Part 166: Mission 45 (Patrol Route) - A Storm of Destruction Blows In - Part 1

Mission 45 (Patrol Route) - A Storm of Destruction Blows In

Lowe and Gai meet in a specified location, Lowe thanking Gai to take the risk of coming here alone despite all that happened between them, he still needs some answers as to why Gai stole Prayers Neutron Jammer Canceller.
Before Gai starts answering, he tells Lowe that they both seem to have erred.

Too many people want to get their hands on the thing, and some of them have just arrived: the Martian Successors.
The captain says that its just as the Zaft informant told them: the unit that stole the Canceller is alone!
Lowe doesnt understand why terrorist would be interested in it but its clear to Gai: they dont want the energy crisis being solved as thatd be counterproductive to their plans.

The Successor captain claims its not so: they're just trying to fulfill their debt to George Glenn by aiding the Zaft.
Lowe says that the Captain would cringe if he heard this much nonsense being done in his name the Successor captain gets startled for a second but Lowe knows that theyd never believe his words about George.
Regardless of motivations, the Earth is in bad enough shape without the Successors playing around and Lowe will not turn the other cheek to terrorists.

Gai doesn't care which side they're on - his mission from a certain man is to ensure that the Neutron Jammer Canceller isn't misused.

Gai requests Lowes assistance on this mission and he is only too happy to help out.
He doesnt leave his friends hanging!

Now, this here is a complete joke made only slightly slow due to the fact that the successors may sometimes hang on with a wee bit of HP.

Like so.

The mooks accuracy isnt very good but the Power Loader would still have a hard-ish time as they wouldve ganged up on it.

Which is why I made sure to bring the Flight Pack both Astrays mobility are high enough that theyve no problems dodging without Focus.
Mind you, this will be just a huge clean-up while I spam both sword attacks; as such, let me just skip to the end.

Player Phase!

OK. We only have one left but why dont we finish it off with a little something special? Astray Double Blade is only available if the Red Frame is either frameless or in Flight Pack.

The two of them make short work out of the Successor troops but Prayer and the others show up, having detected the battle.
Gai recognizes the kid as Malchios apprentice and mentions that the mission he got was received from the Priest himself; it seems that Malchio understood the potential risk of bringing the Canceller to Earth and wanted some insurance.
Gai explains that his mission is to destroy the gadget should it risk falling into the wrong hands; he doesnt consider Prayer to be one of those people but he knew itd only be a matter of time before those wrong people started acting and, as such, decided to steal the gadget to keep it safe until they were dealt with.
Lowe understands Gais concern but theres really no reason for that our team has already decided to protect Prayer and the Dreadnought, so there isnt a risk.

Either way, it's the Neo-Wärter's job to beat down anyone who would use the Canceller for evil.
Gai supposes that its not like we arent already a major target since your team already has the Freedom and Justice; he supposed it couldn't hurt to let them have the Dreadnought, too.

Duo asks what the two other Mobile Suits have to do with the Dreadnought and Gai reveals that both units are already equipped with Neutron Jammer Cancellers of their own.
This at least explains to Lowe why Kira wouldnt let anyone other than himself do maintenance on the Freedom; Gai (Shishioh) notices that the Kira was shouldering a much larger responsibility than we thought.
Either way, Gai asks Kazahana to transfer the key-codes to a container: in there, well find the stolen parts of the Dreadnought (along with the Canceller); Prayer didnt expect the Serpents Tail to have such a small child among their ranks and Kazahana gets annoyed, saying that Prayer is barely older than she is!

The argument is interrupted as George detects some uninvited guests: Zaft.
They are obviously here after both us and the container, so theres no choice but to fight back.

Doctor Mikhail is surprised to run into the Junkmen in here but our people are more concerned with a new model of Zaft Gundam thats been deployed: the Regenerate Gundam piloted by Ash Gray.
Mikhail reminds him to follow all of his orders but theres no problem: the orders are to kill everyone, yes? He can follow that; Mikhail is now wishing he didn't have to depend on lunatics like this...
This new gundam seems to be quite the powerhouse and Duo can feel its pilots killer instinct from across the battlefield.
Lowe has the Re-Home retreat away from the front lines and to get working on open Gais container to fix the Dreadnought.

Well start off as usual.

Following that, everyone just moves forward towards the Zaft troops.

Enemy Phase!

Here they come.

Good man.
A GINN also attacks him but barely survives the counter.

Tetsuya gets some help from Kouji and pushes his attacker away.
All other Zaft troops (except Ash and Mikhail) move closer but dont attack.

Player Phase!

Might as well give Trowa some love and help him catch up a bit.

I just remembered that I havent upgraded him much hrm.

Kazuma chains four mooks, taking down the weakened GINN.

Kouji will start a chain from Hayatos CGUE.

There we go.

Tetsuya follows up on Kazumas attack, taking down a GINN, weakened the CGUE and missing the GuAIZ.

Keep those chain-attacks coming, Wufei.

Just one kill, with that CGUE.
Also, I just noticed that Wufei is STILL wearing Marimeas uniform he really likes that shorts-and-tie combo, huh?

Gai kills things, as always.

With Alert, Golion charges ahead to pull more chain-attacks.

In case youre wondering, Im trying to always make chains to nullify the Zaft Mooks Support Defenses.

Duo nearly finishes the job but the CGUE hangs on then, the RNG decides to screw him over with the GuAIZ getting a lucky hit.

Shihomi doesnt get a critical hit, so that GINN doesnt get blown away.

Itll be good to get Mike a lil bit of morale, though.

Good, good; he also learns Hero L7 from a level up.

Heero finishes what Shihomi started, while Hayato is leading the charge against the remaining troops.

Lowe is back to his speedy self, so he pops over there and takes aim.


Enemy Phase!

Look at this clever sumbitch

Thatll learn yer.
Another CGUE goes for the Valstork but it wasnt a kill, either.

Finally, the last CGUE guns for Golion but its under Shihomis protection.

Uh, oh. Here comes Ash.


As the battle progresses, Liam detects Canard approaching.
Lowe shouts at him that Kira STILL isnt here but Canard says that today hes come for our Neutron Jammer Canceller.

He wants it to make his Hyperion complete!
He quickly moves to attack the Re-Home and our people are very far away to intercept; however, Quatre sees the ships cargo bay opening.

Its the Dreadnought, complete with his proper head, who comes out and fires back at Canard.
Lowe is a bit worried that Prayer is piloting in his condition but he, breathing heavily, insists that hes fine he wants to use the Dreadnoughts true power to help us.
Kazahana knows that they wont convince Prayer to leave the battle, so she makes him promise to come back at the first real sign of danger; she says that he can count on his friends to help with his mission, so he neednt feel like he must shoulder this burden alone.
Prayer thanks her and promises to do so.
While everyone tells Prayer to get close, so we can beat these folks back together, Canard sees this as another pilot that he must surpass in order to beat Kira.

Mikhail tries to capitalize on Ashs attack.

Thankfully, Hayato is now running a bit of Prevail and dodges.

Player Phase!

Now for a little SP investment: Kogane uses Rouse to give a 10 morale boost to both Shihomi and (more importantly) Mike.

This, in turn, allows Mike to break out the MAP Disc P!

Very nice.

Kouji gets his Mazin Power running because of it.

With that taken care of, Duo takes an assist from Hayato and cuts Mikhail nicely.

Mikhail is worth a Laminate Armor and a Multicombo +1.

Mikhail sees that this operation has proven more complicated than he expected and retreats before things get any worse.
Ash scoffs at the proud doctor's retreat, figuring he's better suited to saving lives than to taking them; he, on the other hand, was born to do this, always following his own heart and his heart tells him: KILL MORE! KILL FASTER!

Lets have a quick look Ash and his Regenerate Gundam:

Ash is, bar none, the strongest Gundam opponent weve had so far as always, hes packing a zillion points in all stats, his Regenerates mobility is very high (140) and he has a big chunk of HP.
Mind you, he also has several tricks to use: hes got Mirage Colloid, Phase Shift Armor, 10% HP regen (as expected) and is the first enemy equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller (giving him that EN Regen).
Like Gina, youll need to use Strike if you want to reliably hit him but, thankfully, his Armor is surprisingly low, so you can take him down quickly before he becomes a bigger pain-in-the-ass.

The Regenerates attacks have very high power for a boss and, more importantly, he comes with a 4000 power MAP attack which can really put the hurt if youre not prepared for it.
Hes got no status effects but his weapons cover their ground really well hes got no blind-spots on his weapons but, on his turn, hell prioritize chain attacks.
Thankfully, like Gina, he cant do those with his strongest attacks: Scylla and Lightcraft Propulsion (mind you, this attack bypasses barriers).

Ash has a pretty dangerous selection of skills, too:
- Sword Cut
- Shoot Down
- Hit & Away
- Coordinator
- Break Morale Limit
- Prevail L9
- Support Attack L4 (get rid of nearby mooks ASAP!)
- Multicombo L2
Conclusion: as with dangerous Coordinators, youll want to take him out in one turn to avoid him getting the added boost from that Prevail (which hell probably use to throw a MAP) to make your life easier, put the Mobility -50% and Armor -30% debuffs.
His Lightcraft Propulsion is strong enough to pull good damage against Mazinkaiser and Gaofighgar, so make sure you keep people protected (unless you plan on using Ashs damage to trip someones Prevail).
Do try to conserve some SP, as we still need to deal with Canard.
With that done, lets get to work on him.

Ash starts laughing as the fight progresses, really enjoying himself.
This is the thrill that he was looking for, its the only reason why joined the Plant army in the first place.

Lowe doesnt believe what hes hearing but its true, Ash doesnt care on bit about danger to Plant or whatever else its all an excuse, his only objective is: killing as many people as he can.
Kouji and Tetusya get pissed at how casually Ash dismisses the sacrifices of all of his dead Zaft companions.
Lowe says that everyone hes met, despite their side, always believed in something bigger than themselves; they may have fought and disagreed on stuff but none of them lived to kill like Ash!
Hes irredeemable and Lowe will put an end to his insanity; Ash tells him to go ahead and try as itll only make the fight more fun before he kills us all).

Hm Banpresto, doesnt that constitute as a spoiler?

Now go be crazy elsewhere.

Ash is worth a Hybrid Armor and a Hit & Away.

Tetsuya also gets his Mazin Power going.
Prayer did have lines against Ash but he was too far away and busy with Canard:

He runs before you can finish him off, figuring theyll blame him for this mission going south anyway.
Still, he cant have his fun end yet and quickly leaves Lowe wont pursue, though, as he knows Prayer is still in danger.
This is good enough for today; come next update, well deal with Canard and other possible things.
See you all then!