Part 150: Mission 42 The Flash of Dawn - Part 1
Before we start, FYI: there was a slight hiccup with my image capture program and the image cropping gets a bit wonky around halfway through this update.Its nothing major, it just left around 1cm of space that shouldve been cut out (barely noticeable but its there); Ill get it fixed before the next update.

Mission 42 The Flash of Dawn

Half our forces have to protect the other side of Orb.
Also, it doesn't help that both Tomoru(still coming to terms with Orgun and his situation) and Kuzzey(One of Kiras friends and Archangel crewmember. We saw him once, in Heliopolis) were absent from the briefing.
In Kuzzey's case, he's actually left the Archangel, trying for a more peaceful life.

Murrue knows she's got to try to lead those left aboard her ship and continue the fight in the hopes of ending the chaos in the world.
At least she's got Muu around to keep her relaxed, and one more mech to fight in our force: Cagalli in the Strike Rouge, made by Erika from spare parts of the Strike.
Asagi, Mayura and Juri are acting as her backups in Mass Produced Astrays, since they are unwilling to watch as Lowe(whos still missing since he found Gai Murakumo) and friends puts themselves in danger to protect their country.

As we feared, our opponents are the Federation army, spouting the usual high-and-mighty lines about how the "New Federation" won't permit Orb to claim neutrality when the world is in peril.
They want us to turn over the reins of government and immediately dismantle all armaments, much like Galra once tried on Altea.
We don't even have time to despair over this sad state of affairs, in which, for the Federation, there is only black or white: either were with them or with Plant.
The Orb civilian evacuation is well underway but itll be a while.

Ruri announces to the Feds that their intrusion is a clear act of war, and requests they withdraw immediately, lest she have no choice but to dispose of them by force.
The Federation commander sounds impressed that the Executive branch's forces have the guts to oppose the Security Council, and warns that this can only result in misfortune for the common people.
Ruri flatly tells him that she won't suffer those who act as though the world's problems are not their own, and adds that the secretary general intends to allow the common people to judge the truth with their own eyes.

The Feds commence their attack in the name of what they call safety and peace on Earth, though Ruri tells him it's okay for him to admit it's for the sake of a "pure blue Earth" instead.
Of course our people know he's a lackey of Blue Cosmos, and declare that the farce ends here.

Ed notes to Morgan that the Feds now look like the total bad guys, though Morgan's instincts as a soldier are to follow orders.
Ed laments that he's gone from disposable pawn to downright villain as the commander begins the attack; Kazuma is furious at this state of affairs, and needs an outlet for his rage other than on his own species...

The Federation is packing a bunch of newer models: the first one being this here Strike Dagger.

Its kinda crap, really.
Strike Daggers are average all around, with the top attack being a weak Grenade Launcher their pilots do come with both types of Support skills, though.

Im guessing the Feds are still using Bushnells to make their Daggers look better.

At this point, Kira needs to rely on his Beam Rifle to do anything.

Not very interesting but its good-ish damage against weak mooks.

Enemy Phase!

Gais Strike Dagger tries to get revenge and gets himself killed.

Birdmen are as agile as ever.

Still, its nothing Hayato cant deal with.
Mind you, Hayato is channeling Golion and attracts the other two Birdmen and one Serpent only the Serpent survives (barely).

Amidst all that, the Team levels up and Ryouma maxes out on Prevail.

Fighting the Feds means fighting against those brave Sol Tekkamen that have helped us so much

Aki takes out two of those.

Which gives her the level she needs to learn Love!

Morgan (and Ed) come packing 105 Daggers and, while the units are average, they make up for some of it by being decent pilots.

Sadly for him, Hayato wont be hit by decent pilots (though Morgan does manage to dodge the counter).
Interesting tidbit: the 105 Daggers were the intended mass production models to be made from the Strike; however, because of the Feds need to bolster their troops quickly and cheaply, they had to settle for the even crappier Strike Daggers.

Player Phase!

Cagalli moves after Hayatos weakened Serpent.

Of course, shes not upgraded so

Kouji shows her how its done, chaining together three mooks.

The kill grants a level and Prevail L8.

As battle wears on, Carret detects something flying from the upper atmosphere but its not tagged as Fed its Zaft.

The thing is a red mech that looks like a Gundam: It's Athrun who, when questioned by Cagalli, says he received no orders regarding this battle and is here on his own.
His only orders are killing Kira and destroying his machine, but thats also not why hes here.

The true reason why hes here is to confirm something.
He wants to have one more fight with Kira, so he can decide who and what he should be fighting; hell do this not because Lacus told him to, though, but of his own will.
Muu figures Athrun and Kira are destined to fight and suggests everyone let them sort things out.

Did you follow the Gundam SEED Secret to this point, including the steps in the previous Orb Route? If so, youre in the home stretch!
The last step of the secret is to fight Athrun with Kira and, once youve done that, convince (menu option unit must be right next to the target) him with Kira.

We might as well start working on that. Mind you, Athrun auto-casts Focus and Alert.

Even with Focus, Athrun will have a very hard time hitting our upgraded Freedom.

I missed this song!

Well do that in a bit. For now, Hiver kills the two survivors of Koujis attack.

With a critical hit, Hayato is able to oneshot Serpents!

As for Gai, hell keep charging the Strike Daggers.

Mass producing these things feels like wasted money.

There are a couple underwater units thatll take a wee bit more effort to kill, though.

Casting Assail, the Valstork moves to the front.

Damn, I got hopeful when I saw that it was a critical hit

Either way, Kazuma moves next to the ship and kills another Strike Dagger.

Which bumps Kouji up to 130 morale!

As for Heero, some Machine Gun fire is enough to finish what Shihomi started.

Enemy Phase!

Gai is attacked by a couple Strike Daggers but, being underwater and at full HP, they survive the counterattack.

Akis target makes a worse decision, though.

Thatll learn yer.

The last Serpent gets blocked by the Valstork before getting blasted by Murrue.

Here comes Morgan again.

Damn it!

Ed is not so lucky, though!

In Angst-Ville, Kira and Athrun miss each other.

Player Phase!

Alright, lets try to Convince Athrun: just move Kira next to him and this option should appear.
You dont need to have done the secret for it show up, mind.

*Athrun changes to a friendly unit.*

*Elijah shows up.*

Every Gundam series needs its resident crazies and Orga (in the Calamity Gundam), Clotho (in the Raider Gundam) and Shani (in the Forbidden Gundam) fill that spot nicely.
Neither of them have Prevail which, combined with the Gundams armor, makes them less-than-bulky minibosses (they do have Transphase Armor which reduces non-beam damage by 1000).
Mind you, they all have medium-to-long range strong attacks(especially Orga), so its best to surround and take them down quickly before they have a chance to do real damage.

They all have nearly the same Pilot Skills:
- Shoot Down
- Shield Block
- Sword Cut (only Shani)
- Hit & Away (only Orga)
- Couter (only Clotho)
- Support Attack L4
- Multicombo L2
- Biological CPU (Increases stats along with morale same boosts as the Coordinator Skill)

Lowe can also use the convince command on Ed. Its a very insignificant secret that adds next to nothing to the game but its there anyway.
We might as well do it, for completions sake:

Oh, well. Moving along, Cagalli is using her strongest attack: Astray Formation.

Good enough to kill underwater targets.

I try to get clever and snipe at Morgan but not only did I forget that 105 Daggers have Laminated Armor, he also uses his Shield Block to reduce the Lohengrin to a peashooter.
At least Shihomi did a decent support (that also got Shield Blockd).

Trying again, Elijah and Hayato promptly cut him down to size.

Which allows Aki to finish the job.

Truth be told, this guy was the bigger annoyance in this part of the mission (if only because I underestimated his massive stats).

Since Ed is being a knucklehead, Kouji will teach him to follow an order that puts him against Super Robots.

And Hiver moves in for the kill.

Blocking will not save you!

Oh, I forgot to mention: the reason why I used all my cash on the Freedom is because the Justice and Buster Gundams take upgrades from him!
So now we have three units upgraded for the price of one (the unit youd get from the SEED Secret would also take after its upgrades).

No kill like overkill.


Orga is worth a level, a Sniper Scope and a Multi-Combo +1.

Ryouma learns his Zeal and Benkei learns Prevail L7.

Orga gets pissy at his MS for not having enough power and then bails.
The other kids get different shades of annoyed/angry and bail just as quickly, mind.

Heero is still too far away to attack the druggies but he can shoot one of the last Daggers.

Seeing how I dont have enough troops to take out Clotho and Shani, I send Valguard to finish Heeros job.


Enemy Phase!

There goes the last Dagger.

Clotho aims to chain-attack Hiver, Kouji and Lowe.

Not bad at all.

Uh is this a bad time to mention that I didnt use focus?
Either way, he survives and now Heero is running Prevail!

Player Phase!

Elijah took upgrades from the Red Frame but he still wont do a whole bunch of damage on Clotho.

Time to show how a REAL UNIT works his craft!

Clotho is worth three levels, a Learning OS and a Counter.

Which teaches Lowe Soul!

Cagalli and Aki quickly take a chunk off Shanis remaining health.

Then, its time for Kira and Athrun to wrap things up.

Didnt even need to use Valor.

Shani is worth three levels, an EN Chip and a Prevail +1.

Kira learns Soul, too!

Tomoru is watching all this from the sidelines when Michi catches up with him.
He asks why she's not by D-Boy's side (she says Freeman is taking care of everything), and wonders if she's trying to keep an eye on her prize guinea pig.
She tells him to cut that out and says she merely wants to know the truth.
This pushes Tomoru to yell at her to leave him alone; hes the victim here: hes got a monster messing with his mind and all she, D-Boy, Gai, Reneé and everyone care is to force him to become that monster in order to fulfill THEIR wishes.
He says that hes no hero, hes a nobody who wanted a normal life.

Michi fills him in on a little secret: her impressive mental abilities are artificial, part of the legacy of genetic engineering the "First Coordinator", George Glenn, began.
Her father engineered her as part of a plan to create the perfect weapons, and for a while she hated him for it; but then she began to wonder what she could do with her powers, if indeed they truly were greater than other people possessed.
Tomoru is sure she can do anything she puts her mind to, and just as sure that he's capable of nothing whatsoever, no matter what power he's been granted.

She denies this, telling him that what matters is will and heart, and that goes for everyone on our team.
The power that Neo-Wärter has is that every one of us wishes to protect our world and, together, we stand to make that happen despite our many flaws.
She's sure that in him is what Orgun was seeking but that just makes Tomoru bitch at how Orgun made a mistake and that he wants nothing to do with any of this.

Meanwhile, our guys are noticing that the Feds seem to have fled the area but it wasnt due to the loss of their Aces: it was because of an impending Radam/Eviluder invasion.
The two sides quickly open fire, clearly not caring that they're trashing someone's homeland.

Leave asks Rang for orders and its simple: kill both Neo-Wärter and the Radam in one battle he tells her to destroy everything in their path.

Lance will fight them only so long as it assuages his boredom, until D-Boy appears.
Lance also knows full well that Blade isn't long for this world, and plans to burn down everything as a sort of graveyard for him; Kira will not allow this country, that has survived the Federations attacks, to be lost in the crossfire of the Aliens.
Murrue then gives the order to repel the invaders.
I think this is enough for today. Before we close things off, though, heres a comparison shot of Lowes new toy and the original Red Frame and ReHome:

Lowe is now the first person in the SEED Universe to convert a Mobile Suit into a Super Robot. Hurray!