anryu starts weakening an underwater Taurus, Kouryu finishes a weak Serpent.

Enemy Phase!

Unlike its smarter sibling up top, this southern Mistral decides to take his chances again Getter.

That does not work.

It does work for us, though, as it bumps Tetsuyas morale up to 130!

Anryu is still wrecking through all opposition, killing a Stern Kugel and Bushnell.

The sisters take a level for their troubles, learning Hero L5.

As for Hayato, he wont be losing to FMP mooks.

Come on, Tetsuya. Its time for you to face the nemesis of the Mazingers.


Player Phase!

Kouryu deals with the weak Taurus (who, oddly, did not attack on his turn) and Anryu turns her attention to the last Serpent.

Though it may be far away, Getter 1 can just get close enough with Accelerate.

There it goes.

Boss gets working on the last mook.

And Sayaka will finish it off.

Now, for the main event.

Though he sports a much larger HP pool, Gimlet still doesnt have any skills aside Multicombo (though he does have that 10% HP Regen).

Still, we can start working on him.

Tetsuya is up next.

Aye, that works well.

Lori also does a wee bit extra damage.

Enemy Phase!

Gimlet decides to pick on Ryouma and, at that range, all he can use is his Boomerang.

Still better than Lori, though.

Player Phase!

Either way, lets keep pushing ahead.

Hayatos support of Kouryu made for some nice damage.

Now Im starting to lose my patience at how long this fight is going; so, I begin using Valor.

Of course, Boss isnt the most suited person to pull impressive numbers

Anryu fares much better.

Finally, Kouji nabs an assist from Jun to bring him down below 30%.

Gimlet gets irked at how stubborn we are, so he decides to call for his hidden reinforcements
He calls for an all cast finale but nothing shows up.

Aside from the HP restore, he now auto-casts Strike and Valor on his turn.

Taiga tries to use this as an example to Corbett of how humanity is not ready for the Q-Parts power yet itll simply be misused.
Corbett, however, sees things differently: THIS is precisely the power that can bring decisive victory against Zaft, the Radam and everything else that threatens Earth.
Gimlet calls everyone to keep the show going and Renée gives the sisters the OK to combine.

Alright, Gimlets all powered up so we might as well minimize the incoming damage.
Enryu is a prime choice, not only to use Alert to take away his Valor but to also cut his weapons power in half.

Baby steps.

Kazuma swings over and takes a potshot at the guy.

Alright, that works.

Now for the bigger guns: I reckon a valored Stoner Sunshine will do the trick.

Much better.

Next up is Hyoryu for some cheap damage.

Using the ever useful combination of Accelerate and Assail, Valstork can also contribute to the battle.

Ah, Melting Gun works so well I didnt even cast Iron Wall.

Even without Valor, Tetsuya and Lori take a huge chunk of the remaining HP.

Enemy Phase!

Gimlet takes a shot at Valstork but, with his weapons melted, he only chips the paint-job.

Player Phase!

Hes regenerated a bit but the sisters can deal with that.

There we go.

I couldnt build up enough morale, so Hell and Heaven will have to suffice!

Gimlet is worth a couple levels, an EN Megachip and a Gunfight +1.

Gimlet Empereur blows up but the Q-Part survives the blast.
As Gai grabs it, Kazuma notices that Gimlet himself lies nearby and he begs that we spare his life.

Renée isnt about to let him off the hook and finishes him off with a quick gunshot.
Kazuma starts praying that this "girl trouble" prophecy doesn't pertain to someone as lethal as her; either way, Shihomi asks Gai to bring the Q-Part aboard to keep it safe.

Just then, out of nowhere, comes Duke Gorgon who steals the Q-Part.
He has the body of a tiger and the head of a man - the very person Sousuke said he saw during the whole Poniman incident.
Gorgon announces himself to all humans as a bulwark of the Mycenae Empire, which once flourished in ancient times in the Mediterranean; these people fled deep underground to escape fearsome forces from another planet, but now they're back and cybernetically enhanced thanks to their vast science.

He announces the first step in his people's reconquest of the Earth: the utter destruction of all human civilization.
Among his arsenal are a bunch of familiar mechabeasts that were used by Dr. Hell and some unknown models; Gorgon explains that Dr. Hell did nothing more than excavate and modify some Mycenae fossils: these are the genuine article.

Kouji doesn't believe the threat that the Mycenae are anything different than Dr. Hell and moves to attack; Gorgon quickly has Dante and Psychoveia deal with him.

Kouji barely survives the attack and is pushed back to our group.
Gorgon takes this time to call Kouji out on his foolishness, thinking that his Mazinger would be a match for their Battle Beasts; Kouji yells at him to shut up, saying that Mazinger was made by his grandfather and is anything but foolish.
Kouji tells Gorgon to sit tight as hes gonna come over and kick his ass; he doesnt listen when Kazuma tells him to not do anything rash and Ryouma has everyone protect Kouji.
Gorgon is willing to meet our challenge, eager to teach us about the infinite power of the TRUE rulers of the surface.
Weve a much bigger batch of Mycenae troops than in the other path, so I think this is a good place to stop.
Come next update, well slowly make our way to the other damn side of the island (oi ) and see if these mechabeasts fall as easily as they did on the Orb route.
See you all next time!