Part 158: Mission 44 (Moon Route) - Returning to the "Day By Day" - Part 2

Before we go after Yu-Fan, I want to kill this other Behemoth. Before we kill this Behemoth, I need to get rid of these support-defending pricks.

Hm. Needs a bit more oomph.

Muu isnt enough but, adding Clouseau to the mix, we get things done.

Mao and Kurz start giving the usual service.

Well get him down in a jiffy.

This should be enough.


Fine, Ryouko takes the guy down and Aki, with Kiras support, kills a Sekishiki.

While that happens, Vesna can handle this weakened one.

And that provides Kira with the last bit of morale to activate SEED.

Then, its MAP time: the Sekishikis get blown to bits while the Rokurens lose around 50% HP.

Decombining, Valstork moves to kill the weaker one.

Sumbitch I think Ill save some cash and spend it all on Valguard (and may Gaofighgar as its been a while).

Sommer finishes that guy and Kazuma gets working on the last Rokuren.

Pre-battle picture didnt run but it doesnt matter: Gai used Strike and finished the job.

Which bumps him a couple of levels and teaches Soul and Prevail L7.

Courtesy of Blade, the last mook goes down.

Most units have already moved but Dearka can still take a potshot at Yu-Fan.

Eh. Its free damage.

Enemy Phase!

Round 2!

Much better.
Akito is still there and goes after her. I guess its cheap dam-

Oh, thank god.

Player Phase!

Alright, enough playing around.

Thats how I like it.

Clouseau takes an assist from Sousuke and Aki, wrecking pretty much all of Yu-Fans remaining HP.

This also gives Aki Prevail L8.

Off with ya!


Yu-Fan is worth a Biosensor and a Support Request +1.

Well deal with the crazy man later. For now, Yumi will bombard three out of his four mass-produced Codarls.

Theyve a decent bunch of HP but nothing like the Behemoths.

Blades right there, so he wrecks two before moving closer to Gates.

Sommer and Vesna can deal with the other weak Codarl.

Only one left.

Using his new Soul, Gai teams up with Dearka to nearly kill the last mook.

This is actually good, as it allows me to show off Deads Voltekka (and Dynamic Kill).
Going after Gates right now would probably result in him surviving with low HP and a lot of Prevailed stats, so lets wait one turn.

Enemy Phase!

Gates still spams Zeal and Focus but, luckily, he wastes both moves going after Valguard, Blade and Aki.

Player Phase!
Lets get this show on the road.

Gates is worth a Super Alloy New-Z and a Support Defense +1.

Sousuke also learns Prevail L8.

While we may have been victorious, the Successors have made off with both Whispered - Ruri knows that Tessas actions were a ploy to buy us time to rescue them, though..

Akito's assistant, Lapis, seems to have finished maintenance on the Eucharis.
Akito tells Ruri, before leaving, that neither of them have much time.
Saburoutas guess is that well all meet again, when its time to hit the Successors; Kurz hopes for a happy end to this story.
Sousuke says that wont be the end and Kira agrees, saying well still have plenty of other threats to defeat before that; thats not what Sousuke meant, though, since, when its all over, hell have a bunch of classes and field trips to catch up on.
Our people are, at least, surprised and happy to see Sousuke so eager to return to normal life.

Ruri has everyone get ready to return to Orbit Base but Sousuke asks to stay behind on the battlefield: he needs to take care of some unfinished business.
Clouseau gives him the go-ahead, so long as hes not late for the next mission.

Ruri thanks Erina for the help, deliberately not prying about Akito or Nergal's other internal affairs - she knows she'll meet him when we reach Mars.
Erina will send ahead parts for maintenance, since we couldn't do it here - not so much out of goodwill, but on the president's orders; Our people would love to give him your thanks, though it seems he's the shy one.
Either way, the Valstork has gone on ahead and theyve already received news of the Archangel eminent return as soon as everythings cleared, theyll meet up.

Al congratulates Sousuke on the battle, but says it's got a question.
How did Sousuke do so well in battle when he's never done anything like that before; Sousuke says that he's solved a problem - not just his problem, but a problem for everyone on the team.
Al doesnt understand and Sousuke tells his partner to ponder this statement and prepare for the long battle ahead; he vows to make good on his promise and rescue both Kaname and Tessa, no matter what.

Back on the moon, Leonardo notes that Sousuke seems to have liked his Christmas present to him.
He's counting on Sousuke to take care of his sister from now on.

The Successors aren't going to forgive his interference and one of Hokutens men has already tracked him down to pay for what hes done.
Leonardo asks if he couldnt forgive and forget, considering it is Christmas Eve but, of course, this is not something that can be forgiven without blood!
The Hokuten Cronie doesnt get to do anything, however, as hes struck down by Aria.

It seems that they cannot allow him to die just yet The Database is very interested in what's in his head...
Leonardo doesnt resist and goes with her, since he was interested in meeting them.