Part 138: Mission 38 (Paris Route) - Deathmatch! The Devil vs. The Great General!

Mission 38 (Paris Route) - Deathmatch! The Devil vs. The Great General!

In Paris, we see Shirou and the rest of the hostages.
Corbett is in a major panic as the Q-Parts deadline approaches; he knows that the Federation will never allow the Mycenae threat to gain momentum and fears whatever non-nuclear deathweapon is about to blow Paris away.
Rose and Taiga tell his pathetic ass to shut up and try believing in the Neo-Wärter.

Birdalar informs his lord that the defenses around the area are impenetrable and the Neo-Wärter are all alone.
The Great General is looking forward to seeing how they'll fight, and Hardias wonders how they could be expected to do anything without Mazinger Z or Mazinkaiser.

Dreidou figures their only option is to meekly hand over the Q-Parts.
The Great General starts wondering if he even needed to show up today, if things are going to be settled this easily; however, Birdalar quickly detects Neo-Wärter approaching and the Great General figures thisll be our final act of defiance.

*The Great General moves to the front lines.*

Hell now auto-cast Strike.

The Great General of Darkness has moved to the frontlines. If you want a goodie, he needs to be taken down in 5 player phases.
As your morale will be rather low, youll need to charge into the fray and you WILL need to spend a good bunch of SP, so watch it.
Seeing how Im going after the Great General before his cronies, heres a quick look at him:

The Great General is by far the toughest boss weve fought so far, even harder than Gauron and Z-Master.
He has a metric shitload of HP and Armor and hits REALLY hard with his melee attack (thankfully, it has short range, though he DOES have an eye-beam attack that has longer reach); his stats are also huge, having top numbers across the board (and enough Skill to activate Sword Cut oftenly).

He is also jacked up with powerful Skills:
- Sword Cut
- Counter
- Break Morale Limit
- Prevail L8
- Support Attack L4
- Multicombo L2
Make sure to use Enryu/Chouryujins Melting Gun because, under 30% HP, you NEED to use some sort of protective spirit command or hes very likely to oneshot a unit (or leave a Super Robot heavily wounded).
Also, your troops are, essentially, limited to Valguard (with Auto-Strike, hell tear Valhawk to shreds), the Dragon Siblings, Gaofighgar, Great Mazinger and Shin Getter because, unless you like the Mazinger sub-characters and really upgraded them, they will hit with the power of a spitball.
He does not regen HP but dont be fooled by the long time limit on the secret, you will need those turns to build morale AND get through his defenses.

Since were on a timer, weve no choice but to charge right in and start killing mooks for morale.

Sadly, our morale is at the bottom which means that we cant plow through them as fast as we did in the Orb route.

Since the Valstork started farther back, all they can do is use Assail and take a shot at the General since he doesnt regen, every bit of damage helps.

See how tough this guy is?

As the battle rages, Tetsuya thinks to Kouji that he needs to hurry if were going to beat the Great General, well need his power.

One thing to note: dont be afraid to spend all the SP and EN of Tetsuya or the Getter Team.
Iron Wall will be your best friend when sending him into the fray at low morale (you could let their HP drop to trip Prevail but I dont like risking so much near a boss like the Great General).

Being flying mooks, Shin Getter 1 is the best suited form to take them out.

Try to kill this Psychoveia ASAP to stop him from lowering someones morale this can REALLY make things harder if youre after the secret.
Everyone else moves in but dont get in range of anything.

Enemy Phase!

A Drago moves in after Gai, bypassing Protect Wall, but taking a heavy wallop in exchange.

While Tetsuya gets zerged by Dante and two Drago Omegas.

He takes piddly damage but, being limited to his Rocket Punches, the outward damage is less than desired.
Mind you, he does take out that Drago that he and Gai weakened before.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck There goes all the morale gained this turn and 30 points of SP

Shin Getter is also getting zerged but, with Iron Wall, the four Dragos can only slightly scratch his paintjob (when they actually manage to hit) before getting sliced by a Tomahawk.

Mind you, all of the Mycenae commanders can inflict a shitload of status: this particular attack from Hardias carries that lovely morale down/SP drain effect.

Thankfully, Shin Getter dodges it.

Let me show you how much damage the Great General can do.

See that? That was on a unit with 1970 Armor and Iron Wall (and it wasnt a critical hit).
Had it been Boss or the Mazinger girls, it wouldve left them in the red (or dead, in Boss case).

Player Phase!

The brothers are finally getting in range, so we have them on clean-up duty.

Slowly but surely.

As an added bonus, they gain a level and reach Prevail L6.

Rairyu cannot call for a combination, so he spends his turn attacking a Drago.

Been a long while since we saw Lil Volfogg, eh?
Since Kouji is off on Gundober, hell be stuck in this form for the entire mission (needless to say, he wont survive a small glance from the Great General).

His damage is heavily decreased but theres nothing to be done.
Although, I wonder why he couldnt simply combine using only Gunglue after all, its the one with the Murasame Blade (Gundober has the 4000 Magnum).

Using Akane, I set up a valored Micro Missiles.
Upon retrospect, however, this wasnt the best idea as MAP kills dont yield out morale for anyone; its wiser to kill them normally to spread the love around.

Still, its what I did. The Psychoveia is heavily wounded and the Great General feels as if a raindrop fell on his head.
All other Dragos, however, are blown away.

Most importantly, Chouryujin rushes ahead, tagging the Great General with his Double Guns and cutting his attack power in half.

Tenryujin goes for a triple chain-attack, killing the Psychoveia.

This yields her a level and Prevail L6.

As for Gai, he sets up a triple attack of his own.

His HP keeps going down but its only a matter of time until someone trips Prevail and he becomes invincible.

Tetsuyas Turbo Smasher Punch is his only chain-able attack, so he further weakens but doesnt kill the three Dragos.
Also, I forgot to cast Iron Wall.

Jun compensates for the damage with a quick Trust cast.

Shin Getter takes the two remaining Dragos on the east side, killing one of them.

Enemy Phase!

The remaining Psychoveia is still gunning for Tetsuya and, this time, is trying to cut his attack in half.

Thankfully, Gaofighgar protects him.
Of course, the Support Attack of the Drago gets a clean hit.

All three remaining dragons, on this side, keep going for Tetsuya.

He manages to kill one with a rocket punch but, sadly, he falls barely short of killing the last one with a Thunder Break (Because of that fucking Psychoveia that drained his morale!).

Following that are both Dantes who attack their respective sides nemesis and take heavy damage in return.

East side is nearly all cleared, the last Drago being downed as he charges against Getter.


The Getter Team takes a level and Hayato learns Prevail L5.

Dreidou also has the attack-lowering fire attack. Thankfully, his sniping attempt misses.

Finally, the Great General sees a possible chain-attack and goes for it.

Thank god for that Melting Gun or this wouldve really hurt Tenryujin.

Player Phase!

Turn 3 and were still on the clock. First priority is to take down that Psychoveia, lest it lower someone elses morale.

Even though the east side is clear, the brothers still have the job of keeping the Great General under control (mind you, always use Alert with Enryu because, with all that Skill, the General can/will counter a LOT).

Every little bit of damage helps but that -50% attack effect is a godsend.

Hyoryu calls for the combination and moves after Dante, with some help from Tenryujin.

During her own attack, Tenryujin finishes the job.

As for the weak Dragos, Lori can take down one of them.

There, she did something during the entire mission.

The twins take a level and Lori learns Support Request L2 (which would be useful if we werent on a mission where there are no backup units

Gekiryujin moves up and slaps Dante around some, while Valguard takes it upon himself to further weaken the Psychoveia.

We move in for the kill, Gaofighgar takes the Psychoveia

While Tetsuya goes for Dante.

Sadly, hes barely below Mazin Powers activation (and hes not close enough to get Roused by Valguard).

Since she doesnt have anything better to do, Sayaka walks over and repairs Tetsuya.

I have Jun kill the last Drago and were done with morale fodder.
I checked and that Drago wouldve gone after Lori on their turn, so its best to kill him now and be done with it (I wished he would go after Tetsuya nope).

Shin Getter can still move, so he gets right on the Generals face.

60% HP left and two turns to go. I think were making good time.

Enemy Phase!

The other Mycenae Commanders decide to enter the fray.
Thankfully, their post-movement attacks carry no status effects.

They also dont regen, so its good to take this chance to hit them as hard as possible.

Aye, that works.

Whats worrisome is how low Chouryujins HP has gotten

Even though the Great General is weakened, I had him defend as a reflex.

Player Phase!

Once you decide to go for the kill, you need to go all out as the Great General can do some decent damage on his phase if he has Prevail running (even with his attack reduced).
I have Horis hit him with a Scan and Tenryujin will have the first hit with a Double Gun assist.

His last attack moved the Great General right inside the blind-spot of Dance of Light and Darkness, so we need to stick to this attack.

Hayatos supports really help ramp up the damage, especially for units that dont have enough morale for their bigger attacks.

Gekiryujin cant use his stronger attack either, so I have him use Wind Scroll to reduce the Generals attack range.

That was a valored attack, mind. His Prevail is already acting up.

Volfoggs valored Silver Cross does piddly damage. Boss support does even less.

Tetsuya doesnt have Mazin Power, so we need to compensate by using Great Booster now.

Hayatos Support is also a nice addition.

Thank you for rubbing salt on the wound, Tetsuya.

With no Supports left, we change to Shin Getter 1 and have another valored Stoner Sunshine ready.

Gai, save me!

Bless your heart.

I kill him using Micro Missiles simply to catch Hardias on the splash damage and wound him some more.

It works nicely.

The Great General is worth a lot of levels and cash, a Biosensor and a Max SP +5.

Akane also learns Spirit.

*Kouji starts driving towards Mazinkaiser.*

*Kouji gets closer to Mazinkaiser but an explosion hits him.

It was Gorgon, whose attack has wrecked Gundober.
He was expecting Kouji to come over as he took upon himself to safeguard Mazinkaiser, their greatest foe, and to keep an eye out for its pilot; Kouji notices that Gorgon used the same knife and bomb assaults as Poniman and admits that it was him in disguise at that moment.
He had infiltrated G-Island and investigated every last thing about Kouji; he knew that he cared too much about Shirou to not attempt a rescue while our people attacked thus he waited for a chance to catch him alone.
Regardless, Kouji isnt about to be stopped from reaching Shirou and Kaiser and prepares to fight.

Kouji starts shooting but Gorgons skin shrugs off the bullets; moving quickly, he easily disarms Kouji.


Back outside

*Gorgon opens fire on the area around the UN building.

*Gorgon moves toward the UN building.*

*A transmission comes in.*

Sadly, I was unable to take a clear picture of the other Generals faces due to the glitch but you can find their 70s appearance over Google.
Julicaesar: P-please forgive us, Great General
Ligern: Their power is formidable !
Scarabes: They broke through our defensive line various war fronts are being lost!

*The Great General casts Valor.*

I think this has gone on for quite enough. Next update, well finish off the lesser Mycenae commanders and then go for Round 2 with the Great General now with less SP on nearly all our guys!
Fun, fun!