Part 148: Mission 41 - Where the Power of Feelings Leads To - Part 2

Player Phase!

Inside the base, Tomoru starts giving up hope of survival, when were faced with such a large number of Radam forces.
Dead shows up, loving how he's given up so easily, and Tomoru quickly recognizes him as Blades killer.

He shrieks for the "monster" to stay away, and Dead agrees that he's quite the monster since he's no longer human.
But Dead also knows that Tomoru has fused with an even greater monster, surely HE has no right to call him such a word.

Tomoru starts blubbering about how he's not a monster, he's him and Orgun actually agrees with the statement.
Tomoru screams for him to stop talking into his head but Orgun points out that all life is a struggle, and orders him to fight for his own survival.

Original Orgun then takes control and forces Tomoru to transform, making it obvious to Dead who he'll fight today.

Dead has no issue is fighting until the explosion, not really caring if he lives or dies; he tells David that he never found the place in life he expected after defeating Tekkaman Blade.
He's quite tired from his long life's journey, and asks David to kill him personally.
Since David cannot bring himself to do so, Dead will leave behind proof that he lived in the form of the death of everyone present.

Well, Orgun is right in place to attack with his PEC Cannon, so lets cast Soul and get going!

Oh, yeah. Dead has a Small Barrier which means you get a 1000 damage reduction.

The mission ends if you kill Dead, so lets waste a little bit of time killing the Radam mooks.

Time to give Gai some love and see if we cant close the gap on Kazuma.

A whole bunch of troops are underwater, which means Benkei can actually do stuff; still, he falls just short of killing the Mother which allows Kouji to finish it off.

There are a few of those Pegasd Aliens, so well clip his wings with Lowe and Aki.

Why dont you guys like her?

The renewed alien gets a chunk of his HP rocked out by Mike.

Muu has launched in the Aile Skygrasper, so lets have a look at what he can do against a weakened Alien and a Radam Monster.

Ergh I forgot those monsters were underwater (his Beam Rifle is so weak in water that it doesnt even get a rating).

Sousuke works on another mounted Alien and, with Clouseaus support, leaves it barely alive.

Which means Kazuma can kill both it and Muus Monster.

Heat Edge Exploder may have a B in water but it compensates with Kazumas great critical ratio.

Kill enough Radam and reinforcements appear.
Our people will not give up, however, and will fight to the last second while that happens, Ruri orders Harry to keep searching for a possible escape route.

Respawning enemies brings about the threat of me carelessly spamming valor with everything to rake in cash.

Either way, Blade can handle Dead for a little while.

No need for Valor here. I just want to do enough damage to keep him from regenerating much.

Enemy Phase!

Blade and Dead trade attacks and Blade comes out on top again.

About 4 Radam make a run for Kazuma. He manages to weaken but not kill any of them.

Meanwhile, this clever Alien decides to try his luck at MAPing.

It doesnt work very well.

Also, it seems that Golion isnt a mook-magnet for just the Galra. Around 6 Radam also make a beeline for him (luckily, I had the foresight to cast Iron Wall).
Most were at full health but there was one weakened Alien that got killed.

Shin-Getter 3 also gets his fair share of attention.

Benkeis one-two punch is more than enough to kill random Monsters, though.
Mind you, three more Radam attacked him: two more Alien Tekkamen and a Monster (the Monster and the weakened Alien got taken down) neither did any damage due to Iron Wall + Water Terrain.

Oh? It seems like there is someone trying to be clever.

Broken size modifiers and no upgrades means that a huge battleship like the Archangel cant even oneshot a bugger the size of its foot.

Another MAP is cast and the Archangel takes the only significant hit.

Player Phase!

Since the enemy is spamming MAPs, Im gonna hop on the

Dont worry. I had Mihiro cast Alert beforehand.

Mike takes a couple levels and gains Hero L6.



Also, theres this

Still, we have time to kill before running away.
Mind you, one of those four targets on Gais chain-attack managed to dodge.

Lets see if a Lohengrin wont fix that.

Fine, Sayaka can take the kill.

Our friend has fully healed after ditching his surfboard. So, why dont we take him out in one go and, also, show off what Kira can do with the Freedoms strongest attack: Hi-MAT Full Burst!

Moving along, Tetsuya nabs an easy kill.

Which puts him position to help Kouji slice this Tekkaman.

I love this attack.

More lambs to the slaughter.

Enemy Phase!

Now, this is something that I enjoyed watching.

Essentially, it seems that the Radam had a collective brain-fart and decided that ALL of them wanted to attack either Kouji or Gai.

Either way, they just kept on throwing themselves against the robotic equivalent of a Great Wall of China made out of rhinoceros and semi-trucks.

To put it in perspective, Gai came into this turn with around 172 EN; by the end of it, he had 68 and he loses 8 EN per Protect Wall activation, which means he was attacked some 13 times (either directly or via chain-attacks)and NONE of those attacks managed to break through.
There were a few kills here and there but most Aliens managed to survive (I was conserving EN and using weaker attacks) still, there are few feelings in a SRW game that compare to see your guy take everything and not even flinch.

At the end of it all, Gai had an extra level and is the first person to max out his Prevail at L9.
Im pretty damn sure that nothing short of a final boss will be a threat to him.

Player Phase!

If theres one good thing to be said about the Radam, is that they were very careful to position themselves in a way to avoid Gaofighgars MAP.
This means Gai will limit himself to casting Bravery and turning 4 of them into the consistency of cookie crumbles.

Also, I believe Kouji has earned some extra kills, too.

Just so he doesnt feel left behind, Tetsuya takes another three mooks.
Sadly for him, his best chain-able attack is his Turbo Smasher punch which means that one mook survives despite Valor.

Ok, this has gone on for long enough.
Lets end things with Dead and move along!

Tekkaman Dead is worth a few levels, his Barrier S Generator and a Support Defense +1.

Blade also learns Prevail L8.

Lowe and Kira try to warn the enemy about the incoming Cyclops attack but they dont even liste - their distrust of Naturals runs so deep that they probably do not believe our warning, Taiga figures.

Just then a Sol Tekkaman shows up but its not Noal: its Balzac, who has found a route you can escape by.
Bernard is with him, and you all have to really hurry.

Our people evacuate the area and the Zaft troops move in to destroy the place, unimpressed at our cowardice.


At least Kira's back in business, protected by the Strikes cockpit when it detonated.
Despite all the drama with Flay, Sai and the crew welcome him back with not a few tears.
He explains that he's been at Plant, where he picked up the Freedom; however, Kira isn't planning to align himself with either the Zaft or the Federation Army.
This makes sense to Muu who, considering what has happened today, isnt really feeling like helping the Federation anymore.
Ruri has the answer, asking them all to join our crew - none of whom plan to follow another Federation army order.

That includes Youko, who actually believed Kira and fled before the enemy, and a shocked Jean, who tried to pursue her to bring her to "justice".
No telling what happened to Ed and Morgan, though.
Jean is feeling really distraught, having been betrayed by the Federation and tagged as a traitor by Plant, hes now feeling purposeless in life; Kazuma and Lowe, however, tell him to forget about either of those organizations space is vast and even a single man can always find something good to do!
Thus, Lowe offers to get Professor to hire Jean into the Junk Guild, so he can clean up Space with them and make it a nicer place!

While Jean gladly accepts, Youko figures she's only capable of fighting, and is happy to go along with our crew rather than get bitched at as an MIA elsewhere.
She crushes Kurz' hopes though when she says that as a Birdman pilot, she's got no interest in bedding ground troops.

Bernard, incredibly, plans to return to his army unit.
Being a soldier is his way of exacting vengeance on the Radam, the Eviluders and all those who make people unhappy; he insists that he's not the only noble one in the army and it's for their sake that he's going back to his unit.

Taiga and Forreston, whom they rescued with Michi, are already making plans to expose the conspirators of this travesty.
The fact that Forreston was made a sacrificial pawn at all is proof that his men of the Intelligence Bureau had been following the right leads toward the heart of the military conspiracy.
He offers Michi an apology for the mistake he was about to make had she not opened his eyes, and tells Taiga that it's clear that someone on the Zaft side leaked the change in targets for Spit Break to the Federation army.
That person must be very high placed, and it's now clear precisely why the Feds were being so "proactive".

Forreston expects himself to be under constant surveillance and unable to act freely should he return to the army, so he throws his lot in with the GGG and Neo-Wärter.
Taiga vows to uncover whoever is behind the conspiracy, and Forreston has Michi deploy Orgun's power on your behalf all to secure the future of Earth.

Much to his surprise, Dead finds himself still alive, and being propositioned by D-Boy and David to join your folks too.
He refuses, saying that his hands are too bloodstained and that they shouldve allowed him to die at the explosion; D-Boy tells Dead that the old him, the him that could only fill the void within by battling, is now dead.
The new, future him is still redeemable though, Dead is not sure hes worthy of having a future.

He decides to take his leave, to figure out what he wants to do.
While David worries, Aki says we need to leave him be and hope that hell find his answers.

At least things are better for the Space Knights D-boy is back and Yumi couldnt be happier.
Hayato is quite impressed with Yumi for standing up to Dead while STANDING above the Cyclops blast zone but she says it was Mr. Ds return that gave her that courage.
Natasha thinks Hayato has his work cut out for him if he wants to win Yumis attention.

D-boy is apologizing for worrying Aki but he suddenly keels over.
While our people scramble to take him to the Infirmary, Aki realizes that D-boys time is running out.