Part 163: Mission 44 (Patrol Route) - Child of Fate - Part 1

Mission 44 (Patrol Route) - Child of Fate

Lowe takes the unusual step of dragging out his giant-sized power loader, on the theory that the Feds might take pause at the sight of his 150m Gerbera Straight.
Horis figures this accords with the Trailer maxim that "Bluffs are an ideal death-weapon for not wasting Energy."
Kazuma wonders if they should combine into Valguard, then, but Shihomi vetoes it with another maxim: "Bluffs are a death-weapon, and overusing such weapons is fatal".
Either way, the enemy quickly arrives.
If they havent stopped at the sight of Shin Getter, Mazinkaiser and Gaofighgar, I dont think trying to appeal to their sense of survival will work

Our people are puzzled to see a squad comprised entirely of older mecha, no Daggers, except for a "Gundam".
Kurogane is surprised a group with such old units would call our bluff like this, as weve already shown to be able to beat even newer units; Theyre curious about the new Gundam, though, whom theyve never seen before Duo hasnt seen it either but its design indicates that its not Colony, OZ or Zaft-made.

Zechs identifies our group and the Gundams pilot, Canard Pars, confirms that his feeling of who we were was right; with that, he orders us to send out Kira the Coordinator.
Kazuma asks if hes a friend of Kiras, Mihiro saying that she doesnt think such a mean-looking guy would be friends with him; Canard doesnt answer that and simply adds a threat that, if we dont do as he says, our lives are forfeit.
When Lowe asks, Canard refuses to say why he wants to see Kira, so our people in turn refuse to tell him Kira's whereabouts.

Canard is, however, observant enough to realize that some of our people are off on other business, which probably means that Kiras with them.
Lowe confirms that hes not here and asks Canard to let us go.
Canard wont do that, though; he figures hell take us down right now and this will serve as his declaration of war towards Kira Yamato.

Fuuryu asks why he has such hate for Kira and Canard says that he does this because of his reason for living.
Our people have little choice but self-defense (avoiding the cockpits, of course), and Lowe is looking forward to grabbing Canard and figuring out what he's really up to.

As people said, Canards troops are all made of old-school enemies; you can probably guess that this is a warm-up but well get there when we get there.

For the time being, well do our best to raise morale.

Gai draws first blood quite easily.

Chouryujin moves beside him and guns for another Stern Kugel.

Ooh, almost.

Gekiryujin takes it down.

And the dragon brothers learn Bravery!

Duo slices a Serpent for a good chunk of its HP.

And Heero can take it down.

These Vulcans arent just for show.

Shihomi moves ahead a bit and blasts another Serpent.

This one will go to Tetsuya.

Unlike Kouji and Gai, who have boosts due to their Top Ace status, Tetsuya needs a little help getting Mazin Power running.

Golion guns for the Serpent but falls juuust a bit short of oneshotting it.

Hayato has better things to do: namely, wrecking the Sol Tekkamen.

Hell deal with them easily.

Volfogg joins the GGG group and leaves the last Stern Kugel hanging by a thread.

As for Lowe, hell take Golions Serpent.


Kazuma doesnt have much else to do, so he slaps a Tekkamen a bit.

Also, ReHome heals the damage taken by Valstork.

Enemy Phase!

Our target for now will be this Ortigia carrier instead of Canard, so lets weaken him a wee bit.

It can do decent damage but its nothing to be worried about.

Canard is slightly impressed and figures this could be fun, making Kouji call him out for spouting such stereotypical bad guy lines.
Ryouma says hes targeting one of our friends, which makes him our enemy but he demans he explain why hes doing that.

Canard says he has his reasons and spilling our blood is merely a part of his plan also, he had a pincer-attack set up while we were distracted by him.
The new reinforcements seem to be aiming straight at the ReHome, trying to take out our unguarded battleship the ship isnt made to sustain this much continuous fire and Liam says theyll be in big trouble soon.

That is, until we get an extra help from Prayer: he launches the Dreadnought, with an old Zaft head attached to replace his stolen one.
Boss and Co. figure he took it from some of the junkd GuAIZ parts the Junk Guild took when salvaging his ship it makes sense for Boss, as theyre all Zaft Mobile Suits, so they SHOULD be compatible (Mihiro doesnt think it works like that but ).

Lowe tries to get Prayer to stand down but the kid says that he not only has to protect the mech, he feels an obligation to help out, since we got into this fight on his behalf.
Our people wont look a gift-horse in the mouth and simply ask him to stay close we wont break our promise to keep him safe; Prayer now sees why Malchio spoke so highly of our group and figures that we might be trustworthy enough to learn about the Dreadnought's secret.

Hurray, new units! Well use Prayer in a jiffy but, for now, its still the enemys turn.


A Birdman and a Stern Kugel gun for the Valstork, who gets protected by ReHome and kills them with a counterattack.

Lets see how Koujis luck is holding.

Very nicely, indeed.

Both Sol Tekkamen ignore Getter and go for the damaged Golion he takes some decent hits but kills one of them back.

No way to avoid this, so lets have Golion cut Canards attack power.

Ah, yes. Canard also has something of a barrier.

That chain-attack bumped Kouji up to 130 morale, though!

Player Phase!

Golion heals the damage with some Guts from Seidou.
Now, lets take a quick look at Canard and his Hyperion Gundam:

Canard has a crapton of stats all over the place, with a focus on his Shooting and HUGE Evasion further boosted by his Coordinator Skill.
Hyperion has a decent bunch of mobility, armor and HP, alongside the Armor Lumiere barrier which will outright cancel any attack that doesnt break 2000 damage.
The Hyperion also has Shoot Down and Sword Cut, which Canard can activate oftenly with his large Skill stat.

For his weapons, the Hyperion is well covered in pretty much all types of range with a good amount of power, too.
Keep in mind that the numbers above have been cut in half due to Golion, so he has two attacks with 4000-ish power thankfully, his best attacks cant chain people, so hell likely prioritize his weaker attacks during his turn.

Finally, Canard is loaded with all kinds of powerful skills:
- Sword Cut
- Shoot Down
- Shield Block
- Counter
- Coordinator
- Break Morale Limit
- Prevail L9
- Support Attack L2
- Multicombo L2
Conclusion: like many Coordinator enemies, Canard will grow stronger as the battle goes along which means you should prioritize taking him down ASAP when necessary.
When you do need to attack him, make sure to either bring Volfogg to break that barrier or use Barrier-piercing attacks, because that Armor Lumiere paired with Prevail L9 has a big chance of blocking support-attacks or unvalored attacks.

Well kill the Ortigia only after weve gotten the cash from Canards ambush but we can still weaken it some.

This generic captain doesnt have any skills worth worrying about.

Kazuma takes down the last Birdman.

Gais Demolition Co. starts moving east, with Mike singing along the way.

Duo and Hayato stick around the Ortigia, weakening it down a bit more.

By the by: Prayers Dreadnought takes upgrades from the Red Frame. Thank you, Lowe!

Sadly, the mobile suit is unfinished and offers little more than a common GuAIZ.

Either way, Hayatos own attack leaves the Ortigia barely alive.

Enemy Phase!

Here comes the pain: two Birdmen decide to go after Gaofighgar.


Following that, the last Birdman and a Stern Kugel go for Tetsuya.
The Stern Kugel had the hit % on his side and dodged the counter.

Couple of Stern Kugels also go after ReHome.

While the Linear Cannon is a stronger weapon, I thought the Junk Toss and Mass Driver attacks added more personality to the ship.

Tetsuya also attracts the attention of the Serpents.

At least the second Serpent got hit

Oi its a weird day when Hayato dodges and Prayer takes it on the chin.
At least itll get his Prevail L6 running.

Player Phase!

Alright, enough messing around.

A Serpent and two Sol Tekkamen get killed and everything else is in the red.

Tetsuya once again gets screwed by the RNG Gods but he has Chouryujins support to take the kill.

Gekiryujin also needs some morale.

This last kill also bumps Tetsuya up to 130 morale.

Chouryujin takes another kill while Volfogg greatly weakens the last Serpent.

Rock the shit out of that Stern Kugel, Mike!

While that goes on, Lowe and Golion keep cleaning the beat-up mooks.

Alright, thats nearly all of the Fed troops (just one Sol Tekkaman left but he aint worth anything); Ill take this chance to have Prayer show off his strongest attack, Pristis Beam Reamer, against the Ortigia.
Mind you, I plan on killing both Canard and the ship with a MAP, off-screen and with a lot of save scumming, so lets rewind and see a proper battle against emo-boy there.

By the by, as I said before, its good to open this battle with a Melting Siren + Wanrei combo to both disable his Armor Lumiere and debuff Canards mobility.

Lowe taunts Canard, asking how does he like them apples; Canard is slightly impressed, but not worried, and is willing to keep going.
That is, until he gets an early recall order he has a new mission.

Before he goes, Lowe asks whats his problem with Kira.
All Canard will say is that it has to do with how Kira was born; whatever he means by that, his hatred of Kira is as clear as an open book to Heero.
Kazuma and others wonder whats so special about Kiras birth to make him a target like that. (our Moon folks havent been to Mendel yet, so )

Aria, who was watching our fight and observing Canard, is also interested in Kira's birth.
Like in the other path, she is VERY happy to see Mihiro and her sisters again and very eager to destroy Kazuma at the cellular level; our people figure she knows something about Kiras birth and how it connects to Canard and, indeed, shes been tasked with recording data on the subject.
However, she's plenty happy to take out "stupid Kazuma" before doing that, and there's no real choice but to start blasting (also, Kazuma has had enough of her calling him idiot).

Ah, well. Weve taken her easily on the other path but this time shes accompanied by several Database units, including those Reuses.
As always, Gai is our MVP with his Protect Wall.

Enemy Phase!

Kazuma gets attacked by a couple of Opuses.

This one hangs on but the second gets hit with a critical and dies in one go.

Golion also gets attacked twice and while the first one took a hit, the second lowered his Accuracy and evaded.

Bad move, motherfucker.

Gai gets attacked twice, either blocks or dodges and kills both Opuses with extreme prejudice.

This last kill gets the Zero System going.
Mind you, Aria isnt moving.

Player Phase!

Quickly now, Gekiryujin chains both Golion and Kazumas Opus for a double kill.

This gives the brothers another level and Hero L7.

Normally, the game would play Last Impression but we all know that Wufei is not who anyone would be happy to see here!

Now, the real meat of this mission begins.
Still, I think Im spreading my troops around well enough GGG and Kazuma will lead the charge against Aria and everyone else will deal with Ginas more numerous troops.
Well get things done, next update.
See you all then!